Legislations | Brickston Supreme Authority Gazette
Legislations approved by the Supreme Authority and news about the Legislature is posted here.
Generic Universal Pharmaceutical Usage Act, Passed by S.A. on the 3rd of October, 2021 under the Legislative Council Process (Amendment)
Recognizing that legal pharmaceutical products under expertise prescription are important;
Noticing the medicinal patents and copyrights that corporations impose that severely decrease the production of vital medicinal goods;
Using the example of a viral epidemic to describe the shortage of vaccines due to a national or multinational corporation patenting and unethically regulating the usage of these vaccines;
This legislation makes legal medicinal products with doctoral prescriptions generic;
No drugs or medical equipment can be regulated in terms of production; meaning that any producer can produce legal medicinal products.
No one group or corporation can patent a medicinal product with the intent to be the only producer.