European Enterprise Penalties Act
To respond to the concerns may I propose the following ammendment:
Article II:Penalties for Breach of EU Law
I. Any Enterprise shall be fined up to 10% of global revenue for every breach of EU Law if they do not comply with EU law within 3 months after a first violation or a timespan set in individual acts
II.The fines shall be applied by the European Court Of Justice after receiving reports of breaches prosecuted at state level.The company may appeal any fine and the case will be hear in the European Court of Justice in line with procedures of the court. Any case may be raised to the European Court of Justice if the plaintiff feels the fine by the national court was too low.This should hopefully addresss concerns and allow time for change and a little more flexibility.
James Mizrachi-Roscoe, Councillor for United Duchies
I also propose the following ammendment:
III. Private individuals may present a case directly to the European Court of Justice that a company has breached EU law or ask the court to review a national decision if they feel unhappy with the judgement.
IV. Every individual type of breach of EU lawshall countmay be counted as a seperate breach and therefore be subject to stacking of up to 10% of revenue penalties and be dealt with independently. -
In mind of the current opposition to the act in its current form I will withdraw this act from consideration. I will actively work with the critics of the legislation in order to bring it back in an acceptable form with requirements for companies to have time to fix any issues for the first offences and set a level that most feel is appropiate.It is clear significan reform is needed if this is to pass.
James Mizrachi-Roscoe, Councillor for United Duchies