Svarna Today
Young star running for youngest member of Lok Sabha
Young star Jannat Singh-Bhatavadekar is running for the Lok Sabha for the Party for Prosperity,Democracy and Security. She is the daughter of the President Neha Singh-Bhatavadekar who has proved popular over the years since 2012 winning with over 66% of the vote in 2012 , 64% in 2017 and currently polling at 70% according to the polls. We got an interview with the young lady herself to speak about why she is running for the Lok Sabha.Rati Havaldar:Welcome , how are you today?
Jannat:I am good thank you , its been busy with the busy campaign so shortly after University term and having been campaigning between terms but I am very thankful for the peoples support and support of my fantastic , kind, loving mother.
Rati:You are running with you at the top of the list and campaigning for role as representitive of the Mumba region , do you think having your mothers support was the main reason for this?
Jannat:Chuckles Going hardball already are we? No I don't think I've got there just because of my mums support. Of course she is a big factor she has raised me well , with good values and I think the party and the people have saw that. That is why I think I have been selected and am polling well in the district.
Rati: Have you always wanted to enter politics and why if so?
Jannat: I have always wanted to since 13 and joined the Party for Prosperity,Democracy and Security because it is truly the party of the people and the party fighting for real Svarnans. This country needs a party that cares for their welfare , provides good freedoms and provides security to enjoy those freedoms. I've seen my mum and my grandfather do so much to provide this and now I thought this is my time to help continue their great legacy in this area
Rati: What are your expectations of success?
Jannat: I have been campaigning with many rallies campaigning on kindness , love and love for ones community and country. I feel people are really getting the message and understand we really are the only way to vote , we are the only party truly here for Svarnans which can protect this nation and its liberties and protect its values.
Rati:We've heard about your politics but is there anything else you do during your spare time?
Jannat:I like watching videos online and watch of course enjoying Mumbawood films as many do and have really been enjoying the womens cricket later. Its great to see so much womens enpowerment thats supported by this government and to see so many women being given the chance to run. I feel we are the party of Svarnan women. I also volunteer in an animal shelter and in community service charities. I am pretty normal really , I think my hobbies are like many Svarnans. I think to run you have to sort of care about people but you also need down time.
Rati:Absolutely, I guess one thing I have to ask is about your mothers bid for reelection. Why should people vote for your mum?
Jannat: People should vote for my mum because she is really for the people and understands the real needs of the country and is good for our security that allows us to enjoy our freedoms avoiding chaos.
Rati: Thank you an I hope you have a good rally tonight -
Svarna backs Neha and PPSD
The Svaranan Suryan people backed the PPSD and President Neha Singh-Bhatavadekar by landslide numbers in the 2022 presidential and Lok Sabha elections with the voters seemingly pleased with and backing the stability and freedoms and platform of more international treaties promoted by President Neha Singh-Bhatavadekar. The platform proposing growth, tax breaks for partnerships with Svarnan firms and stability through security went down well with President Neha Singh-Bhatavadekar increasing her vote share by 12.2% to reach 72.1% of the presidential election votes while the Svarnan Congress party collapsed by 19.4% to 5.9% with the SJP and Narenda Modi gaining 7.2% to reach 22% of the vote.Meanwhile in the Lok Sabha the PPSD increased its vote share by 8.4% to 67.92% of the vote gaining 53 seats in the process with only the Shiv Sena out of all other parties gaining vote share at 1.9% increase to 14.04% of the vote gaining 12 seats in the process to become the third biggest party in the Lok Sabha. The Communist Party also lost all 46 seats in the Lok Sabha as it fell below the threshold of 7% to gain seats getting only 5.35% of the vote losing 4.63% of the votes. Meanwhile the SJP lost 4.41% in the vote share with their total vote share down to 8.74% losing 19 seats.
The President in her victory speech said "Today Svarnans have spoken in the biggest democratic excercise a general and presidential election. Svarnans have said we want stability, we want security ,we want economic growth and we want freedoms while not allowing terrorist scum and those enemies who would seek to undermine this nations , its good values and its stability. By the grace of the people I will seek to rule you wisely and with kindness and heart as I have always done and as those who know me can attest to. I will not waiver in my patriotism and my support for the people. I will be forming a government with the Military Appointed Representatives backing. One of democracy , liberty and security. On of balance. Thank you all for your trust I will not let you down and I will not forget your support and to those who didn't support me , I will not forget that also , you will indeed be listened to, I can promise that."
Full results are shown below:
Party/Organisation Seats Seat Percent Votes: Percent Seat Increase/Decrease % Increase/Decrease: PPSD 330 41.25% 13,933,213 67.92% 53 8.40% Svarna National Congress 0 0.00% 808,765 3.94% 0 -1.25% Communist Party 0 0.00% 1,097,564 5.35% -46 -4.63% SJP 42 5.25% 2,880,840 14.04% -19 0.90% Shiv Sena 68 8.50% 1,792,528 8.74% 12 -3.41% Military Appointed/Elected 360 45.00% -% - 0 - Total 800 100.00% 20,512,910 100.00% - - ** Failed to meet 7% Threshold
Candiate Party Votes Round 1 % % Increase/Decrease Neha Singh-Bhatavadekar PPSD 15,162,158 72.10% 12.20% Gopal Gaur Svarnan Congress Party 1,240,731 5.90% -19.40% Narenda Modi SJP 4,626,456 22.00% 7.20% Total: _ 21,029,345 100.00% -% -
Communist Party ban after treason plot found
The Communist Party of Svarna Surya has been banned after a plot of treason was found with all youth wings also banned. The party was banned following the discovery of a treason plot to encourage core members to train to rise up against the state. The party leaders have been arrested and will face trial as soon as possible in order to secure justice for the nation.With the outlawing and the new declaration of the Communist Party as a terrorist group within Svarna Surya any affiliation with or membership with the party is now a criminal offence of them most serious nature. 20 Workers Unions found to be in on the plot have also been banned with leaders told they must recant their support for the party or face charges.
Duchies drops all criminal Sanctions , Svarna Surya to demand 200 billion Euros in reparations
Today Duchies dropped all santions on Svarna Surya and all travel restrictions and trade restrictions. The announcement was welcomed by the government of Svarna Surya though the government said in a statement it will not be enough. The Svarnan government said in a statement "We will be pursuing reparations and compensation in the talks with the United Duchies. We were attacked for no reason and have never killed or intimated citizens either at home or overseas. We area democratic nation like any other. For this unprovoked attack we will be demanding 200 billion Euros each from the United Duchies, Reitzmag and the United Kingdom for the damage done economically and for the airstrikes. We know this is alot but the principle of never using military force on another nation for no reason must be taught. We will accept payment over 10 years at 20 billion Euros a year each." -
Elections called for 1st March
Svarna Surya went into sudden election overdrive today as at a rally the new National Action Party which has took in alot of members from the Party for Prosperity,Democracy and Security announced that a new election would be held for parliament under new conditions for the 1st March including for president with election nominations for president to be required to be in by the end of the 8th February with at least 100 nominations from Lokh Sabha members would be required to run in the presidential elections .President Neha Bhatavadekar announced in the rally that the election would be held under a new system with 600 list seats allocated into 8 lists by population of state and federal districts and a new 10% election threshold on each list for getting seats with 200 winners bonus list seats to the winning party by number of votes.She also in a shock announcement announced she would be backing the presidency bid of Parineeti Begum-Bhatavadekar and only seeking to run for election as a Jan Pratinidhi in the Lok Sabha. She said in her speech "I thank this nation for their support and their overwhelming votes for me over the years and I know people believe in me . I trust people will back in a democratic decision the National Action Party and show the world they support peace, stability and democracy in Svarna Surya and their belief in this great country." The short deadline period for locking in candidates has caught opposition parties unawares with many likely going to have to put in their current lists for candidates and for the presidential election. It is expected that Gopal Gaur of the Svarnan Congress Party will not get the nominations having no Jan Pratinidhi's along with the Communist Party who have often backed their candidates leaving only Narenda Modi likely to have enough support quick enough to run for the presidency.When asked about why the elections were being held so quickly President Neha Bhatavadekar cited the need to hold democratic elections quickly in order to recieve the reparations payments under the agreement agreed with Reitzmag and the United Duchies that was negotiated under EU talks.
Parineeti Begum-Bhatavadekar takes20% lead in polls
Today polls showed Parineeti Begum-Bhatavadekar has taken an 20% lead in the presidential election polls while polling for the Lok Sabha project the National Action Party will get around 43.4% of the vote which would get them a significant majority under the current system. Parineeti Begum-Bhatavadekar is polling at approximately 60% with members of the congress split on whether to support the less religious Parineeti Begum-Bhatavadekar or Narenda Modi who represents the highly conservative wing in SJP party.
The polls also showed Svarna National Congress would likely enter Congress with hundreds of seats up from their current zero despite the 10% threshold as they seem to have regained some popularity among parts of the electorate. However the polling still indicates NAP would get a significant majority in the Lok Sabha.
The campaign trail has heated up with Svarnan Congress Party leaders accused of riling up dangerous anti-government sentiment in their rallies with calls for "reform". Parineeti Begum-Bhatavadekar in her rallies described the Svarnan Congress Party as a fifth column of outside influence seeking to destablise Svarna Surya vowing to meet the challenge and deny them victory in the elections. Meanwhile things have been more cordial between the NAP and SJP despite Narenda Modi calling for reform of the nations election systems and governing institutions with him calling for a Svarna Surya "Closer to the values of piouty , religious conservatism and family values of our heritage and ancestors" and calling for dealing with the "muslim menace " that he accuses of threatening the nations security and stability.
Svarna Surya scraps caste system
After pressure from reformists within the Nation Action Party the government today announced the formal end of the caste system and a new census data releases using ethnicity instead to classify the population.New national I.D's for all will be distributed without the caste or ethnicity on the I.D cards.The law also makes it officially illegal to ask for the caste of an individual in an application in an effort to protect them from caste discrmination. New laws were also passed in todays session to limit rent deductions for accommodation from wages to market rate rents as well as outlaw deductions for food provided. Companies may still provide a food canteen benefit but they may not deduct for food and any employees on existing contracts may not have their wages lowered to compensate under the law. The new laws are intended to protect the workers and former lower castes better with the government saying "We want to promote and embrace as we always have the One Svarnan people principle. This will help fix the issues of discrimination that people have faced. This will show we are a party governing for the people and unity of the nation in the national interest."
Kajol defection for government
In a humiliation for government top of the list Kajol Masra-Singh the only daughter of V. K. Singh a high ranking former general who entered politics on behalf of then Party for Prosperity,Democracy and Security has defected from National Action Party to Svarna National Congress. The move shocked the National Action Party who was blindsided by the move from what was seen as one of National Action Party's rising stars.The reasons for the defection are not yet clear but she put out a statement saying there was a need for "democratic reform." However NAP supporters have called her switch a betrayal of the public of Svarna Surya and suggested that her move is effectively political treason against the people. It is expected she will be put high on the list of the SNC party and is possibly a potential future presidential candidate challenger.The president said in a statement " This is an act of treason against the peoples interests. We are dissapointed Kajol has left what is the only party of the people acting in the interests of democracy , prosperity and security in this country that the people rightly re-elected. We are sure the people of Svarna Surya will punish this act one way or another.She has betrayed democracy and is wrong in saying that there needs to be democratic fixes in Svarna Surya, we are a fully functional democracy where people have democratically elected our party because we serve them best."
Economic Growth Stalling according to reports
News from the economic ministry post conflict have suggested that economic growth in per capita terms is stalling from the previous rapid growth. The reports show that GDP per capita if on the the current trend is likely to be just 3,500 Euros per capita more this year slowing significantly. The government have blamed global conditions while some experts speculate that market uncertainty and issues surrounding stability of government and images of the protests around the world may be the root cause.When questioned the government said "We acknowledge the sad slowing down of growth and as your representatives we are working to fix this issue and encourage investment in the country and give assistance to businesses in this country. We will be unveiling a recovery plan including infrastructure investment , support for businesses and funds to encourage foreign investment into Svarna Surya. We will be continuing with our reforms and looking at how to create a more favourable tax system for the country."
President Parineeti declares Nyaay Tak and Tarek Al-Wazir terrorists
Parineeti Begum-Bhatavadekar today declared Tarek Al-Wazir and his group Nyaay Tak terrorists today. The president said in a statement to the press with the home secretary "We have come today to declare our solidarity with the United Duchies, Reitzmag and UK against terrorism and all those who would seek to destroy the peace we all worked so hard to create. While the war was abhorrant and certainly an error on their part we must move forward and onwards in peace and harmony and not dwell on the past. The killing of thousands of innocent civillians done in our name is not the way to do so. We will not tolerate terror and murder in our names by Tarek Al-Wazir or Nayaay Tak. We do not seek revenge and targeting civillians is not the way. Anyone associated with Tarek Al-Wazir or Nayaay Tak shall be classed as a terrorist and dealt with accordingly. We invite any who are considering this "revenge" to enjoy the hospitality of solitary cell in one of our prisons for a week or so to see what their future life will be like until they die. We hope they enjoy it if they seek to pursue terrorism."The statement is seen as an attempt to seperate Svarna Surya from the group and end the using of the war to sow discord and disharmony in Europe. The President attended the Concert for Unity in United Duchies holding hands with the High Duke of United Duchies Nikolai III, the PM John Peter Key and the Reitzmag PM Simon Bridges. The new tough stance comes after month of tensions from the war by some Svarnans with the government seeking the quell calls for "revenge". The country has offered to assist in investigations and inform United Duchies, the United Kingdom and Reitzmag of any plans for attacks or assassinations it becomes aware of.
Construction starts on E1 Motorway and SET lines
Construction has began on the E1 motorway with a projection of the toll motorway being completed within 3 years and a projected cost 12 billion Euros equivalent. The construction has began on both ends of the Mumba to Agra section with plans to start construction of the Agra to Sarghoda section in the middle of this year. The constustion of the first SET high speed line has begun from Muma to Sarghoda. The Line is also expected to complete in 2 years time. The land has been secured for both projects. The projects are expected to solve traffic congestion issues and boost the economy of the country.