Sertian Government
January 2024 statement of policy changes
for public consideration
Individual Independence Payments to rise by 2.7% from February
Those who are receiving general independence support can expect an increase in their monthly allowance, in line with inflation.
Unregistered health recipients should register by 1 March to avoid facing health administration fees
People whose immigration statuses are no longer valid must legitimise their status by 1 March, 2024. This can be done by reporting to the local immigration department. Drop-ins and appointments are accepted.
Triumvirate of Holy Cities scheme to prevent the economic banishment of native residents
The Authority for the Triumvirate of Holy Cities of Hemberdale, Osperfey, and Plariaras, have introduced a scheme to protect the rights of native families to continue to be able to live within these jurisdictions. Young people going into the workforce will be offered 45% discounted rent for their first 12 months living on their own. To be eligible, you must have been born in an AtHC jurisdiction, or moved into one by the time you turned one years old, and one of the following:
you have at least one parent who lived in an AtHC jurisdiction for at least 40 years before your birth, or
you have two parents or legal guardians who lived in AtHC jurisdiction for at least 20 years, or
you have a sibling who has lived in an AtHC jurisdiction for at least 10 years.
live in an AtHC jurisdiction if you are estranged from your family
If you are estranged from your parents or legal guardians, you may still be eligible for discounted accommodation. You do not need to meet the above requirements, but one of the following must apply:
you have lived in an AtHC jurisdiction for at least 5 years, or
you have returned to an AtHC jurisdiction with the intention of finding employment or repairing your relationship with your family who currently live in an AtHC area.
Regulation for the reasonable use of automobiles
Effective 1 March, 2024
The government authorises the transport and trade of automobiles into and out of the Kingdom of Sertia. However, the government maintain that there ought to be no reliance on individual modes of transport as a primary and household commodity. In our effort to sustain this project we are heavily funding public transport that is safe and accessible for all Sertians. This guidance outlines how automobiles can be used in the Kingdom of Sertia.
Bring your automobile to Sertia
You can generally bring an automobile to Sertia if you cannot easily access public transport or if the automobile is in Sertia for less than 180 days. Your automobile can be shipped to Sertia or can arrive in Sertia by ferry. The automobile
- must be licenced by official means in Sertia or another country
- must be operated by the licenced or authorised user
- can occupy a space of up to 10x8 feet
- must have passed any relevant inspection in Sertia or the automobile's country of origin
You may also be required to have noise regulation if you plan to use your automobile in an Automobile Free Zone (AFZ). You can purchase noise regulation along with your automobile rental at any licenced vendor in Sertia.
Driving in an Automobile Free Zone (AFZ)
AFZs are government-protected areas of Sertia where automobiles are generally not permitted to operate unless
- you live in an AFZ, and
- there is no access from your home to public transport within five miles, and
- your automobile has Noise Minimal or Noise-free status
- your automobile is no more than 7x4 feet
You can get financial support to have an automobile suited to be operable within AFZs if you live in an AFZ and cannot afford to do it on your own.
If you do not live in an AFZ, you can bring your automobile into an AFZ for up to 5 days. You must register online for an AFZ licence to do this.
A list of Automobile Free Zones can be found
here.Check whether you need to declare your automobile when entering Sertia
You will need to declare that you are bringing an automobile into Sertia when you arrive at a port of entry. You only need to do this if you are using your automobile for business, including self-employment, or you are bringing items into Sertia that warrant a customs declaration on their own, such as certain livestock, fruits or vegetables.
To declare your automobile at customs, please bring your vehicle through the lane that says "Customs Declarations".
Please remain with your automobile at all times while declaring it in customs. Unattended vehicles may cause unnecessary security alerts.
How long you can stay
The length of time that your automobile can remain in Sertia depends on your personal circumstances, such as your immigration status, and the reason you are bringing your vehicle into Sertia. As a tourist or visitor, you can keep your automobile in Sertia for up to 30 days. Under these circumstances you must also have purchased insurance for your vehicle.
You can only keep an automobile in Sertia for longer than 30 days if you are here on business, or if you live in an area where public transport is not available for over five miles.
If you are living permanently in Sertia and would like to bring an automobile that you have purchased abroad, you must ensure that it meets all necessary eligibility requirements. If your automobile stays longer than it is allowed to, it may be confiscated and you will have to pay a fee to retrieve it.
Your automobile and public transport
Public transport is any means of travel that can be used by more than seven people at one time, except for any means of transport that is by hire, such as
- Sertia Horserail
- taxis or cabs
Leaving Sertia
When leaving Sertia with your automobile it will undergo checks to ensure that it has complied with all regulations. If it is found that you haven't followed the rules, you may not be allowed to bring an automobile into Sertia in the future.
Convention of the War Cabinet regarding the actions of foreign states 20 December 2022 to 1 June 2023
PLEASE NOTE: Any decision made by the War Cabinet DOES NOT convey official government policy. Any decisions as to the implementations of any of the below recommended policies remain for the Braetha.
The War Cabinet, having permission from the Braetha of the Kingdom of Sertia, has been dissolved as of 7 February 2024 in light of their recent decision regarding whether to take wartime action against the powers judged to have sabotaged the free people of the Kingdom of Sertia during a time of war. The decision below conveys the thoughts and sentiments of the War Cabinet, the Braetha, Mr HB Fornithias Cranst, and the people of Sertia.
At the beginning of December, 2022, a regime known as the Aspernian Separatists declared an independent jurisdiction of the State of Aspern, under leadership of Mr Guthrun Wond. The Aspernian state, as we shall call the regime in our report, drew themselves an informal border which covered the entire southern half of the Sertian island and the West Olves. On the Aspernian side of the border included several important Sertian strongholds, namely the Holy City of Osperfey, and split the Sertian island through the parallel occupied by the town of Purrage and the Ancient Footway, a 1000-year-old path which stretches the entire width of the Kingdoms. The West Olves declared independence from the (then-called) Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern simultaneously.South of the pseudo-border between the Kingdom of Sertia and the so-called "Republic of Aspern", a state of anarchy and oppression shortly took hold. Under Mr Guthrun Wond, all Sertian nationals south of the pseudo-border at the time of the declaration of Aspernian independence were stripped of their Sertian nationality. A fierce regime of speech control was instituted, and a "food bank" scheme required all farmers and merchant at least 70% of their procurements to the "National Stockpile". The suffering of the people of Aspern was reprehensible. An estimated 15,000 required immediate medical care upon the dissolution of the Aspernian pseudo-state.
Futhermore, from at least 15 December to 13 February 2023, intense combat ensued along the informal border as the Kingdom of Sertia attempted to apprehend the members of the Aspernian Militia who occupied the Ancient Footway. Members of the Sertian Civilian Army and the Spanish military, under the command of the Kingdom of Sertia, lost their lives or were severely injured during combat. The West Olves left the Aspernian State on 25 February, 2023.
The Treaty of Purrage, issued in March, dissolved the border of the "Republic of Aspern" and the Kingdom of Sertia. Mr Guthrun Wond was apprehended by but the state of our island has forever been changed. Throughout this, it is believed from recently gathered intelligence that the Aspernian state was backed by one, if not many, foreign nations within the European Union, namely the United Kingdom. The decision we have come to today reflects our distress upon realising how betrayed our nation feels by the European Union upon these facts coming to light.
Factors of consideration
In order to determine the appropriate action our new Kingdom of Sertia must take, the War Cabinet have taken into account the following variables:
What actions will be necessary to 'start from scratch'? How can the Kingdom of Sertia recover itself and reinstate trust in our institutions?
How can we best protect the lives of our citizens continuing from this crisis?
How can the Kingdom of Sertia act against the nefarious agendas of foreign states whilst maintaining a solid moral character?
Issue a declaration of war: recommendedIt is our belief that any possible escalation of this situation should not occur on the island of the Kingdom of Sertia. In such a vulnerable time, however, it is extremely necessary that the Sertian people stand together to denounce the unwanted interference of foreign states in the domestic affairs of Sertia.
The line between deciding whether to declare war on a foreign state is nothing but a balancing act. By declaring combative action the Kingdom of Sertia risks its fundamental values of justice for all in the minds of other states. However, the actions perpetrated against the Kingdom of Sertia should not go without retribution. The government of the United Kingdom has said that they are open to peaceful channels in order to resolve this tension between our nations. However, based on recent events we have every reason to doubt the credibility of these statements.
Surely, the Government of the United Kingdom saw the horrific tragedy which occurred as a result of the establishment of a foreign state based on anarchy and hatred. It is shocking that the United Kingdom stood ready to back a regime so clearly bent on the destruction of peaceful unity in a nation of which the United Kingdom has no say in governing.
Suffice it to say that we are regretful of the decision we must make today. However, we do not believe that any combat should occur with this declaration of war.
Far more than engaging in combat, we believe that a message must be sent to other nations of the European Union who hope to bend us to their will. We recommend the mobilisation of emergency diplomatic bodies, urgent recovery and relief funds for those who have been wronged by this incident.
No emergency wartime functions, such as shelters or a military draft, should be instated during this time.
The Kingdom of Sertia has considered the recommendation of the War Council regarding the actions of foreign governments to do with the Aspernian Schism of 2022.
It came to my attention that the Brætha has, without permission, requested a convention of the War Council in this regard. I deplore this action from the Brætha, and will continue to work in the interests of the Sertian people, whether that be the will of the Brætha or otherwise.
Under my government, Sertia will not issue a declaration of war, or conflict, against any foreign states. All current declarations of war will be terminated with immediate effect.
Effective 1 March 2024, I am dissolving the Civilian Maritime forces which currently assume humanitarian support roles abroad. This includes all workers in Svarna Surya and otherwise related territories.
I have the duty to maintain the prosperity and safety of Sertia's citizens, and it has always remained a top priority for my government.
-Fornithias Cranst
Head Brætha, Kingdom of Sertia
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on the mission to the Moon
Tuesday, 28 January
In cooperation with the Spanish Government, we are pleased to announce that Sertia's Jonathan Parse is the first-ever Sertian to land on the Moon.
Son of a professor of Vernaian ethics, Mr Parse was born and raised in Ryéslen, Co. Climaer. He earned a place at Hemberdale University in Mathematics then moved abroad to the United Duchies where he earned his aerospace degree. He became lead engineer for Adhart Aerospace in Rowsperch and was held captive during the Aspernian occupation. On the demise of the Aspernian regime he was released and awarded a position on the joint Sertian-Spanish space endeavour.
Today the OfB recognises Mr Parse's achievements with the awarding of an honorary doctorate from Warrail College, Dredthe University as recognition of being a source of national pride for many Sertians. We wish him the best of luck in his future projects.
on the violent demonstrations in the State of Elthize
4 February 2025We are sorry to see that the State of Elthize, and the Elthic people, have been gripped by such violent protests leading to the deaths of 13 people. Under no circumstances is destruction and chaos an alternative to reason.
If anyone understands this, it would be us in the Kingdom of Sertia.
Our embassies and embassies minor remain open throughout Elthize for Sertians in need of assistance.
-Ms Éduditalle Dína
EU Councillor, Kingdom of SertiaERE BACHÁIR DÙN
Results of the January 2025 Election Referendum
Effective 12 February 2025
The voting in the January 2025 referendum to call an election, pursuant to Deomcratic Procedure Act 2024, has now concluded and the results have been validated by the Election Security Ombudsman :
Total vote count: 2,305,492.5 (% change: N/A)
Question on ballot: Do you vote to compel the Braetha to call a national election on 20 April, 2025?
Answer breakdown
% respondents indicating "YES": 23% (530, 263 votes)
% respondents indicating "NO": 77% (1,775, 229.5 votes)
FINAL RESULT: An election will not be called for 20 April, 2025. On this date there will be another election referendum, pursuant to Democratic Procedure Act 2024.
Office for the Braetha - Government of Sertia
5 March 2025The government of Sertia recognises the political sovereignty of the Republic of Nofoaga. The Braetha are confident at this time that any decision by the Government of Spain to control Nofoaga has been done with the full consent of the Nofoagan government, through democratic and legal means.
However, the Braetha recognise that we do not speak for all our people. Therefore, we are holding an official referendum regarding giving our full endorsement to the Spanish government of their actions.
The referendum will be open for voting between today, 5 March 2025 and Monday, 10 March 2025.