World News | Central Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
Saint Dominico, Inquista - July 26, 2020 | Speaker Edward Firoux has spent his weekend in Vayinaod campaigning for Councillor Carita Falk, who is up for re-election as Vayinaod's Councillor to the European Union. Flying in to Nyetthem on Friday, Firoux spent the day attending several campaign events alongside Councillor Falk, before then traveling to Strondheim on Saturday to host two separate rallies for his colleague. Firoux will spend his Sunday in less friendly territory, Nordsyen, where we will be speaking to several media outlets in hopes of encouraging and energizing Falk supporters to head to the polls.Councillor Falk is widely expected to cruise to victory, but Firoux has warned her supporters to not become complacent. "The only poll that matters is the election day poll. It's important that you show up to cast your vote for Councillor Falk, and that you also make sure that your family and friends go out and cast a vote for the Councillor," he told a group of supporters in Nyetthem.
While in Vayinaod, the Speaker has praised the Vardic Councillor's contributions to the European Union, particularly her recent amendment to Nuclear Proliferation Act. Firoux described her amendment as a great step forward in reinvigorating the ENAA and protecting Europe from nuclear proliferation, and stated that it was a very significant diplomatic victory for Vayinaod, which subsequently won a seat on the ENAA itself.
"Councillor Falk is unquestionably the strongest candidate for Councillorship. She has the strongest grasp on foreign policy, and during her time as Councillor, has brought Vayinaod to the forefront of European diplomacy. She has helped restore and reinvigorate the ENAA, and she impressively won Vayinaod a seat at the table. Especially at a time like now, with such uncertainties concerning nuclear powers like Icholasen, a seat on the ENAA is more important than ever. Councillor Falk has been extremely successful in her advancement of Vardic interests," Firoux told rally attendees in Strondheim.
Firoux also spoke of the Vardic Councillor's Condemnation of the Coup in Icholasen, which the Speaker praised. "Councillor Falk has been on the frontlines of European politics, containing and preventing the spread of communism. She authored the motion to condemn the illegal coup in Icholasen, which was then passed. The European Council has done its due diligence on levying measures on the usurpers, and it's up to the governments of Europe to hold onto their ends of the bargain. It's worth noting that the European Progressive Alliance has been at the centre of containing the spread of communism in the Council, and it's been the EPA affiliated governments across Europe which have stood up to the Nicoleizian usurpers. The governments of Fremet and Vayinaod deserve special attention and praise for their actions on containing communism within the isle of Icholasen. Since being elected, my own government in Inquista has now quickly been playing catch-up, but we're right with you."
Nordsyen was popular territory for Dragan Trympov in the most recent Commission elections. Speaking to reporters there, the Speaker took shots at the Pravoslaviyan mogul. "During the Commission elections, we heard so much talk from so many politicians about containing the spread of communism. Yet, there is only one group - only one - which has taken action against the communist usurpers in Icholasen. That's the EPA. We took action in the Council, which was spearheaded by Councillor Falk. It's been EPA governments which have upheld this motion, and EPA governments which have taken clear and bold action, with particularly notable efforts being put into place by the governments of Fremet, Vayinaod and Inquista. We've heard literally nothing from Dragan Trympov, who is sitting very quietly and idly by right now. As always, he talked a big game, but ultimately delivered nothing. I also might add, it was I who recently repealed the Refugee Protection Act, which he was unable and unwilling to do, despite also talking a big game on that as well."
The Refugee Protection Act was an act often lambasted by Dragan Trympov while on the campaign trail, but was recently repealed by the Speaker. The Speaker also touted his recently proposed Net Neutrality Act, which he used as further evidence of the EPA championing the interests of Vardics and Europeans in the European Council.
Brewnest City, July 29 2020 | This morning at the national space center in Brewnest City, the KRSA launched the third batch of the spacenet program sattelites and successfully lands the booster on a drone ship about 10 km off the shore. According to the SpaceX program administration, this is one big step in the development of the program. The administration also said that the crew module called "Dragon" is about to be finished and that the said module is at its final testing stage where it would be tested for its ability to dock, escape in case of emergency during and before flight, and to retain the safety of the crew even without wearing a spacesuit. They have estimated that the dragon could be available by mid-August to early-September of this year.
Dilaton, Condris, Leagio - July 29, 2020
In Port Hilson, today, a cargo ship (apparently named the Romain) was docked in the river sector, where smaller vessels can dock for low prioprity or quantity cargo, and its crew was arrested this afternoon by agents from the Common Agency of Crime and Terrorism (CACT). The Press Secratry for CACT explained that the agency had a tip from a person that they will not release the name that said the Romain was part of an operation to illegally smuggle Leagioan Uranium to the UNSR. The UNSR is considered by many nations within the European Union that is an illegimate communist government that forced the United Dominions of Icholasen into exile.The tip had weight to it as the CACT team sent to investigate had indeed discovered that the crew of the cargo ship Romain was of the UNSR. By the Executive Order that President Lifejumper signed as the Commonwealth joined the EU, the UNSR is not recognized by the Commonwealth and no trade should be allowed. When asked on how the Romain was able to sneak into the Commonwealth, the Press Sectary for CACT stated that the Romain had sneaked in by flying under the flag of the United Dominions of Icholasen, which does indeed have some ability to do international trade while in exile.
The Crew of the Romain are right now under CACT custody and charged with the following:
Smuggling of Nuclear Material (under the Nuclear Material Act of 1986- maxium sentence 50 to life in prison)
illegal trade (under the Lifejumper's executive order a 500 Sulia fine to 3 years in prison)
Fraud Sailing [by sailing under a flag not of their own) (deportation to 3 years in prison)
There were also Communist Leagioans that support the UNSR, but the Press Sectary wanted the people of Leagio to understand that they do not represent the majority of the Socialist Union Party that supported Kelly Idiotus in the EU Councilor round 1 race recently. This clarification was even supported by the EU Candidate Kelly Idiotus, who stated that she was horrified that people within her own party would willing "want to ensure a country (whether it is communist or not) have the material needed to build nuclear weapons." Furthermore, she called on President Lifejumper and the National Congress to implement stronger policies to ensure that either Nuclear is not sold by the Commonwealth at all or is strongly oversighted by appropriate means.
When asked by the press, President Lifejumper commended CACT for their swift and efficient move to prevent nuclear material from falling into the wrong hands. However, he explained that because of this incident, he will be signing a excutive order halting the trade of nuclear material till next Tuesday at least. In addition, he has instructed the Port Hilson port management to have all ships that are expect to sail out with Leagioan nuclear material to be inspected to ensure that it will be going where they are supposed to go. Furthermore, he explained he called on the National Congress to draft new legislation to ensure that this sort of thing can be prevented .
Saint Dominico, Inquista - August 4, 2020 | Speaker Edward Firoux has been spending both Monday and Tuesday in Fremet as the country undertakes its two-day Plukkedag.The Speaker is campaigning in the country on behalf of his colleague, Councillor Charles Michel, who is up for re-election as Fremet's Councillor to the European Union. Speaker Firoux has made it clear that he is predominately there to campaign on behalf of Councillor Michel, and that he will not choose sides on the country's federal politics. Instead, the Speaker complimented and praised all three of Fremet's major party leaders. Speaker Firoux stated that Fremet was under "very capable leadership" with Prime Minister Ursula von der Leyen, who he described as "brilliant and very strong on all issues". Speaker Firoux praised Erna Solberg as "a truly compassionate leader with a visionary agenda," who "genuinely understands the real problems of every Fremetian". The Speaker described Nikki Oleman as a "bold and greatly principled statesperson," whose decision to have Fremet join the European Union "was a greatly positive turning point for the country", and he praised her hawkish stance on Icholasen as "fantastic and refreshing."
The Speaker spent the first day of the Plukkedag in Trondheim, the country's capital city. While in Trondheim, Speaker Firoux headlined several events and rallies for Councillor Michel. Speaker Firoux applauded the Councillor as a voice who "consistently and unapologetically stands up for Freemtians". The Speaker also praised Councillor Michel as an integral part of his team, whose "4 years in Europolis has made him a tough and competent veteran of Europolis intrigue."
In terms of isolating the communist presence in Icholasen, the Speaker stated that Councillor Michel was "one of his closest and most vocal allies". The Speaker spoke at length about the recent amendments within the European Council concerning the Condemnation of the Coup in Icholasen. The Speaker, who himself authored some amendments which would effectively see all trade embargoed with the island, praised the Councillor's "tough stance" on Icholasen, and the Councillor's most recent comments on the motion to repeal the condemnation.
The Speaker also promised his commitment to personally keep Fremet at front of mind when dealing with Icholasen. "It's important more than ever that we as Union come together to confront the illegitimate regime in Icholasen. We have already seen how erratic and threatening this regime can be, with its dangerous decision to launch missiles into space and the Caspian Sea. It is only when we come together as a Union, through effective multilateralism, that we can truly safeguard each of our states from this threat. History remembers when the UNSR invaded Fremet. Never again shall Europe turn a blind eye like it did then. Never again will Europe abandon Fremet. Europe will stand with Fremet shoulder-to-shoulder, hand-in-hand. As long as I breathe, Europe will not let Fremet down."
Speaker Firoux will spend Tuesday, the second and last day, in Flachesfeld, a city on the coast of the Emerald Sea. There, the Speaker is expected to attend an event hosted by the Friends of the Emerald Sea, an environmental organization which seeks to protect the environmental integrity of the Emerald Sea. The Speaker recently donated ₭375,000 to the organization as part of his reward for being named the Sexiest Foreign Man Alive for 2020 by Vogue Varda. The Speaker will also host some rallies for Councillor Michel, and make use of his proximity to the Emerald Sea to deliver further comments on the importance of coming together as a Union to isolate the Nicoleizian communists.
Social media is currently abuzz with reports that the Speaker was seen partying with Lady Angela Merkel in the late hours of Monday night, with the two drinking and serving alcohol to patrons at a beer house.
Brewnest City, August 6 2020 | Currently live now at the National Space Center, the KRSA had launched for the first time its Falcon Heavy rocket which allows for more payload and longer flights. The payload in the launch was the fourth batch of the spacenet sattelites. The boosters landed successfully at landing pads set at the Space Center. Meanwhile, the KRSA also notified us that the planned Mars rocket called the Probe has successfully made a 150 meter hop just 30 km away from the launch site of the Falcon Heavy. The KRSA also said that the Crew Dragon has also successfully been tested for its emergency escape system in a solo test yesterday. With these recent results, the KRSA said that the Crew Dragon could be available for use by Late-August instead of the first announced Early-September. The dragon would now be also tested while fitted on a falcon 9 rocket next week to see its capabilities of escaping mid-flight. -
Kingdom of Reitzmag Eurocorps last edited by Kingdom of Reitzmag 10 Aug 2020, 02:51 10 Aug 2020, 02:51
Hampton City, August 10 2020 | As the CBC Proms begin at the end of July, famous Reitzmic violinist Andre Rieu performed at Fellworth Park with his Johann Strauss Orchestra. They performed many famous pieces such as The Second Waltz by Dmitri Shostakovich, Can't Help Falling in Love by Reitzmic singer Elvis Presley, and so much more. -
RAF Brewnest, August 10 2020 | As part of the Treaty of Buckingham signed between HM George I of Reitzmag and Queen Anastasia of Icholasen, the armed forces begin the repatriation of Nicolezian refugees to their new home. Meanwhile, at the relocation site, temporary housing has been established for the repatriates to live in. -
National Space Center, Aug 15 2020 | KRSA successfully conducts the final test for the Dragon Crew Module's in-flight abort system. As part of the test, a falcon 9 where the dragon sat on was detonated upon escape of the said crew module. The test finally proves the worthiness of the crew module to bring astronauts to space. Next week, KRSA is scheduled to test the docking system of the spacecraft to the CSS to see if the Dragon could bring astronauts/cargo to the said space station. The test was unmanned and so will be the docking mechanism test. KRSA said that astronauts would be launched once again in August 25-26 if all goes well as planned. The docking test next week is the final in the year-long development of the Dragon.In other news, KRSA had announced in a press conference after the launch that more progress have been happening since the past few days on the Probe Mars Rocket. Such progress included a more powerful engine which would improve the rocket's performance.
Kingdom of Reitzmag Eurocorps last edited by Kingdom of Reitzmag 18 Aug 2020, 04:50 18 Aug 2020, 04:49
Parliament, Aug 18 2020 | On this day's session in the House of Commons, the Vehicle Modernization Bill has passed through its second reading vote. MPs from the both the Conservatives and the Labour Parties were hand in hand to support the bill. The bill, introduced by Jamestown MP Louis Gadvert of the Conservative Party, would initiate a program in which diesel-powered vehicles will be replaced with electric motors. With such, many automobile manufacturers began to study replacing their diesel engines with electric motors. Some companies like Tesla Motors are delighted of such move and said that they are willing to help in the development of such a program. The government said that the bill will give a grace period to companies to replace their diesel engines with electric motors. Gas stations will be replaced by charging stations slowly and a standard charging port will be put into use. However, as the government said, this will be done slowly and will not be immediately applied. -
Kingdom of Reitzmag Eurocorps last edited by Kingdom of Reitzmag 21 Aug 2020, 11:15 21 Aug 2020, 11:15
Hampton City, Aug 21 2020 | This afternoon, a group of drunk men went out on a shooting spree at Thales Street. CCTV Video shows the shooters breaking bottles of liquor on cars and shooting at windows of buildings. 2 died in the incident and 5 were lucky to only be injured. The shooters as seen in the video unfolded a tarp that says Vote for the EPA, Vote for Jean-Claude Juncker. They even painted walls of houses at the street with the words "ELDR members will destroy Europe, EPA will save us all". Initial investigations of the police says the men came from a party in Paxtron. -
Saint Dominico, Inquista - August 21, 2020 | Dr. Maria Kerstin, a senator from Leagio and candidate for Premier Commissioner of the European Union, has visited Inquista this morning.Drawing a crowd of approximately 850 people, the Leagioan senator laid out her Premiership plans to a chorus of adoring supporters. The senator's plans include policies on economic development, plans to expand the healthcare benefits of low-income Europeans, and a commitment to keep Europe's institutions as they are.
The senator, who has a PhD in economics from the University of the Commonwealth in Tullion, is widely seen as a capable economist in her home country. Since 2018, the Senator has served as the Chairman of the Senate Committee of the Economy in Leagio, and sponsored the recent Eastern Economic Development Act that that helped reverse the effects of the country's economic crash in April. She has also spent her term tackling economic corruption, successfully fought to reduced college prices, and made her voice known as a progressive champion of civil rights causes.
Senator Kerstin's background in economics and and her strong record as a legislator are highly appealing qualities to many Inquistans. Her plans for economic development have been well received, and her reassurances that Inquista will not pay even further into the European budget was met with a joyous exhale. The Leagioan senator went to great lengths in her rally to combat recent statements made by Pravoslaviyan mogul Dragan Trympov, who alleged that the senator would increase the budget contributions of Europe's largest states. Senator Kerstin reassured Inquistans that this would not be the case, and that the budget contributions would remain the same.
The Leagioan senator also reassured Inquistans that she favours keeping Europe's legislative institutions the same, particularly in regards to the European Council. Despite that Inquista would stand to be one of the greatest benefactors of a proportional European Council, Speaker Edward Firoux, the Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista, has adamantly pushed for each EU member state to receive equal representation without discrimination as to their size or population. A strong and plausible working relationship between a future Premier and the Speaker, who is extremely popular in Inquista, is considered a crucial consideration among Inquistan voters. Many Inquistans will likely feel further assured by the senator's stances on the European Council.
While Senator Kerstin's visit to Inquista was warmly and enthusiastically received, and will surely raise her current popularity in the country, it was still not without some controversy.
The Leagioan sentaor is currently embroiled in a minor sexism row, which stems from the senator criticizing a misogynistic meme that she falsely attributed to the campaign of Walter Cocx, an Inimican candidate for Premier Commissioner. In her first rally in Leagio, Senator Kerstin took aim at Cocx by stating that, "men like Walter Cox thinks that Europe is a men's only region that women have no place in the field of politics."
Senator Kerstin's remarks come following the distribution of an internet meme. The meme, which says that "Europe has had enough of weak female Premiers" and that Europeans should "say no to 4 more months of estrogen-fueled decision-making", also stated that "Europe needs more Cocx". The meme itself is widely believed to have originated in Inquista, after being posted onto the r/goblincave subreddit by a user known as goblin420.
Walter Cocx was quick to release a statement that made it clear that the meme has no connection to his campaign. CBC Inquista reached out to the Cocx campaign for a comment. Cocx's campaign team told CBC Inquista that, "my opponent's publishing of this fake misogynistic poster, which is a completely unacceptable and disgusting piece of work, is below the standards the peoples of Europe expect of their Premier. My record on women's rights is clear: from the increase in maternity leave I established in my province, to making this type of leave fully paid by the state, to establishing five women's safehouses across my jurisdiction, I have always stood up for women. The fact my opponent dares to share this type of fake news shows, if anything, that she simply sees women's rights as a complete and utter joke."
While some Inquistans criticized the senator for falsely spreading the meme, while others defended her. One notable defender was Bishop Karinn Lallana, who told CBC Inquista that, "Women endure and hear these sort of comments all the time. Whenever I make a passionate point, I will always hear men mutter something about my estrogen under their breath. I don't blame her for thinking this meme was a real campaign ad, because comments like these are very much common place. Instead of tearing another strong, competent woman down, how about we use this as an opportunity to combat the fact people are still making grossly sexist and misogynistic memes online, and that this garbage is still considered 'humour'?"
Crew dragon launched to space for docking test
Brewnest City, Aug 25 2020 | The KRSA had launched the crew dragon to space using the Falcon 9 Rocket for its final test. Tomorrow, we will see if the crew dragon will successfully dock with the CSS. The next day, we will then see if the crew dragon will return safely back to Earth and successfully re-enter the atmosphere. If all goes well, the KRSA will begin sending astronauts to the CSS after several years of unmanned launches. -
Hampton City, Aug 25 2020 | After weeks of different summits and trips around Europe, the PM Simon Bridges is once again on a summit with the Steward of the Union of Duxburian Dominions. According to insiders, the PM's goal for the summit is about trade especially for resources in which the Duxburian Union is very interested. Sources from 10 Downing Street tells CBC News that the PM is schedule on more summits on Leagio, Nofoaga, and many other countries. Some people asked if the PM is going on a trip to Spain to fix the issues but 10 Downing Street still hasn't commented on this. -
Brewnest City, Aug 27 2020 | The KRSA confirmed that the Crew Dragon will finally be used for its first manned mission on Wednesday, bound for the Cansey Space Station. The Crew Dragon has finally achieved its goal to provide a mode of transport for Reitzmag's manned missions to space after a year-long journey of development. ESA Director Elon Musk was present as a guest of honor in the celebration of such a victory. If all goes well on Wednesday, the KRSA will begin its commercial crew program to allow ordinary people to be sent on a trip to space. -
Brewnest City, Sep 3 2020| The KRSA successfully launched the first 2 astronauts to ever use the most modern rocket yet. The live stream was held in social media platforms, exclusive television channels, and on a large screen set up at parks around the country. The DM-02 Crew Dragon Module successfully docked and the astronauts William Haley and Peter Oliver disembarked the crew module. During the live stream, many have seen the beautiful, modern, and minimalist design of the cockpit which featured touch screen monitors and a large space for more cargo just below the retractable seats. Now, everyone is waiting for the return of DM-02 which was scheduled by the KRSA on September 16 2020. -
Copala City, Sep 3 2020 | Visitors to Copala City have seen a huge difference of the area's development since last week. The airport being constructed just outside the urban area already got its Air Traffic Control Tower finished with only the electronics being finished inside. The park being set up in the middle of the urban area is nearing its initial completion and is estimated to be operational by late October. According the program managers, the people are fascinated by the developments. -
Hampton City, Sep 3 2020 | After being passed from the House of Lords, the Vehicle Modernization Act quickly got Royal Assent from HM George I. The bill was heavily supported by many people and many companies. Many gas stations are now slowly turned into charging stations and companies are beginning to complete their electric car upgrades to their originally made diesel cars. -
Hampton City, Sep 4 2020 | The fifth attempt to legalize Marijuana in Reitzmag has gone through its greatest progress ever in history. The Cannabis Bill introduced by Labour MP Kelly Gillian had passed through its committee vote and is set for its third reading debate. The bill was backed by the government, therefore giving it a big push towards its third reading stage. -
Hampton City, Sep 7 2020 | The Electoral Commission has submitted and published the final results of the EU Elections in Reitzmag.The results show that the candidates from the European Liberal Democrats have dominated the exit polls. Experts have analyzed the possible reasons for such results. According to them, Kerstin and Winston were given a big push by the hope of Reitzmic people on EU Integration despite the treatment of the other member-states to the country. The PEL's premiership candidate came second in Reitzmag after being backed by the government. The strong support of the Labor Party helped in boosting their votes. The EPA candidates have went to the lowest constituencies supporting and had the largest decrease of supporting constituencies. It is possible that this result came because of Merkel not conducting campaigns and Juncker's hatred for Reitzmic enterprises. Another possible reason is because of the support from the Conservative Party had been split between Trympov and Oliver, Cocx, Weber, and the EPA. In a separate poll, the majority of the Conservatives have supported Trympov and Oliver, then followed by Weber, then Cocx at third, and finally the EPA. This is probably due to the EPA's lack of support towards the Conservatives and their hatred towards their supporters.
Victoria City, Sep 7 2020 | NUP member Nigel Farage began on his campaign for a referendum for Reitzmag to leave the EU. Some members of the Conservative Party have supported such, however, the Conservatives still have hope for integration despite such treatments of other member-states towards Reitzmag. A possible reason for this is because of the fact that the former Conservative government is responsible for Reitzmag's membership to the EU. According to Mr. Farage, he will launch more camapigns around the country and maybe form a separate institution for urge such campaign. The Lib Dems on the other side condemned such and began to counter the campaigns.