Nicoleizian Elections 2020
The elections taking place this summer are as follows:
Portland Nonet (1 seat up out of 2 in Portland)
Regina Nonet (2 seats up out of 4 in Regina)
Romain (1 seat up out of 2 in Romain)
New Nicoleizia Nonet (1 seat up out of 1 in New Nicoleizia)
Regina Sénat (all 267 Seats in Regina out of 500 in the Sénat)
New Nicoleizia and Regina Dominion Assembly Elections (all seats up for grabs in these Dominion Assembly elections)
European CouncilNonet and European Council elections have 2 rounds unless a candidate gets 50% in the first round.
Samantha Terrace's short address to a rally in Saint Regina. On a podium in front of her a sign reads "Samantha Terrace for Rujonau" on a Regina flag" (Rujonau is Nicoleizian for Regina)
Hello Saint Regina !
The crowd roared with enthusiasm, it was her first rally since winning the Primary in which Terrace faced very little opposition.
Today I want to talk to you about our plans for the great nation of Rujonau. The federal system means we have a lot of power in this newly united Dominion Assembly and we have to make sure we elect a First Minister that will respect that power and use it to benefit all Rujonauls (people from Regina).
My first priority is education. For me, this is the most important devolved power we possess. We get total control of our education system, and now we have the chance to fund it properly. In the former Western Dominions of Regina, the NAP criminally underfunded education. This can't go on. In my first term days we will raise teacher salaries by 5%, add more funding for extra equipment, and build 10 new schools.
But we will not be frivolous with the public purse. We will take the opportunity handed to us from the central government to privatise mail services, freeing up a billion Shillings to spend on other concerns. We will use half of the money we save from the privatisation of mail and other services to lower taxes, and half for our public services.
Our transport agenda is also vibrant. We will fund tram services that will or will nearly pay for themselves through ticketing, we will privatise inter-city trains to invest more in intra-city trains as those are the trains that most working Rujonauls use everyday, and we will make all the buses in our nation electric to reduce carbon emissions.
Our environmental policy is thorough too. Though energy policy is not devolved to us, we can still ask that the Federal Government makes sure all wind farms are offshore so as not cause excess noise and/or sight pollution for people. We will also embark on an ambitious tree planting agenda where we aim to increase Regina's tree coverage by 3% by the end of the 5 year mandate.
Thank you for listening, let's paint the Dominion Assembly orange !
SDV: We've just received the first ever polling results for the first round of the Nicoleizian European Council elections. All the candidates are with in 2.1% of each other, which means any 2 of these candidates could in theory make it to the next round. This month there will be a debate on NBC between these 4 candidates where you the voting public can make your voice heard.