The wondrous trip of Jan Soukup to Spain
Ever since Jan Soukup announced his candidacy for the position of European Union Broadcasting Comitee Deputee Supervisor he knew he mustn't stay idle, he had to become known to the people of Europe if he in fact would be elected. For days Soukup was looking on the map, before finally deciding to travel to Madrid in Spain to make his first immersion on the audience outside of Czech Slavia. Some would perhaps stop and consider how to hold a meeting, but not Jan Soukup. Jan Soukup imminently booked a hotel, flying ticket and put his most needed things into a bag and was off to the airport. He firmly believed that the surprise he was about to deliver onto the Spanish citizens that would at the moment be in the El Retiro park, would be enough to get Europe talking about him, after all they have social media in Spain.
Picture of Jan Soukup that Jan Soukup hanged on the tree next to him
As soon as the plane landed in Spain, Soukup hurried to the El Retiro park. Once there he hang a large picture of himself on a tree next to him and began his speech:"Greetings people of Madrid, a pleasure to be with you! Have you heard the one about the customs officer stopping the driver and asking him: "any cigarettes, alcohol, drugs?" to which the driver responds: no thank you officer, I have my own?". Ahh, you know me, it wouldn't be Soukup without his little joke first.... or perhaps you do not know me.... and that is why I am here!
I am not sure if any of you recognize me, but I am Jan Soukup a candidate for the position of European Union Broadcasting Comitee Deputee Supervisor. Now you may ask yourself how is it possible that you do not know me even though I am a candidate for such position and the reason might be, that the mainstream media in your country don't like people like me very much, I for fact know that is a fact in Czech Slavia. The mainstream media are afraid of us, the independent media who are not afraid to criticize them. But... do you know the other candidates? Well they certainly didn't go here among you people, like I did, did they? Oh and if they will come after me, tell them that they are just coping Soukup! And tell them that even if they won't come here, but come to different place! Or.... don't tell it to them or tell it to people that will be there. What I want to say is make sure that people across Europe know that Soukup was the first to come.
Well..... the reason behind them not coming here might be that they are not as rich, since they weren't professional boxers..... And that is precisely the problem with media! Too often they are headed by faceless bureaucrats, disconnected from the normal people, hiding before them. Well not Jan Soukup! I am here to help the little person, EUBC should focus on that, giving more room and support to independent media people. I know what we all want, cute puppies and kittens on our TVs, but the bureaucrats will never realize this!...
So... anyway.... what I wanted to say is that if I am elected I will be active Deputee Supervisor. You can count on seeing me on your screens everyday! Now some people are telling me, that this is not what the job of the Deputee Supervisor is about, and that the position doesn't have such powers, but they forget one thing and that is what is the job of Soukup and the powers of Soukup. The people of Europe deserve quality broadcasting and I am here to deliver just that.
I hope I made everything clear about myself and the elections.. If anybody wants to have a picture with me they can... Don't forget to tell your friends all about this! Yes.... thank you and goodbye."