Office of Foreign Affairs Duchies
The official page for office of foreign affairs for United Duchies
Travel Advisories:
Drummund KaasUnstable Business Environments:
Drummund Kaas
Kingdom of Reitzmag -
Statement on Czechslavia issue
As of today he his majesties government of United Duchies has officially placed sanctions on Czechslavia and anyone involved in government or state run companies. Assets are to be seized in line with sanctions, access to the canal is to be revoked and travel bans will be in place for any involved in the anti-democratic coup. We will be opening our borders to those political refugees who need it. Political refugees including ordinary citizens shall be allowed to claim asylum in United Duchies and be able to migrate to a place of safety. We will not extradite to Czechslavia until the justic system is once again fair and impartial. We believe democracy is important and condemn this communist attack on freedom and democracy.
Statement on Duxburian Dominions joining Telum Treaty
We are pleased to welcome Duxburian Dominions to the Telum Treaty as a partner following a successful application and unanimous vote in favour of membership of the Duxburian Dominions. We are pleased that this will increase co-operation on defense,, trade and increase economic oppurtunities for citizens of existing SAN countries and the Duxburian Dominions , we hope we can increase the influence and size of SAN over the years with other trade partners to the benefit of all. -
Statement on treaty of buckiingham betrayal
We condemn in the strongest terms the betrayal of the Copalans by Reitzmag and call on their government to honour their commitments to those who have lost so much already however recognising this may not be possible to salvage we make an offer to the Copalan government. We offer them a new Copala in West Baltica either on the Caspian or Mediteranean coast, the new Copala would be granted Duchy level powers and representation with new elections to be held if they accept once their citizens are established. We would also offer the additional right to send representitive to every foreign meeting for treaties alongside our government. We sympathise with the plight of the Nicolezians and Haahneans and what we offer is simple stability and relationship in which they can trust they will be trusted and supported , indpendendence will not be on the cards but we can garuntee we will respect their autonomy as a Duchy in and of themselves with potential for land expansion if they compensate the West Baltic in the futre. We have talked with West Baltica government over the last few months and they agree this is the right actions to take.We wish Copalans luck in their future whatever they choose and should they choose to take us up on the offer we can meet to negotiate s treaty quickly. -
Reitzmag added to list of Countries with unstable business climate
We regret that we have no choice but to add Reitzmag to our list of countries with unstable business climates due to the pull out of the Buckingham treaty. We cannot trust that the recent opening up will last as Reitzmic respect for treaties and laws is questionable at best. We reccomend a freeze on any investments into the Reitzmag economy and also temporarily the Copalan economy. We reccomend you freeze investments into Reitzmag for up 2 years with a potential for pulling out if the business climate becomes more unstable, we are concerned any investment will result in losses if sanctions pass on Reitzmag at a European level or laws are changed in Reitzmag . Importers are also warned that any contract may not be delivered upon or have to be cancelled if sanctions are applied therefore unless Reitzmag imports are essential to your business we recommend not signing any contracts and freezing business relationships with businesses or coming to arrangements of payment on delivery only.