United Duchies punishes Svarna Suryan elites
Today the United Duchies passed the acts that have been on the process of being passed over the last few months. The government is to introduce a new sanctions tariff schedule 3 that is set at 80% which will be applied to nations with the most horrific human rights abuses which they will apply only to Svarna Surya. The category was set to essentially destroy any trade between Svarna Surya and United Duchies over human rights concerns over modern slavery, civil liberties and political freedom. The schedule could be used for others though it is unlikely to do so. It also lowered the tariffs on UNSR goods to 10% the schedule one rate normalising trade. There has also been added Schedule 5,6,7,8 and 9tariffs at 100% , 150% ,200% and 300% tariffs respectively with a schedule 10 order banning any trade with Svarnan Companies.
The government also announced it would refuse visas to any companies execs in Svarna Surya working with the Svarnan government or who collaborate essentially anyone from most Svarnan companies and deny access to the canal to any company from Svarna Surya and also deny any right to transit Svarnan goods through the Baltic Canal and the government is expected to ask in meetings for North Diessan to do the same with their canal. The government said in a statement "Human rights and civil rights are a must and we will not normalise relations until such a time the government changes or is took out of power in Svarna Surya and the military is seperated from power. " The move is said to come after pressure from the Svarnan community in Duchies that has moved to Duchies to escape the persecution and oppression in Svarna Surya.Svarnan goods already faced a 30% tariff.The government also announced any goods from Svarnan companies or from Svarna Surya will not be allowed to transit through Duchian ports as well essentially cutting them off from much trade that relies on sea transport.
49 and 99 Euro transit passes announced
The United Duchies government announced today that there would be a new Duchies Go Anywhere 49 Euro per month pass for Children , Disabled and Pensioners and a 99 Euro per month pass for Adults will be available from December 2022 that will give access to all non-high speed regional and local trains buses, coaches and trams. The pass will allow users to book onto all regional and local transport on standard class lines and seats for free and all low speed trains. High speed Intercity trains will still cost but will get a 30% discount if you have a Duchies GO Anywhere Pass. It will also include 2 hours of free shared bike or scooter rides per day anywhere in the country. The move is hoped to increase transit use by lowering costs significantly. The costs of revenue lost to lower prices will be covered by subsidies from the governments national transport budget. It is hoped the move will help reduce the percent of car journeys over 1 km down to 20-25% of journeys by 2030 with hopes stopping any increase in car traffic in the long run can reduce the need for road maintenance saving money.