Regarding Pravoslaviyan Council Representation
Members of the European Council, the Kingdom of Pravoslaviya:
Former Speaker Firoux, in his infinite wisdom, dismissed the Pravoslaviyan Councilor Dragan Trympov from the Council Chambers. While this was an act taken within the boundaries of European Law and enforced the statutes set forth in the Elected and Accountable Act, it has left an EU memberstate without council representation for quite some time.
My duty is not only to European Law, but also to the institutions of the European Union. We must recognise that all memberstates have an innate right to representation in the Council, and that this unilateral action to expel Pravoslaviyan representation without seeking a viable solution was a course of action that only served to deny Pravoslaviya its right to representation.
As such, and in light of the upcoming council elections in Pravoslaviya, I will allow Councilor Tupac Shakur to return as Councilor for Pravoslaviya. He served as incumbent when the EACA was passed, and his recall and subsequent replacement were never valid under EU law. (The EACA requires that Councilors be recalled by a majority vote of the highest legislative body of said memberstate, something that never occurred in Pravoslaviya.) Because of this, Councilor Tupac never lost his role as Councilor in the purview of European Law, and a true reinstating appointment is not necessary.
I look forward to welcoming back the incumbent Councilor Tupac to the Council and to meeting the victor of the upcoming EU Council Elections in Pravoslaviya on March 11th, 2021.
Thank you.
Charles Michel
Council Speaker and Councilor for the Kingdom of Fremet