Revolution: Workers' uprising: the economy is socialized
25 April 2021, 23:11, GMT+3
The forces of capital are being driven away, as the workers begin the revolution.
The bourgeoisie's tight control over our Istkalen had weakened as it revealed its insanity. Its machinations turned from simple trickery to the most evil of totalitarianisms. With poisoning religion as its crutch, it created a party as a prophet, a woman as God.
It screamed that the people were chosen by God to be redeemed, and would become like angels upon the purification. God had entered the body of Meinl-Reisinger, who would, through the party, purify the nation of Istkalen, removing all sin and "demonship" from the nation as to render it like heaven. All would be perfectly obedient, the people totally devoted to their God, the Party reduced to a simple instrument, merged entirely with the state, through which their energies would be transmitted, and the energy of their 'God' back to them.
Every act was an act of worship; not to worship was to be a demon, and to be a demon merited death. Thus was how the capitalists wanted to subjugate the people of Istkalen, by using religion to utterly blind them.
This was something that was barely hidden. It was used to taunt the people as to draw them into the total servitude. Meinl-Reisinger was the container of the light, reflected through the Party; when the time of purification was over, all would become light, and an Edenic paradise would be restored, the demons - everyone who was not an Istkalener totally devoted to Meinl-Reisinger - suffering in Hell.
A blinding light, they called it, a light which would blind people to all else other than Meinl-Reisinger, and kill those who were unable to look into her 'holy' eyes. The light would integrate all into it; all would become a part of the light, a great mass whose only thought would be of the existence of Meinl-Reisinger, a great mass which would exist solely through Meinl-Reisinger.
Everything was to be bound to her and thus to capitalism. It is our luck that this most horrific of plots, of total capitalism, was never realized.
But capitalism was to be intensified. Annexation became a threat; we would be subjugated to the demands of a new capital, from outside and one which would develop from the inside.
In the fear of the return of horrors of Meinl-Reisinger and her 'church,' her Social Democratic Party in a different but hidden form, of the worship and devotion to capital on a level not present in Istkalen before the manifestation of the horror of the regime, the people rose up.
In a mass and spontaneous uprising, guided by the worsening material conditions of Istkalen, they seized their workplaces fully from capital. In an instant, all was abolished.
The people had trampled upon the mechanisms of capitalism; the beginning of its removal - the great sun - began to rise, driving away the dark blanket of the night.
Everything became available to the people. The ability to truly enjoy their own labor, free not simply of the capitalist, which existed only in Istkalen for the days of the Meinl-Reisinger insanity, but of the dictates of capitalism.
To enjoy it in every way; to have control over it. To be redeemed, fully, as people rather than commodities, politically, economically, and socially.
The people seized full control over themselves on this day, the 25th of April, the anniversary of the fall of reaction in 1946 and 1973 after it, and thus were liberated, fully.
Enough of that, of course. Propaganda is tiring after mere days; we all know that quite intimately. Some of our comrades chose to print it; that, perhaps, is a bit unfortunate.
But many things will be made available now that the spontaneous revolution has completed itself, quickly and almost peacefully. As we stated, everything has been socialized. This does not mean that the artisans lose their individual autonomy, nor the agricultural laborers theirs. To steal that away would but be a capitalistic move against the people. We are the people; we cannot be against the people; and very few in Istkalen, after the regime of Meinl-Reisinger, after the occupation, are truly capitalists.
No, labor will be organized through the unions and the chambers, which have been restored to their natural state - of agriculture, of commerce, of the crafts and trades, of general labor, of the professions, of the arts, and of state - the chambers of the modernization, of the previous ascendancy of the Istkalener people.
The principle of duty, on which republicanism in Istkalen has been organized, will remain, for duty is the only way through which freedom can be maintained. In the West, people have the right to speak out, the right to do this and that. But they also may not do so. In Istkalen, it is the duty of the people to speak out about all policies; to voice their concerns. It is their duty, in fact, to dissent.
In this manner, each chamber and each union will have their duties. It is here that the new organization of labor lies. The chambers will be the participatory structure of people's power; through the unions, they shall participate in all matters, political, economic, and cultural.
Through this participation, they will also have their duty - of political participation, yes, but also of economic participation. Each union, again, shall have the duty of carrying out a specific activity; these will be delegated to the local unit. The worker may take the activity they are most pleased with, and may carry it out as they see fit, given that said way is truly safe. Their labor will be valued; they will be people. Their work will be for them to decide - it will, in fact, be their duty to decide and deliberate on their work - and it will be for them to execute, not as a machine but as a full person.
The products of labor will themselves be free. The person who made it will feel a connection to it; they will be responsible for distributing it. Many things, however, will be made without price. Housing will be collectivized; the distribution of food, through warehouses and canteens, shall be as well; the same shall go for information and activities cultural, through the unions of participation.
In essence, the new Istkalen will be a socialist society of total participation on the behalf of the people. All will be made and implemented directly through the participation of the people.
Eva van der Bijl has been named interim Head of State, until the Constituent Assembly is elected and convenes. Regarding that: the Communist Party is leading. If elections were held now, Communists would hold 351 seats, Centers 200, Labor 150, and Liberals 100.