Her Majesty's Armed Forces || Kingdom of Montenbourg
Montenbourgian Armed Forces
Official Nation name: The Kingdom of Montenbourg
Conventional Nation name(s): MontenbourgBRANCHES
Her Majesty's Royal Army (total personnel): 300,000 personnel
Her Majesty's Royal Air Force (total planes): 7,500 crew; 650 aircraft
Her Majesty's Royal Navy (total ships): 10,780 crew; 45 ships
Total military personnel: 318,280Total upkeep cost: 1,000
Total ICs available: 10,000
Total ICs used: 0UNITS
Royal Montenbourgian Army
Motorised Infantry: 250
Mechanised Infantry: 255
Airborne: 650
Special Forces: 150
Armour: 300
*Artillery: 650Air
Royal Montenbourgian Air ForceFighter: 60
Fighter-Bomber: 35
Attack Helicopter: 40
Tanker: 15
Transport: 30
Bomber: 30
Strategic Bomber°: 25Naval
Royal Navy
Patrol Boat: 14
Corvette: 8
Frigate: 9
Destroyer: 50
Cruiser°: 10
Transport Ship: 80
Amphibious Assault Carrier: 5
Helicarrier: 4
Aircraft Carrier, Light: 6
Aircraft Carrier, Standard: 5
Supercarrier°: 3
Attack Submarine, Diesel (SSK): 10
Attack Submarine, Nuclear° (SSN): 8
Cruise Missile Submarine, Nuclear° (SSGN): 5
Ballistic Missile Submarine, Nuclear° (SSBN): 6Ground-based superweapons
ICBM silo°: 2
Mobile ICBM launcher°: 5
Strategic Nuclear Warheads: 0
Strategic Biological Warheads: 0
Strategic Chemical Warheads: 0Technologies
Satellites°: 5
Military Satellite Network°: 5
Space programme: 1
Space research programme°: 1
Nuclear technology°: 0
Nuclear weapons°: 0
Biological weapons°: 0
Chemical weapons°: 0