Customary Logistics Council -- Gadalland and Aspern
Announcement of change to Interim Leadership Authority
09 January 2022
From the Interim Leadership Authority:
The Interim Leadership Authority has concluded the conduction of an investigation involving alleged unlawful activities perpetrated by Mr. Guthrun Wond.
These findings are based on the following findings from our investigation:
The Head Councillor has appointed members of the Customary Logistics Council, pursuant to Absent Voter Act 1978, under Article 8(1)(b) unlawfully, and without meeting the requirements of 8(1)(b).
The Head Councillor has unlawfully appointed a new European Councillor, without calling an election.
After private investigation and assessment of the actions of Head Councillor, the ILA has decided to recommend a Vote of Expulsion for Head Councillor Guthrun Wond.
Information About Procedures for Extradition of Foreign National s
Please find a sample Arrest Information Document, which explains the procedure of arrest should a foreign national be arrested in Gadalland and Aspern.
You will also find information about the Expedited Removal Scheme.
Below is a sample document given to all foreigners arrested in Gadalland and Aspern informing them of rules regarding legal rights and rules.
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Community permission refers to the right to free movement between CCCC nations.
Citizens of Gadalland and Aspern and the Republic of Nofoaga automatically have community permission.The rules have changed regarding visa routes in which community permission is automatically granted with approval of your visa or travel permit.
Under the new update, you will no longer need to apply for community permission separately from your visa or travel permit, provided your visa or permit is approved.
When you arrive in the Caribbean on your visa or travel permit, you may arrive in any CCCC nation.
28 April, 2022
On the Government Renaming Project
The Customary Logistics has overwhelmingly voted to re-organise the Sertian government, to allow for more straightforward, efficient operations as Gadalland and Aspern begins to get more involved in EU affairs.
This restructuring will involve keeping many existing powers of the government, but adding, renaming, or taking away certain departments that do not benefit government efficiency. It will also reflect Gadalland and Aspern's new status as a Caribbean state.
This new structure will also allow for departments to be added and removed more easily, as needed in the future.
This resctructure DOES NOT constitute a shift in any government operations, nor will it, in any way, compromise the stability of this government.
The government also hopes to introduce the Individual Department Scheme, a developing project aimed at fair lobbying.
Government Departments
Please note: this list will not be updated. As new areas are added, please check the post on the Factbook page.
The new nominal anatomy of the Sertian government will be as
Department(s)Of the CLC:
The eight Customary Logistics Councils will be:-
Council for the Arts
Common name: Arts Council Gadalland/Aspern -
Council for Labour
Council for War
Common name: War Council Sertia -
Local Council
Foreign Council
Welfare Council
Economic Council
Common name: Money Council -
Caribbean Council
Led by a chosen representative from the Republic of Nofoaga
Foundation of the Sertian National Fund
25 May 2022
It is the utmost pleasure of the Customary Logistics Council to announce the creation of the Sertian National Fund. This nationally-owned foundation is the cornerstone of Sertia's newly-designed welfare system.
We as Sertians value the strength and vitality of our local communities. It is the government's wish to support our strong interpersonal connections which contribute to Gadalland and Aspern's rich culture, allowing solidarity and independent thought but maintaining a healthy level of co-dependence and unity.
The Sertian National Fund (SNF) is where taxpayer money goes, and government support comes from. Through the SNF, the government will provide financial support for the needs of our citizens.
The following benefits will become available with the creation of the SNF:
- Low Income Supplementation
- Financial support during periods of unemployment
- Student Financial Support
- Promoting equal access to our developing public transport system
- Guaranteed assistance for voluntary donors
The SNF will also oversee and strengthen existing benefits, such as the Elder Care Fund and the Sertian Health Service, as well as create increased social safety for our citizens.
The government has allocated 40% of its spending to the SNF alone for the first two years, and the rest to general infrastructure.
More information regarding eligibility requirements will be soon to follow.
Office for Public Education
Department for AdministrationPUBLIC SCHOOL CALENDAR 2022-23
The Public School Calendar is for all Sertian public schools and universities who receive funding from the Local Council.
18 October
First Day of School2 November - 9 November
Term Holiday10 December - 10 January
Bothorist Holidays3 February - 10 February
Term Holiday7 March - 17 March
Verna II Holiday6 June
School Ends -
15 August 2022
As of 1 October:
The Customary Logistics Council has this week established the National Minimum Living Wage, which is preliminarily set at 20.3 Caribbean Dollars (appr. 10 Euros) per hour of work.
To be considered a worker for tax and benefits purposes, you must make at or above the National Minimum Living Wage.
All workers employed in a company based in Gadalland and Aspern, or formed in a foreign country on behalf of Gadalland and Aspern, must be paid at least the National Minimum Living Wage unless the work is voluntary.
All self-employed individuals must themselves earn at least the National Living Minimum Wage to be considered employed.
All businesses wishing to establish themselves in Gadalland and Aspern must continue to register with the Sertian Registry Office (SRO).
In addition to registering with the Sertian Registry Office, all firms must disclose their average median-level working wage (MLW) to the Labour Council each fiscal year.
Any firm, domestic or international, wishing to hire non-Caribbean workers MUST certify to the Council for Labour that the worker(s) in question are receiving AT LEAST the MLW for that specified occupation.
No company may, at any point, hire foreign workers to work for a Sertian company and pay below either the National Minimum Living Wage or the Median Level Wage, whichever is higher.
Plwy Afas Emeisam
10 September, 2022
Fawys yn Braetha, yranav rais Daqer Guthrun, poia donas arafwys ynn frawealam Serdris. Golamas yn:
- Apalaswyth Serdris nayafrau pwillath yn lavau Commonwealth Wealam.
Anasyn Verenaya 1224, ulamas thrwyamal yn nolpyanarias wealas avatain ynn.
Ufuyalad Braetha yn pesolaias hil
The present Braetha, with proclaimed permission from Daqer Mr. Guthrun Wond, has voted to schedule a people's referendum for all of Gadalland and Aspern.
The contents of this referendum concern the following:
- Whether the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern is to join the Commonwealth of Nations.
Under the Sertian Domex 1224, it is the sworn duty of the Braetha to inform the nation of this vote.
Under assent for this order, the Braetha has set the date at which all voices are counted for 10 October, 2022.
30 September 2022
The Braetha has approved a proposal to instate an evacuation mandate in anticipation of Hurricane Ferra's landfall.
Hurricane Ferra is currently a low-pressure system to the southwest of the Sertian islands. We anticipate that Ferra will be a Category 4 Hurricane when Ferra makes landfall.
Category 4 Hurricanes pose substantial risk to human life and existing structures, even those considered 'Hurricane-proofed', with winds up to 150 km/hour. Rain, lightning and wind can threaten the security of your home and your utilities.
Beginning at 19:00 on 30 September, all persons living in the affected area(s) will be strongly advised to evacuate inland. Compensation will be provided for transport and accommodation will be provided through the Quartering Act 1980.
Please carry your national identity card with you during the evacuation as you will need it to prove you are entitled to accommodation.
New powers to deal with unacceptable and violent speech
25 November 2022
The Independent Leadership Authority (ILA) has granted permission for the government to enforce stricter consequences for instances of unacceptable speech and expression.
Please see Braetha 274 below:
(a) Unacceptable speech is here defined as any such self-expression which poses an evident threat to the right of citizens to engage in ordinary peace.
(b) It is therefore a criminal offence to disrupt any right to ordinary peace by use of speech which harasses, threatens, or violates, from the extent of the incitement or implication of violence, an ordinary citizen's right to ordinary peace.
(c) Any destruction of government property, as a consequence of the violation of ordinary peace by unacceptable speech, is a Significant Criminal Offence.
Any charge of (a) combined with (b) and/or (c) carries the following penalties:
No minimum prison sentence, and a maximum prison sentence of 15 years
A minimum fine of £350 and a maximum fine of £1000
Any rulings on the convictions under Braetha 274 will be mediated by the Judicial Union.
Statement by new head of Braetha Fornithias Cranst
Dear Sertia,
It is such a pleasure to be standing here in front of you, not just as the leader of the Braetha, but as a citizen of this growing nation. I am thankful to all of those who saw that Sertia is on this trajectory, and by electing me I can assure you all that you have supported that trajectory.
It has been a difficult year for Gadalland and Aspern. We've had the kidnapping of our long-time leader, and wonderful friend of mine, Mr. Henry Spiggen. We've had tumult and chaos with incompetent leadership. Now, I will do my very best to support the people of Gadalland and Aspern.
Today, the Braetha has just put forth a scheme to expand high-speed public transport across Gadalland and Aspern, replacing the inefficient and unsafe systems in place now.
And in just a few hours, we are scheduled to officially scrap any laws on the capacity of protests.
It has been an honour serving you, and I hope to be worthy to continue to serve this great nation in any way I can.
14 December 2022
Statement on the banishment of Guthrun Wond from the Eremundarias Triumvirate of Holy Cities: Hemberdale, Osperfey, and Plariaras
The Braetha has unanimously voted to send Mr. Guthrun Wond into an indefinite period of exile from the city of Hemberdale, the city of Osperfey, and the city of Plariaras. The dates of his exile begin with immediate effect.
Punishment for violating the terms of banishment may result in exile from the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern, or imprisonment upon entry into any of the aforementioned territories.
The Braetha recognises the severity of Mr. Wond's malpractice of government service, and hopes that this punishments serves to warn other leaders to protect the will of the people and strive to prevent chaos wherever it is sufficient and necessary to do so.
Mr. Guthrun Wond,
By the laws of humanity ensconced within the Sertian Domex 1224 and the unchanged rules of political administration, the Braetha hereby sentences you to indefinite political exile from the sacred cities of Hemberdale, Osperfey, and Plariaras.BY ORDER OF THE BRAETHA
18 December 2022
Government votes to sanction Svarna Surya
The Braetha finds the recent actions of the government of the People's Democratic Republic of Svarna Surya to warrant an unacceptable violation of human rights.
This conclusion has been reached by applying the following standards:
a. Determining which actions by foreign states are condonable under international laws of human rights, and
b. Determining whether the actions of a foreign state would warrant significant criminal or Layeonic action in the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern.
It is on these premises that the government has voted to apply sanctions to the state of Svarna Surya.
The government has found that the actions of Svarna Surya have met the requirements of "harmful and unstable" as established by Article I(2) in Rolling Sanctions Act 2021.
On these grounds, the government is authorised to apply the appropriate provisions of relevant domestic law. Pursuant to Rolling Sanctions Act 2021, the government has found that the economic sanctions 1(a,b,c), diplomatic sanctions 2(a,b,c,d,e), and individual sanctions 3(a,b,c,d) can reasonably be applied to the People's Democratic Republic of Svarna Surya.
This mandate is to be applicable with immediate effect.