Gaels Post
Críochnaigh Bigotry refounded as anti-blairite organisation
Críochnaigh Bigotry or Exit Bigotry has been refounded by anti-blairites as a charity focused on preventing hate and helping people leave the "Blairite extremism". The previous iteration was founded as a Blairite organisation that claimed "To fight catholic extremism" though its critics accused it of just being an anti-catholic hate group.The group has officially been registered and is taking in donations as well as organising in all countries where there is a major Strathaen expat community to help fight anti-blairite hate abroad and lobby foreign governments and raise awareness among public in those countries about the importance of fighting Blairite Anti-catholic and Orthodox hate and Blairite extremism. They plan to protest Blairite groups and work to reveal those who are harbingers of hate as well as help whistleblowers release information , they also plan to offer deradicalization programmes and help people exit Blairite circles.
On beginning of Pride Month Strathae government release message
The Strathae government released a video of the cabinet and governing party with other parties in the country all coming together to celebrate pride and have announced all embassies will have the Pride flag fly for a month over all Strathae government buildings and embasses. The Video focused on the equality of love and the message that there is not difference between straight and gay arguing the that gay people do not exist.
The government said in a public statement "There is no such thing as a gay, bisexual or a straight person only lovers. There is no such thing as a transgender person only male , female or non-binary. We will continue to spread the message we are all one and these is no difference between two men or women loving each other or mixed gender couples and there is no difference between those who were mistaken as male or female at birth and have finally had their true gender recognised and those who were correctly identified as the gender they are. We wish happy Pride to all and hope one day we an get over the times where a day such as Pride has to exist due to Bigots hate and the need to remember bigots actions and attitudes against LGBT and instead we just recognise humans are humans in all their weird and wonderful diversity." The statement was also signed by all the main three parties and all the International and national Breizhighist religious leaders.
Strathae Government announces new Christian Genocide Memorial Day
Strathaes government has announced there will be a new annual day announced on the calendar to "recognise the crimes of Strathae against Christians under the PoT and the effort to wipe out Christianity by means of cultural genocide". The government said the day would consist of annual apology ceremonies and also a read out annually of the local victims in each town. Embassies will also annually hold memorial services in them in every country they operate in. The government plan to invite the most senior church officials to a national service of memorial annually and also local and regional leaders to their respective regions services. Each clan government will be mandated to do a service by law in an upcoming law.
The plan has drew sharp criticism from some historians who suggest before it becomes illegal to do so that it wasn't a genocide. It has also predictably drawn protest and criticism from the Blairites and Blairite factions but also surprisingly the Strathae Catholic Church who said in a statement "I don't think Strathae will get anywhere by beating itself up annually over the mistreatment of the church by one government and considering what was essentially mild mistreatment as a full on cultural genocide devaluing the meaning of the word for those who have suffered real persacution and genocide." The government criticised the Catholic Church for "failing to support its parishioners and recognise the harm they went through for what it is a cultural genocide " and warned officials to "be careful not to deny the genocide after the law passes as it will apply much to Catholic officials as it does to anyone else" warning the church to stay silent on the matter unless its supporting the government declaration of the event as a cultural genocide.The announcement comes just over a weekk after the apology ceremony with all churches national officials in attendance on Sunday the 29th May 2022 which would be the official remembrance day.
Don't deny your own genocide says Strathae Governmemnt
Strathae has warned the churches officials in Strathae and Christian academics they must not deny their own cultural genocide from July 1st when the law is expected to kick in against denial of Christian Genocide. Though not passed yet it is expected to pass in the next few days with a penalty of 10 years for "Denying or challenging the status of the even of the Blairite Government actions of 2000-2021 against the Christian Faith as a Cultural Genocide" . Doing so even in academic papers will result in 10 years in jail if you are found guilty of the crime under the existing reading of the proposed law. This will include by Christians themselves and any priests , pastors or vicars who challenge it in their religious sermons as long as they are conducted or published from Strathae.The proposed law is dividing the country with supporters claiming the law is necessary to "fight extremism especially of the Blairite kind and hatred against catholics and orthodox" meanwhile critics have said the law "breaks freedom of speech, political ,religious and academic freedom by denying groups including Christians of the right to challenge the status of the events as a genocide by denying the right to an honest debate." Strathae is fiercely divided with the amount supporting the law at 40% to those opposing at 35% compared to support for and against Blairite policies of the past at 16% in support and 75% opposed. 25% were said they were not sure out of those who answered whether they support the new anti-genocide denial law modelled of laws of several states in history who have implemented such laws. The government warning churches their priests may be arrested if they deny what happened to them and their congregations was genocide and charged like anyone else has created a concern among some advocates that the government is going too far in "defending the christian minority."The law will also prevent the publication,distribution or sale of any books, in news or media content on including tv of content that "Denies or challenges the status of the Blairite Government actions of 2000-2021 against the Christian Faith as a Cultural Genocide"
Bill to make Strathae Christian Genocide Denial a crime passes
The bill to make Strathae Christian Genocide Denial a crime has passed with the penalties and law to apply from the 1st July to give time for academics to retract any papers challenging the status of the genocide on subject. The law makes the crime of "Denying or challenging the status of the even of the Blairite Government actions of 2000-2021 against the Christian Faith as a Cultural Genocide" punishable by 10 years in jail for native born Strathaens and a 20 years ban from the country for people who are not citizens of Strathae. The bill will apply to all groups including Catholics who choose to try to say they were not subject to genocide and the government have requested churches back their stance or stay silent on the matter in Strathae.The bill also included making the date the government were kicked out of office by election a new Strathae Christian Genocide Memorial Day where activities will be undertook to remind Strathaens and visitors of the crime and how the nation has moved on in order that it and something like it is never repeated again. Blairites have condemned the bill as an attack on them something the government hasn't commented on when asked to comment while the Catholic Church expressed concerns over the implications on free speech and also said it did not agree with a mild anti-catholic policy and some harassment of a small amount of Catholics to be persecution or cultural genocide against Christians.
Strathae Football Assocation considers stopping playing of Strathaen anthem at games
The Strathae government has said it is considering stopping the playing of its anthem at its international games in Strathae and putting in a request to UEFA to do the same at its foreign games. The anthem has been mired in controversy and it is thought that Strathae sports authorities are worried Blairites will sing the old anthem and lyrics inciting hate and offending catholics and making them feel uncomfortable, there is also growing concern over the lines about routing the foreigners and how Grace O'Malley was sold to foreigners with concern this could offend foreigners in the nation with at least 5 having complained triggering a review into the national anthem again and whether it is racist or hate inciting.The government is understood to be considering a few options such as ammending lyrics again, making the anthem purely instrumental , composing a new anthem more inclusive of all Strathaens including foreigners and immigrants or just keeping it the same if they find little offense in the community of foreign expats in Strathae. There has been criticismby some suggesting the countries government is "pandering to foreigners too much" with suggestions the current course rather than reducing tension is causing a bigger divide between Strathaen natives and immigrants or foreigners. The government is also considering banning the word foreigner as a "racist slur " to avoid foreigners facing offensive speech to them following a review and survey asking if the word foreigner is offensive to them. The goverment plan a survey of the non-native population on issues such as racism and issues like whether the anthem should change or the word foreigner should be banned and is offensive to them.
Strathae leaves EU over EU support for hate groups and hate speech
Strathae has voted in both houses to leave the EU in a special vote following debates and concerns over the EU interpretation on human rights. The vote triggered by High Chieftian passed in the Tionól Clans 73 to 32 and passed the Tionól na gCosantóirí 110 to 97. The vote was triggered by a string of ECOJ cases and rulings undermining the traditions and culture of Strathae and its protections for the Catholic Minority. Most of the opposition of the upper house came ironically from the more Orthodox members of the Breizhighist faiths some of whom expressed fear without checks and balances Blairites could be "persacuted by the state more".
The government said in a statement "We support human rights , democracy and equality but the EU interpretation on this and issues of free speech is warped including classing harassment of minority gorups, hate speech and threats towards minorities and doxing as "human rights" under their absolutist free speech agenda. This makes it impossible to protect minorities from hate groups in our nation.
We are also alarmed that aspects of our culture hundreds of years old of volunteering a days labour in return for access to public services is seen as slave labour. The current situation is intolerable now one can freeload of the free voluntary labour others put in for the good of their community while not putting work in themselves to the system. While its fair not to have to volunteer they should not get access to the community services run by volunteers if they do not volunteer their labour some way. We feel these two issues are making EU membership incompatible with the needs of the nation , its traditions and its minorities need for protection." The government insisted they will not be rolling back on human rights and media freedom pledging to continue the existing rules adopted by the current government.
Arrests and fines for non-citizen residents and temporary guests down 80%
Arrests and fines for non-citizen residents and temporary guests are down 80% so far this year with aims to reduce it further according to government.The figures show only 4,306 non-citizen residents and temporary guests have been arrested this year while fines dropped from 37,506 to 8,056 for the first 6 months with 74% of those forgiven up from 54% last year. The government have applied pressure on police over the year to avoid arresting or fining non-citizen residents and temporary guests at all costs and only after 6 warnings showing a pattern of misbehaviour and also to focus more on bans on entry and revokal of visas over arrests or fines in cases of multiple warnings.The policy has been criticised by some as going far too leniant on non-citizen residents and temporary guests with there being known cases of refusals to prosecute non-citizen residents and temporary guests even in cases of assault or hate speech against others for fear of angering the government or overseas governments. The government have set targets for police to cut arrests and fines for non-citizen residents and temporary guests down by at least 95% within the next 6 months.
New survey suggesting discrimination against non-citizen residents and temporary guests virtually non-existent is quashed
A survey was leaked that the government refused to publish. The survey and report suggested that crimes and discrimination against non-citizen residents and temporary guests was virtually non-existent and as low if not lower than crimes or harassment against citizens. The report also suggested only a few hundred incidents per year occurred during the Blairite period of Strathaen governance. The report allegedly was quashed last month by government after it showed results the government did not like as it didn't match the government narrative according to the government themselves in leaked conversations.The quashing of the report has lead to calls from CSP and The Alternative for an enquiry into why the report was quashed and not published and whether the government is supressing information. There are allegations that the government is overstating the amount of crime and harassment against non-citizen residents and temporary guests in Strathae in a bid to appear liberal and friendly to those from other countries.The government have denied these allegations saying "We believe the report either intentionally or unintentionally white washed this countries record with non-citizen residents and temporary guests. We think its ludicrous to suggest most non-citizen residents and temporary guests were not subject to harrassment, crime and discrimination especially during the Blairite period and even today from Blairites. This report is denying the Christian Genocide of Strathae so we rightly didn't publish false data and results."
Polls show support for PoT Dropping
Opinion polling of the clans has revealed support from the clans for the PoT is falling. The party won 82 of the 105 seats were won by PoT in the last election in the wake of the Alternative and Clan Socialist Party government. The parties under new leaders are recovering with a new party named The Guardians in English set up by Blairites has also showed it could take seats. The New polling shows the parties projected seats if an election was held today as following:
CSP(Left to Centre Left): 23(+2)
The Alternative(Centrist): 7(+6)
PoT(Conservative): 54(-28)
The Guardians(Blairite Nationalist): 20(+20)
DRP(Reformist): 1(+0)The polls suggest PoT is losing Blairites to The Guardians as well as losing some seats to CSP and The Alternative. If a general election was held today the party would still just about garner a majority however.
Government bans fining temporary guests
The government has banned the fining and arresting of temporary guests and non-citizen residents instead only allowing warning of these groups of people. The new system will see temporary guests and non-citizen residents warned up to three times for same type of offense with a third warning being a final warning. After that temporary guests and non-citizen residents would have to leave the country if they committed the same offense a 4th time. They are also telling police to focus on a system of warnings ad deportation and bans on entry for a 4th offense.The move is an effort to liberalise the system and make it more foreigner friendly. The new law would see police forces took over if they are seen to be targeting temporary guests and non-citizen residents. If the rate of warnings or removals is at all higher than that of fines and arrests of citizens then they will be called before government to justify the figures. If they fail to do so they would then be took over and reformed by the national government. The reforms aim to reassure other nations that temporary guests and non-citizen residents will not face additional discrimination from the state.Any ban and removal may be challenged in court to prevent abuse of this system.
Government legalise protests outside of religious sites
The government today relegalised protests outside of religious sites such as Catholic Churches. Previously protests had been banned to protect Catholics from harassment however the relegalisation of protest outside of churches has occurred at the request of church communities who reported an increase in harassment following the passage of the law. Despite relegalisation new rules for protests have been issued. The new rules on protest ban harassment of the attendees of events or incitement of attendees or threatening behaviour. Any protests must also not block entrances and be outside the venue and building the event such as a church service is held unless they are invited inside.Venues will have a right to evict protesters outside of their conference or property .The Alternative and CSP have also supported the policy with all parties acknowledging the failure of previous policies. The policy is the latest in a line of rollbacks of policy introduced in reaction to concerns over harassment. The move would make it the last major policy to fall. The government have however confirmed protesting outside of private residences an anti-doxing laws against revealing home numbers and addresses will remain in effect.The government said in a statement "We acknowledge the need to revoke some policies put into effect that meant well but ultimately caused more issues but we still must protect the privacy and right to a family and private life of all our citizens." The government also announced it would be authorising the use of the terms Foreign Nationals as well as Immigrant and Foreign Expats in government documents after confirming with these groups these terms are not offensive and has concluded the review into the anthem with the finding that no change is needed to remove the word foreigner from the national anthem. It has also removed all restrictions on Churches except the right to adopt and foster children out with the government announcing the formation of the National Adoption Service to handle all adoptions and fostering's of children in the country on an equal basis.
Strathae announces new Dead-naming regulations for internet and media
The government announced today they plan to take action on dead naming the practise of calling what the rest of Europe calls transgender people by the name given at birth. The practise is usually accidental but is often used in some countries to mock or disrespect transgender people in a hate crime. The new regulations will give people a right to have their old name forgotten fully. It would require websites, social media and any media that is physical to take down the dead names with TV and films required to allow actors to request the dead name be inserted into credits on re-runs. News agencies would be required to edit the name in online news articles and opinion pieces scrubbing the old article. The issue was raised by a politician who was identified as the wrong gender at birth and national LGBT groups. The law would also prevent evidence in court using news articles or reports with the old name in it or only allowing it with the names redacted or replaced in it for court proceedings.The act would require to replace all references to the dead name with the correct chosen name for the individual within 1 week in case of online modifications. Physical media would have until next re-runs to edit the dead name while TV, Radio , and Film credits for digital distribution will have 1 month to replace the file online with new credits . The act is designed to reduce trauma and will allow private agencies to search for instances of deadnames and request the changes on behalf of a client with companies allowed to request evidence they are acting on behalf of the client. It is hoped the regulations can come in in 2 months after going through a review with stakeholders and panel of exports and being voted on in a final form. This would affect all media operating in Strathae,
PoT kick out 9 Clan Assembly members
The PoT leader today kicked out 9 clan assembly members from the PoT for voting with the opposition on the vote to leave the EU and allegedly supporting Blairite politics and policies by attending anti-catholic events. The vote was successful but 9 PoT members voted against leaving with accusations they were supporting the Blairites and "right to be a bigot" in doing so. The party leader in public social media has described the clan assembly members as traitors to the party and "our values as a country of tolerance and acceptance and protection of religious minorities."The move has proved controversial as 5 have announced immediately they are joining the Blairite party The Guardians , the party that claims it is protecting the culture of Strathae and fighting foreign intolerant values and protecting LGBT from the Catholic and Orthodox Churches among other "bigoted religious groups"This will mean the country will have 4 independents and 5 Guardian politicians and 73 PoT in parliament in the absence of recalls of Clan Asssembly Members. The PoT have announced they will be seeking to trigger elections in all the Clan Members seats by triggering recalls and by elections to oust the members. It remains to be seen how successful the party will be in this effort.
PoT make joining Blairite organisations against rules
Today the PoT Leader Moira Dubhshlin MacPheadair and the Central Committee of the PoT voted by 7-3 to make joining "Blairite or Hate Groups" an offense in the party constitution punishable by a lifetime ban. The new rule states that members who are members of organisations on list of 117 Blairite and Hate Groups must officially leave those organisations membership rosters within 1 month or risk being kicked out of the party. Any future prescribed Blairite or Hate Groups must be left within a month if put on the list. The move was backed by most of the Central Committee who were elected 2 years ago. The move is an attempt to finally boot out all Blairites and detoxify the part and continue the clean up process of the image of the party. The change makes the PoT policies in line with policies of the Clans Socialist Party and The Alternative who also hold a list of Blairite and Hate groups that their members are banned from being members of.3 members of the committee voted against the proposal with the party leader looking to organise recall votes in their seats and kick them out of the party and committee for "supporting the Blairite bigots" . The 3 members are now under pressure as campaigns to remove them get under way.
Political Crisis as 16 leave PoT
A political crisis is brewing as 16 PoT politicians who are either more Blairite or critical of Christianity and Catholicism have announced they are leaving the PoT in a joint statement. The 16 are leaving the PoT with 6 planning to stay as independents and and 10 joining Na Caomhnóirí party . The leader of rebellion to the Na Caomhnóirí said in a statement "We are finding it increasingly hard to stay in a party that cathlo-philic and so protective of the Catholic Church to the exclusion of all citizens rights to criticise and protest their negative actions. I know of many who are terrified to even criticise the Catholic Church even moderately for fear of mobs on social media or dire consequences for their jobs or political position from the politically correct elite. This must end and we are joining Na Caomhnóirí to protect our nations democracy and society against the tolerance of bigotry and discrimination from the Catholic Church. "The candidates who have announced they are leaving to stay as independent are less anti-catholic but still have reservations over elements of Catholic doctrine and its effect on society. The
Tionól Clans with the now confirmed kicking out of the 3 committee members who voted against the new rules now stands at 55 PoT Members 21 CSP members 15 Guardian or Na Caomhnóirí members , 12 Independents and 1 each for the DRP and Alternative. The PoT are confirmed to be organising recall referendums in all the Independent and Guardian member seats to remove them from office and trigger new elections, though its rumoured that the government is considering triggering a new all out election. The PoT has also been ousting Blairites in local assemblies and mayoral positions from the party and trying to get recall elections in what has been described by some as a "political purge" but by allies as a "cleansing of the party from bigots" -
Strathae government collapses as 5 more leave
The Strathae government has collapsed today following five more resignations from the PoT party over its increasingly anti-blairite stance. The party has bled Blairite supporters and politicians from its membership to Na Caomhnóirí or The Guardians in english. The loss of 5 more members now leaves the government with a minority forcing them by law to find a coalition partner or have an election.All other parties announced today they would not be backing the PoT in a government without an election with the other two major parties the Alternative and Clan Socialist Party said "With the current bleeding from the PoT government and the issues surrounding their governance and anti-blairite alleged purge we cannot support them in forming a new government without first going to the people and the clans. The clans must once again have a say in an all out election due to the amount of changes in seats and recalls being organised by the PoT." The collapse has forced a crisis in the PoT though luckily for the Czech Slavian Cooperation Treaty only after its approval passed meaning it will go into force. The remaining party of the PoT has consolidated around the leader of the PoT. Parties will have 1 month to find new candidates for the election and 1 month to then campaign in the clans after that. Polls are mixed with some indicating a slight majority for PoT and others a slight majority for the Clan Socialist Party.
PoT lose majority in polling as government collapses
PoT today have lost the lead in opinion polling for the next election with big gains for the new elections as new elections were announced following the loss of 4 more members of government. The polls now show a divided nation with no obvious government. The parties of the CSP and Alternative have announced they will set up an alliance for the election and not run against each other encouraging their voters to vote for their new alliance Ar Aghaidh Le Chéile with the intention of beating the PoT , "bringing back free speech" and rejoining the EU which both parties voted against leaving in the parliamentary vote.The polls show party seats if the election was held today would be as follows:
The Alternative:19
PoT: 37
Na Caomhnóirí:22
DRP:1The new alliance is exoected to change this prediction with PoT expected to lose alot more seats as a result of the non-competition agreement alliance and also Na Caomhnóirí gaining in the polls over time.
Ar Aghaidh Le Chéile platform calls to rejoin EU and work out compliance issues
Today the Ar Aghaidh Le Chéile has announced in its new platform it would vote to rejoin the EU should the alliance get a majority in the
Tionól Clans. The new platform was announced by the leader of the CSP and Alternative on one stage and it was also announced that should they win the CSP leader would be the one who would take the High Chieftain position with The Alternative leader taking up the Deputy Chieftain of Strathae.The join platform was announced with the following policies:
1:Rejoin the EU
2:Bring Strathae into full compliance with EU human rights charter
3:Increase support for cooperatives and state owned companies while controlling private business more and raising the tax they pay to reflect their exploitation of workers labour.
4:Increase minimum wage 12% to better increase equality
5:Continue support for catholic church and victims of hatred of Blairites
6:Further increase publicly funded international train links
7. End the reparations scheme that patronises catholics and withdraw the classification of the discrimination against catholics as a genocideOn the same day the PoT also have released their platform which had the following expected policies:
1:Continue to protect the catholic population and religious minorities against the hatred of the the Blairites and their "treasonous" behaviour
2:Continue support for freeing up the market more to allow more small SME's
3:Continue with current stance on free speech balancing protest rights against protecting minorities from harassment
4. Look at social media regulations to see if sites need to be better protected from Blairites
5.Increase taxation on meat to discourage its use in foodNa Caomhnóirí are expected to come out with their full platform in a few days. The party however have been criticised as "far right extremists" by most other parties. The leader of the PoT Moira Dubhshlin MacPheadair said in a statement " We must vote against the traitors and enemies of the people Na Caomhnóirí who have nothing better to do than hate on minorities and especially Christians and believe in extreme religious persecution. We must beat them at the ballot box , beat them in the streets and beat them on the internet and not stop until they are fully silenced through social pressure."
Na Caomhnóirí unveil platorm
Na Caomhnóirí have unveiled their platform for the upcoming election in a platform that surpised few and stayed close to the Blairite ideals. The platform unveiled was described by other parties as "racist" and "christianophobic". The platform was unveiled under the slogan "Make Strathae Strathaen again" when translated to English. The slogan has been compared to platforms of other fascist parties in Europe.
The platform unveiled had the following key policies:
1: A ban on Catholics and people of any abrahaimic faiths immigrating to Strathae
2: Remove those who express "homophobic, transphobic ,sexist or misogynistic views " from the country
3:Ban meat consumption again to protect animal lives from "senseless slaughter for mere human consumption of their flesh."
4:Return Strathae to traditional values that have served us well for hundreds of years
5:Return to old system of fines and prison sentences for environmental crimes that punish "environmental terrorists who pollute our country" ]
6: Put additional aviation taxes in place
7:Make any "homophobic, transphobic ,sexist or misogynistic speech " a hate crime under law that is punishable by up to 10 years in jail and make it so internet companies and media have responsibility for content hosted on their platforms and have to remove such content within 24 hours of it being reported or face fines of up to 3% of revenue in Strathae up to a total of 10% of revenue in Strathae per year.The platform has been described by the PoT leader as a "platform of an enemy of the people full only of unstrathaen treasonous hatemongering". The Alternative and Clan Socialist parties also condemned the platform vowing not to work with the party if their alliance is elected in the upcoming elections with the most seats. The PoT and DRP have also vowed not to work with them while Ar Aghaidh Le Chéile, the Alternative and CSP alliance have also vowed not to form any coalition with any PoT government leaving the country with the potential for many elections if a party cannot get the majority required by law to form a government.