Empire of Selvaris Factbook
National Factbook Summary
The Empire of Selvaris, commonly known as Selvaris is a sovereign country located on the East of the Caspian sea. The Empire of Selvaris is bordered by three Nations; two to its South one to the North a rogue territory to the East and the Caspian Sea to the West.
The Empire of Selvaris is a Monarchy. The current monarch is Emperor David Xavier Ignatius, who became ruler after his fathers' death Emperor Victor Xavier Ignatius II. The Empire of Selvaris's capital is St. Vincent, a technologically advanced city and financial center with an urban population of 3.67 million, and is the largest city in the nation based on population.
The Empire of Selvaris became a member of the European Union in 2021.
Nation Name: Selvaris
Official Name: Empire of SelvarisDemonym:
Capital: St. Vincent
Motto: God, Emperor, Nation
National Colours: Red, White, Blue
National Flower: Orchids
Currency: Imperial Notes and Sovereign Gold [(The Imperial Note is like a US Dollar in appearance.) 27 Imperial Notes = 1 Sovereign Gold. (Sovereign Gold is just a gold coin in size of a US Dollar Coin)]Administration
Type of Government: Monarchy
Branches of the Government:Empire of Selvaris
Executive: Emperor David Xavier Ignatius
Judicature: The Supreme Court of the Empire of Selvaris
Head of State: Emperor David Ignatius
Head of Government: Chancellor Castellon Vilafor
European Councilor: Duke Silas LancasterPeople and Society
Population: 27,675,000 - 06/28/2021
Population: 27,705,000 - 06/29/2021Official Language(s): English and Spanish
Official Religion: Roman CatholicismReligions Practiced:
Roman Catholicism: 56%
Christianity: 26%
Mormon: 10%
Jewish: 4%
Other: 4%Standards
Time Zone: UTC offset - 4:00 EDT - Daylight Saving - Y
Date Format: MM-DD-YYYY
Dialing Country Code: +1
Drives on the: Right
Internet cc TLD: .esSystem of Measurement: Metric and English
Number System: Binary and Decimal Number Systems
Standard Electricity Output: 220VEconomy
National Currency: Imperial Notes and Sovereign Gold
Agricultural Sector: Salmon, Wheat, Sugar, Livestock, etc.
Minerals: Oil, Graphite, Lazurite, Flouride, and Obsidian
Industries: Electronics, Services (Telecommunications, Data Processing, Credit Card Bureaus, Online Banking), Tourism, transportation, Medicine, Technology, Entertainment, Insurance, Education, and WeaponsElectricity Production:
Solar: 40%
Hydro: 30%
Wind: 25%
Geothermal: 5%Major Exports: Oil, Ethanol, Salmon, Electronics, Vehicle and Transportation, Minerals, Medicine
Major Imports: Raw Materials, Medicine, Food, Clothing, Steel, Iron, and Gas -
Constitute of Absolute Laws of the Empire of Selvaris
These Laws are Accurate as of 06/29/2021
The Emperor; Current and After, has the right to enact and change any and all laws to safeguard, govern our peoples, promote economic prosperity, advance achievements, and improve diplomatic relations. Establish these LAWS OF THE EMPIRE OF SELVARIS
Article I. The Empire of Selvaris
I. The Empire of Selvaris is a Nation that consists of seven main cities; Alexandria, Columbus, Jericho, Novum Aurelius, Olympus, Tiberias, and the Capital St. Vincent.
II. The defense of the Nation is the prime duty of government, and in the fulfillment of this duty, all citizens may be required by law to render personal military or civil service.
III. The Empire of Selvaris renounces war as an instrument of national policy, adopts the generally accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land, and adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, and amity with all nations.
IV. The Nation shall establish, maintain, and ensure adequate social services in the field of education, health, housing, employment, welfare, and social security to guarantee the enjoyment of the people of a decent standard of living.
V. Imperial Authority is at all times supreme over the Civilians; the military rule will only be enforced on land during times of war and civil unrest.
VI. The Nation shall afford protection to labor, promote full employment and equality in employment, ensure equal work opportunities regardless of sex, race, or creed, and regulate the relation between workers and employers. The State shall assure the rights of workers to self-organization, collective bargaining, security of tenure, and just and humane conditions of work. The State may provide for compulsory arbitration.
Article 2. Bill of Rights
I. Everyone has the right to life
II. Everyone has the right to be free from torture, inhuman or degrading treatment;
III. Everyone has the right to be free from slavery and forced labor;
IV. The right to liberty and freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention;
V. The right to a fair trial;
VI. The right to respect for private and family life, home, and correspondence;
VII. No person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense without due process of law.
VIII. The right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion;
IX. The right to freedom of expression;
X. The right to freedom of assembly and association;
XI. The right to marry and found a family;
XII. The right to peaceful possession of property;
XIII. The right to education;
The enjoyment of these rights is secured without discrimination on
any grounds.
Article 3. Citizenship
I. The following are citizens of the Empire of Selvaris:
- (1) Those who are citizens of the Empire of Selvaris at the time of the adoption of these Laws.
- (2) Those whose fathers and mothers are citizens of the Empire of Selvaris
- (3)A natural-born citizen is one who is a citizen of the Empire of Selvaris from birth without having to perform any act to acquire or perfect his Selvarian citizenship.
Article 4. Judicature
I. The Imperial Court of Justice is the supreme judicial authority of and in the Empire of Selvaris.
II. The Imperial Court of Justice is comprised of the Chief Justice, who presides over the Imperial Supreme Court, and six Justices; one Justice per each City; Chief Justice Presiding over Capital City.
III. A decision in the Imperial Court is by a simple majority vote, if ever a split vote the Chief Justice will break the split.
Section II. Powers of the Imperial Court of Justice
I. The Imperial Court of Justice is responsible for determining whether a Law or Amendment is broken and deemed punishable under the laws of this Constitute.
II. The Imperial Court of Justice may review, oversee, and determine on cases accusing other nations, institutions, or individuals of conflicting with this Constitute or any part of it.
III. The Imperial Court of Justice, upon giving a verdict, gives a suitable sentence, with the maximum sentence being imposed of that of one life imprisonment, and it may not compel any action that itself would conflict with this Constitute.
Article 5. Status In Law
The rights protected in the Bill of Rights apply as follows
It is unlawful for public authorities to act in a way that is inconsistent with the protected rights;
As far as it is possible to do so, courts must interpret legislation
Where a compatible interpretation is not possible, a declaration
of that incompatibility may be made. Such a declaration does
not affect the validity or application of that legislation.
His Imperial Majesty, Emperor David Xavier Ignatius
Chancellor Castellon Vilafor
Chief Justice Josiah Humora -
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