On behalf of the Republic of Sunkist, I vote FOR this Act.
Ms. Rice
Councillor for the Republic of Sunkist
Republic of Sunkist
President Jaehaerys Targaryen
Strength Through Freedom
On behalf of the Republic of Sunkist, I vote FOR this Act.
Ms. Rice
Councillor for the Republic of Sunkist
On behalf of The Republic of Sunkist, I vote FOR this Act.
Ms. Rice
Councllor for The Republic of Sunkist
I vote FOR Amendments II, III and IV.
I vote AGAINST Amendment I.
Ms. Rice
Councillor, The Republic of Sunkist
I vote FOR Amendments I, II, V and VI.
I vote AGAINST Amendments III and IV.
Ms. Rice
Councilor, The Republic of Sunkist
On behalf of The Republic of Sunkist, I vote FOR this motion.
Ms. Rice
Councillor for The Republic of Sunkist
Nation Name: The Republic of Sunkist
Nation Flag:
Nation Coat of Arms: Sunkist Coat of Arms
Fact Summary
Official name: The Republic of Sunkist
Shortened name: Sunkist
Abbreviation: SUN
Capital city: Xadia, located in the mid southern tip of the nation nestled by the ocean where the populated island of Croatia (territory of Sunkist) can be seen in the not so far distance
National motto: Strength Through Freedom
National anthem: Sunkist National Anthem
National colors: Blue, White, Gold
Government type: Constitutional Republic
Legislature type: Bicameral legislature
Executive: Presidency
Head of State: President Jaehaerys Targaryen
Highest court: Sunkist Supreme Court
Geography & Climate:
Location: 65 Degrees Latitude, 1 Degree Longitude, North tip of the peninsula neighboring The Confederacy of Germania and Russia to the west, The Empire of Norskhelm to the south east and The Empire of Loabistan to the east
Terrain and landscape:
People & Society:
Urban population: 85%
Literacy rate: 98%
Official languages: English and Spanish
Ethnicity: White 70%, Black 15%, Mixed 15%
Religion: Roman Catholicism: 35%, Christianity subsects 35%, Judaism 15%, Islam 15%
National currency: US Dollar
National currency exchange rate: One US Dollar = 1 Euro
GDP: Euro GDP: 1,168,992,000
GDP per capita: Euro GDP: 1,168.99
Average salary: $6,443.50
Unemployment rate: 3.7%
Major exports: Iron, Lumber, Sea food, Minerals, Pharmaceuticals, Refined Petroleum, Vehicle parts, Weaponry equipment
Major imports: Cars, Computers, Medical Equipment
Other Facts:
Date format: MM-DD-YYYY
Drives on the: Right
Internet code: .sun
The Republic of Sunkist votes as follows:
Candidate Name: Nicholas Barber
Home Nation: Republic of Sunkist
Incumbent? (Y/N): N
The Republic of Sunkist votes as follows:
Office of Premier Commissioner,
Office of Internal Affairs Commissioner,
Office of Foreign Affairs Commissioner,
Nation name (short): Sunkist
Nation name on NationStates (if different): Republic of Sunkist
Average yearly income (on NationStates): $40,052 in US Dollar
Annual living costs (after tax) as % of income: 36%
Annual average savings as % of income: 23%
Government spending in the economy as % of GDP: 18%
Population: Stately: 50 million European Union: 2.5 million