'Yes, in this recent years the capitalist are turning even more warmongers than ever I think that if we want our ideology and nations to survive we need to protect our fellow comrades insade and abrode of our countries'
Latest posts made by Taltovia
He lights is smoking pipe and starts 'Thanks for your comprension, I think that we need to start discussing how our two countries could bennefit themselfs from a trade relation' he takes a puff on the pipe and continues 'for example in Taltovia we have plenty of minerals needed in heavy and light industry, soo i think that we should disscus that point'
RE: Taltovian news agencies
C.C.R.T: Moorning News
Goodmorning comrades we know that all of you want to watch the comunicate of the commisariat of defense but before that we must inform you of some things the program Last Week Tonight has been ban for counter-revolutionary propaganda and incitation to hate. His creator and presentator John Oliver has been banned from entering the country
(this is the man in cuestion).
if you ever see him insade the borders of our nation please call the autorities.[a man aproches the presentator and tells him somethig] Well comrades the conference with the comissar of internal affair is ready, so we will finish this news program.
[has the national anthem is heard on the background the images changes to the conference room of the C.A.I. (curatore per gli affari interni)] Hello my fellow comrades all of you know that i don't like to extend things unnecesarely soo i will directly to the point yesterday's night a Death Guard esquadron in a secret mission captured the lider of the A.N.A (Anterian Unity Army) Milco Bruns in a village in the frontier has you can see in the image
the group was trasported in a helicopter and there was no losses, the names of the esquadron members are secret but in his own words they say that even in such dangeouros missions they feel well serving there countrya nd it's people's. With that I will go goodmoorning comrades.[the transmission ends and the child cartoons start to play]
While sitting on the chair and putting his glasses on 'Please comrade we are both communist brothers, we can left the formalities of a head of state aside for a bit, first i want to congratulate you for all of your achivemmets and also congratulate the people of the UNSR for the compromise to our cause and I also want to refirm our compromise of recognising the UNSR' then take out a smoking pipe 'Do I disturb you if I smoke?' -
RE: Taltovian news agencies
In the morning issue of the Taltovian newspaper La Voce del Proletariato the most read Taltovian newspaper has been announced in the first page the ban of the hit called Taltovia Strong due to the incitation of violence versus the Anterian minority in the F.P. (Federal Province) of Campagna and the ban of the program of John Oliver Last Week Tonight for counter-revolutionary propaganda and invitation of hate for this same reason his entry to the country is also frobiden.
The meeting between the leaders of the PRT & the UNSR.
this meeting will be celebrated in the Taltovian capital, Talsku.
The city is marked with beautiful ancient monuments and snow covering all the street this is normal due to the position of the city in-between mountains the summer is very short and only reaches one and a half month, apart of the old monuments of the classical era there is the medieval part of the city filled with small streets old houses and a lot of picturesque bars, restaurants, and establishments of all kinds. The meeting will be held in the government building the so-called Pallazzo del Soviet Supremo.
(The palace in one of the only sunny days of the capital).
The premier of Taltovia Martin lucianov will receive here the leader id the UNSR and the meeting will be televised by taltovian and nicoleizian media. But before that, the nicoleizian leader will be received with all the honors of a head of state in the newly reformed international airport Amadeo Bordiga named after the famous revolution hero.
RE: The Press Office of Jean-Claude Juncker
Journalist Name: Matteo
Journalist Surname: Rizzi
TV Channel / Radio Station / Press who's interested: CCRT (Central Comite of Radio & Television).
Where are you from?: The People's Republic of Taltovia.What are you interested in?: How will Junkers act in front of media disregarding all political correctness & how he will handle the interfering of nations in other nation internal affairs.
How long would it take to do the interview?: The time could variate from 30 minutes till 1 hour.
Where will the interview be done?: Where is most convenient for Junkers.
Planned date for the Interview: The date that fits the most the agenda of Junkers. -
RE: Taltovian news agencies
Today the Taltovian televisions have had images like this all day, that's because of one 12 of May of 40 years ago, the only time in all the history of the People's Republic martial law was imposed by the E.L.P.T. (esercito di liberazione popolare taltoviano) in order to crush unrest caused by some border skirmishes with the neighboring country of Anteria.
It all started when some students protested against the government position on the 100 years old border conflict between the two countries in order to take control of the region of Campagna a region full of vital resources for the Taltovian industry, the students didn't have bad intentions but the movement was quickly utilized by the counter-revolutionaries has a weapon.
The movement was radicalized by far-right members, the situation got worse when the commissariat for internal affairs tried to regularize the movement, this action was met by the congregation of a demonstration in the "Piazza del Popolo" when it was seen that the demonstrators were more of a mob than the pacific demonstration that they claimed to be the police dissolved the demonstration.
After that time passed and tensions raised between the government and "ex-student movement" another demonstration was programmed to happen in the day when the twentieth congress of the P.S.R.T (Taltivian Socialist Revolutionary Party) was meant to happen in the central soviet, located a few blocks from the "Piazza del Popolo" seeing how the situation could escalate the demonstration was banned but the demonstrators came to the demonstration, but this time they were prepared and when the police tried to dissolve the demonstration chaos erupted through the city.
The situation in the capital quickly extended to the other cities where the movement had members and the country in a week was completely in chaos, the army mobilized and declared martial law imposing harsh measures and as quickly as the chaos spread it was reduced to a single spot, the capital the army surrounded the city and after the arrival of two armored divisions of the taltovian guard the army entered the city.
The "demonstrators" retired to the "Piazza del Popolo", the army surrounded the square and started to advance and as the demonstrators threw them rocks and molotovs the army responded opening fire. At the end, the order was restored and martial law was revoked.
RE: Commission Elections, Apr/May 2020
The People's Republic of Taltovia votes as follows:
Premier Commissioner:
Internal Affairs Commissioner:
-Jean-Claude JUNCKER
External Affairs Commissioner:
RE: Taltovian news agencies
C.C.R.T: Night News
Oh mother Taltovia, union of lands and people's.
Oh great Taltovia, peaceful and prosperous.
We, your people are proud to be yours.
Avanti Taltovi alla vittoria.
No matter the sacrifice we will defend you
and your immortal beauty that extends
through your mountains, rivers, and plain;
reaching every corner.
We swear allegiance to you, immortal motherland,
homeland of brave and working people,
home of our revolution.
We swear allegiance to you bearer of justice and goodness,
till our last breath we will serve you.
AVANTI TALTOVIA ALLA VITTORIAWelcome to the night news comrades, today we will be asserting the results of the referendum made to choose a candidate in the European elections, before the results we can say that it will be a harsh competition between the two candidates [that had come -says while coughing]. Has the results are being counted we will continue with the program.
In a recent conference, the commissar of justice has stated that the nazi party will be ban and his leaders will be arrested for the charges of:-Conspiration versus the revolution.
-Damaging public property and infrastructure.
-incitation to violence.
-Harassing of fellow comrades.
-Damaging private property.
-Crimes against minorities.
[A man passes a paper to the newsman] It seems that the vote counting has been completed, and we have to say that the results are close the winner with a 50'89% is Junkers, in case of an error the votes are being counted again but we can say that the Taltovian people are very divided on the matter now we will continue with the usual program...