The meeting between the leaders of the PRT & the UNSR.
this meeting will be celebrated in the Taltovian capital, Talsku.
The city is marked with beautiful ancient monuments and snow covering all the street this is normal due to the position of the city in-between mountains the summer is very short and only reaches one and a half month, apart of the old monuments of the classical era there is the medieval part of the city filled with small streets old houses and a lot of picturesque bars, restaurants, and establishments of all kinds. The meeting will be held in the government building the so-called Pallazzo del Soviet Supremo.
(The palace in one of the only sunny days of the capital).
The premier of Taltovia Martin lucianov will receive here the leader id the UNSR and the meeting will be televised by taltovian and nicoleizian media. But before that, the nicoleizian leader will be received with all the honors of a head of state in the newly reformed international airport Amadeo Bordiga named after the famous revolution hero.
Chairman Jirluchuz arrived at Amadeo Bordiga international airport and was greeted by the camera crews from both the UNSR and from PRT. Jirluchuz knew that he was a significant figure in Europe now, the UNSR had achieved great victories over the Reitzmig Agressor and also Eilidh Whiteford's capitalist government that she ran in Icholasen before she was overthrown and became Premier. These victories bolstered his leadership both in the UNSR and at home. He was ready to spread communism both via the IEL and also the newly founded PEL, which, he hoped would allow the UNSR to be recognised by the European Community. Both Jirluchuz and Martin Lucianov made their way through the city of Talsku to the meeting room that the PRT had set up in the Pallazzo del Soviet Supremo. Jirluchuz served himself some tea in a mug adorned with a communist star. He liked that cup very much.
'So' Jirluchuz said. 'What would you like to discuss first, trade, spreading of communism or something else?'
While sitting on the chair and putting his glasses on 'Please comrade we are both communist brothers, we can left the formalities of a head of state aside for a bit, first i want to congratulate you for all of your achivemmets and also congratulate the people of the UNSR for the compromise to our cause and I also want to refirm our compromise of recognising the UNSR' then take out a smoking pipe 'Do I disturb you if I smoke?' -
'No that's quite alright.' Said Jirluchuz. 'I occasionally smoke a bit of ganja on weekends and bank holidays.' He said while smiling. 'Yes though, I think it's crucial we get the UNSR recognised on the European level in order to facilitate the spreading of our ideals. I think, when the time is right, the repeal of the EU's condemnation of the revolution in the UNSR should be put forward. However, I don't think we have the numbers yet. Despite this, it is good that we are having a dialogue with other leftist countries. Would you like to now discuss trade between our two governments?'
He lights is smoking pipe and starts 'Thanks for your comprension, I think that we need to start discussing how our two countries could bennefit themselfs from a trade relation' he takes a puff on the pipe and continues 'for example in Taltovia we have plenty of minerals needed in heavy and light industry, soo i think that we should disscus that point'
'Yes, that would be perfect. Icholasen has a lot of raw materials, but not always enough. We are willing to engage in trade to fill in each other's gaps where domestic production isn't enough.
And now onto a common defensive policy perhaps? Do you want to commit to protect each other in this terrible, capitalist world?'
'Yes, in this recent years the capitalist are turning even more warmongers than ever I think that if we want our ideology and nations to survive we need to protect our fellow comrades insade and abrode of our countries'