The Kingdom of Montenbourg - Factbook
Montenbourg Political Parties:
Part I
The Classical Monarchist Party (in-government)
Logo of The Classical Monarchist Party, also known as CMP- Abstract
The Classical Monarchist Party was founded in 1834 from the Royalist, Social and Conservative Party and was one of two dominant political parties in the 19th century, along with the Liberal Party. Under Benjamin Disraeli, it played a preeminent role in politics at the height of the Monten Empire. In 1912, the Social Liberal Party merged with the party to form the Conservative and Unionist Party. In the 1920s, the Liberal Party surpassed the Unionists as the CMP's main rivals. CMP's Prime Ministers led governments for 57 years of the 20th century.
Positioned on the centre of British politics, the The Classical Monarchist Party is ideologically conservative. Different factions have dominated the party at different times, including right conservatives and liberal conservatives, while its views and policies have changed throughout its history.
The party has generally adopted conservative economic policies—favouring free market economics, limiting state regulation, and pursuing privatisation—although in the past has also supported protectionism. But in favor of liberal social policies. Party members have differing views on the European Union, with Eurosceptic and pro-European wings. On social policy, it has historically taken a more middle approach, although this has been more liberal over recent decades. In foreign policy, it favours a strong military capability, being supportive of Montenbourg participation in free trade agreements.
- Introduction
The problem with the modern government of our nation is that it is afflicted with too much democracy, that even rights want to be subject to a population rather than a general principle, a term that was, prior to the accursed French revolution, generally thought of in the mind of the public as being synonymous with "mob rule". We now live in a society in which those most adept at lying their way into office via a system of election by vested financial interests and the uneducated classes. Democracy is not a virtue in itself but a system to be judged according to its own merits; like any system, it is prone to being transformed through the fanaticism of its followers into a destructive force. Unbalanced democracy, along with contempt for the traditions of our people, have been slowly eating away at Montenbourg for decades.
The Classical Monarchist Party is the only party today offering a real alternative to this system. In place of democratic mob rule, we understand the divinely ordained system of monarchy. In place of moral nihilism, we bring faith. In place of multiculturalism and the death of nations, we bring back the traditions of old. While the Liberalist, anarchists and communists in the House bicker over just how quickly their leftist revolution should progress, support for the CMP is increasing among those who still believe in the time-honoured traditions and values of the Montenbourg nation. God is on our side and our ultimate victory is inevitable. Vive la contre-révolution!
- Monarchy
The Classical Monarchist Party does not believe in the arbitrary rule of one person.
However, neither do we believe that the House, controlled by disproportionately represented left-wing liberal, a far-right and far-left authoritarian groups, should have absolute control over our nation. We believe in the monarchical system to Montenbourg, with a King or Queen who is not absolute, but not entirely ceremonial; restricted by law and custom, but not restrained by the House and thus able to act as a non-partisan, non-elected balance to the power, as an example of moral conduct and as a figure of unity for our diverse society. Only under a monarchy can the rich cultural legacy of our nation and our traditional liberties be preserved.
- Traditional Values
The CMP is from the Liberal conservatism line and would be regarded as such even several centuries prior.
We regard faith, be it Islam, Christianity, Judaism or another of the faiths represented in our party and our country, and traditional practices as cornerstones of our cultural life. As traditionalists, we do not believe in subjective morality but instead believe that what was "right" centuries ago is still "right" today. While this has obvious implications for larger issues such as system of government and so on, it should also go without saying that we are steadfast in our opposition to social liberal ideas such as the desvirtue of marriage and the liberalization of concepts of justice. We believe in marriage as a conservative institution where same sex couples are also welcomed in respect to the conservative principles that marriage brings, such as fidelity, respect and commitment.
- Immigration
Montenbourg has a long history of immigration from different groups who have helped make us the nation we are today. However allowing anyone access to our country without regard for population limits or the effect on our existing way of life is irresponsible. While the CMP will not stoop to the base racism of some rightists, we do still reject multiculturalism in all its forms, instead preferring an interculturalist position demanding of immigrants that they "do as the Romans do" if they want to stay in our nation. To become an Montenbourg citizen, an immigrant must accept our values and way of life, and be prepared to contribute to society, without necessarily abandoning their own traditions and identity taken from their homelands.
- Cultural Affairs
The CMP believes that monarchy is the ideal system for forming a strong cultural sector in which the arts are elevated to the height of importance in government policy. Even now, in the meantime between democracy and the restoration of the monarchy, we will do all in our power to support the artists of our nation, and provide financial support to cultural institutions such as museums, theatres, art galleries and historic monuments. We take a firm stand against the degeneracy of some modern art to uphold the classicist legacy of our civilization, while appreciating the variety of cultural influences in our nation.
- Foreign Affairs
The CMP is committed to flexibility on matters of foreign affairs, believing that the best interests of our nation must always be considered paramount.
- Economy
The CMP contains proponents of various economic systems, ranging from paternalistic corporatism to laissez-faire capitalism. The party, however, is generally in favour of a Liberal economic system. But centralizing currency decisions in the hands of the central government and achieving a favourable balance of trade. We are also united in our opposition to communism, while accepting the rights of labour to form unions and engage in collective negotiation with employers and the government, provided their actions are not disruptive.
- Conservationism
The CMP recognizes the value of the environmental, as well as cultural, heritage of our nation and appreciates beauty simply for being beautiful. We also wish to preserve the dazzling biodiversity of our nation, and indeed our planet, for future generations. With this in mind the CMP strongly supports all efforts to prevent urban sprawl and conserve areas of outstanding natural beauty, and to protect endangered wildlife. We also believe in responsible environmental policies to curb pollution and promote sustainable energy sources, as well as recycling and reuse. We stand firmly against all "progress" and "development" that comes at the cost of our nation's environmental heritage and natural beauty, as well as the wildlife which we share our country with, just as we are against that which threatens the traditional culture, values and spiritual life of the Montenbourg people.
Montenbourg Neutrality.
Montenbourg – recognised March 6th, 2018 (3-0)
recognised as neutral under Article VI of the Constitution.Montenbourg neutrality refers to it's policy of neutrality in armed conflicts, neutrality is one of the main principles of Montenbourg's foreign policy which dictates that Montenbourg is not to be involved in armed conflicts between other states, unless approved by the European Council.
Cabinet of the Kingdom of Montenbourg
2016-2021 Bettel Administration
The Cabinet of the Kingdom of Montenbourg is a group in the government of the Kingdom, consisting of the highest ranking Ministers, elected by the Prime Minister for a six-year-term.
Rt. Hon. Xavier Bettel Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Montenbourg
Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of His Majesty's Exchequer Duchess Christine Lagarde de Lyon
Minister of Foreign Affairs Elizabeth McCord
Minister of Defense Lt. Gen. Claire Hale
Minister of Education Jill Biden
Minister of Health Dr. Meredith Sheperd
Chief of Staff Josiah Bartlet
Attorney General Pete Buttigieg
Minister of Natural Resources Albert Goresch
Minister of Labor Warren Di Blasio
Minister of Energy Mitt Romney
Minister of Commerce Francis Underwood
Her Majesty's Councillor to the European Union Emma Granger
The Beginning of Montenbourg
The Beginning of Montenbourg In 1060, The people what we called early Montens firstly migrated from the north Valleys and they began to settle in the lands of North Europe.
They founded several city states in this land and they called those citiy states ," Bourgs". The bourgs were ruled by the Priest Kings and there were wars between the various city states. Among the citiy states, there were three most powerful and famous city states such as Speranto, Espinosa,and Durnham.
In 1235, Maximus the general of Durnham overthrown the Priest king system and he established the monarchy system along with the separation of the spiritual power and political power. Maximus founded the Bourgen Dynasty of Durnham. Under Maximus 's reign, the state was prosperous as he allowed the free market and trading in Durnham. By conqueroring neighbouring city states, Durnham became the most powerful city state on the land of modern montens. Maximus used various means to found a single united montens nation. By conqueroring, arranging alliance by political marriages and treaty, finally Maximus founded the first unified state of montens.
After 100 years of the rule by House of Bourgens, in the reign of the King Leo the handsome, the Montens where invaded by the fomidable forces of Frence army from the south. Frence conquered half of Europe under the expansionist King Philip III. The Montens was officially colonized by Franch army in 1238.
The Franchs did not directly rule to monten as it was very far from Peris. Instead of direct rule, the France put King's son, the prince Philip on the throne of the monten. He took the monten title, " Bourgen' and he founded a new court at Durnham in Frence. The House of Philip has been ruled for Monten since then.
In 1450, the montens struggled for the independence. The wife of Charles III, Queen-Consort Margaretha, openly sided with the montens and rebelled against the Franch king, his husband, who were the same nationality with them, she order secretly to kill Franch King. Along with the victory in Battle of Bourgs, she adopted the real Bourgeon last name by marrying Lord Nicholas the truth king of the montens; the House of Bourgen led the montens united army and ousted the Franch imperial troops. In 1455, The King Nicholas made the declaration of independence from Franch Kingdom.
The House of Bourgen was respected and continued to rule Monten even they are the descents of Franch royals. The rule of Nicholas II son of Nicholas I was peak in 1560 when the Montens started to enter the age of Science. The Queen Elena di Bourgeon( 1557- 1599) patroned the Scientists and scholars to flourish the enlightenment of Montens. The reign of Queen Elena and King Nicholas II was called the golden era. This age the Catholic Church supported the kingdom.
On July 9th, 1743, the Treaty of Bourgen was established and signed. It established the House of Bourgeon as the official monarchy of the new nation of Montenbourg, name from the origins of the Montens and the Bourgens, with the Capitol being established at the location of the signing, Montague.
The King formally agreed to the treaty on the condition that a House of Parliament would be established. On July 17th, 1780, members made up the first parliment of Montenbourg. Establishing itself as one of the longests monarchies in Europe.
Flag of Montenbourg
The flag of The Kingdom of Montenbourg has the Nordic Cross design traditionally represents Christianity, and its always accompanied by the Royal Coat of Arms. The Flag can be flown by any individual or organisation in Montenbourg on any day of their choice. Legal regulations restrict the use on Government buildings and Long-standing restrictions on Government use of the flag elsewhere were abolished in July 2007. Until July 2007, the Flag was only flown on Government buildings on a limited number of special days each year. Government buildings are those used by civil servants, The Royal Household, or the armed forces. They were not applicable to private citizens, corporations, or local authorities.The flag days directed by the Minister for Culture and Democracy include birthdays of members of the Royal Family, the wedding anniversary of the Monarch, Coronation Day, King's Official Birthday and the Opening of the Parliament House.
Montenbourg Treaties
These are treaties that the Kingdom of Montenbourg has made with other sovereign international states.Treaties come into effect upon final ratification by the Queen of Montenbourg and observation of the Prime Minister and his office, provided that a two-thirds majority of the Parliament House concurs.
Treaty of Montague
Mutual Defense Treaty between the Kingdom of the Montenbourg and the Empire of Inimicus. -
Treaty of Finisterre
Institutes the EMU, as a new currency in Montenbourg, Spain, Inquista, Icholasen, Vayinaod, Fremet and Leagio. Also establishes the The Bank of Europe. -
Establishes a Free Trade Agreement and free visa travel between Montenbourg and Inquista. Eliminating all existing custom duties and tariffs between their respective states. -
Bordeaux Decree (National)
Establishes an Embargo with the Kingdom of Reitzmag for their actions on Cópala City and the Caspian Sea.
Updated 27th March 2021
Succession to the Montenbourg throne
Succession to the Montenbourg throne is determined by descent, sex (males born before 28 October 1980 precede their elder sisters in the line of succession), legitimacy, and religion. Under common law, the Crown is inherited by a sovereign's children or by a childless sovereign's nearest collateral line. The Bill of Rights 1789 and the Act of Settlement 1791 restrict succession to the throne to the legitimate Protestant descendants of Enriquette of Overhan who are in "communion with the Roman Catholic Church".
- Her Royal Highness The Princess Margaret [Queen's Victoria only Sister]
- The Duchess of Bordeaux (Lady Minerva) [Grandaunt of Queen Victoria]
- The Count of Downton [Now deceased]
- The Viscount of Downton (Lord Robert Crawley) [Second cousin of the Queen, son of Lady Minerva]
- The Baroness of Downton (Lady Diane Crawley) [Third cousin of the Queen once removed, eldest daughter of Lord Robert ]
List of Montenbourg’s Prime Ministers.
from late 1990s till today.
CMP- Classical Monarchist Party
LP- Liberal Party
GP- Green Party
NZ- Nationalitz Party• John Keynes (LP)(1997-2001) 4 years
• August von Hayek (CMP) (2001-2004) 3 years
• Edward Kennedy (CMP)(2004-2010) 6 years
• Joseph Kennedy (CMP)(2010-2015) 5 years
• Xavier Bettel (CMP)(2015-2021) 6 years
• Birgitte Nyborg (LP) (2021-incumbent)
The Prime Minister is the political leader of Her Majesty’s Government and is responsible for reconciling the differing views on Government policy held by the various groups represented in the Government. The Prime Minister is also responsible for coordinating Government work with that of Parliament.
Under the Carte, the Sovereign can dissolve Parliament and call fresh elections either by receipt of a request from the Speaker of Parliament or by solely intent of the Sovereign.
Cabinet of the Kingdom of Montenbourg
2021-Incumbent, Nyborg Administration
The Cabinet of the Kingdom of Montenbourg is a group in the government of the Kingdom, consisting of the highest ranking Ministers, elected by the Prime Minister.
1. Birgitte Nyborg, Prime Minister of Montenbourg
2. Christine Lagarde de Lyon, Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of Her Majesty's Exchequer.
3. Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
4. Joni Ernst, Minister of Defense
5. Tammy Baldwin, Minister of Education.
6. Dr. Meredith Sheperd, Minister of Health.
7. Ruth Bader, Minister of Justice.
8. Dr. Claire Dallas, Minister of Science and Natural Resources.
9. Kirsten Gillibrand, Minister of Labor.
10. Cynthia Nixon, Minister of Commerce.
11. Emma Granger, Her Majesty's Councillor to the European Union.
12. James Baker, Chief of Staff.