Montenbourg-Inquista Free Trade Agreement MINFTA
Montenbourg-Inquista Free Trade Agreement
The Most Blessed State of @Inquista and the Kingdom of Montenbourg will hereby agree to:-
Eliminate all existing custom duties and tariffs between their respective states.
Create and enforce a labour code that, at the very least, prohibits gender and sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace, creates a minimum workplace safety standard, and prohibits the exploitation of minor children.
Ban chloride and sulfur pollutants, and the dumping of chemical and manufacturing byproduct in fresh and salt waters.
Commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Existing levels of green house gas emissions must be reduced by 20% by 2030.
Commit to increasing existing levels of investment in green infrastructure technology by 100% by 2030.
Allow the Inquistan Orthodox Church to freely create and fund Inquistan Orthodox faith schools in the Kingdom Montenbourg. Institutions relating to the Inquistan Orthodox Church shall be tax exempt in the Kingdom of Montenbourg.
Allow the Kingdom of Montenbourg to establish a Theological Institute for Inter-Religious Dialogue and Exchange in the Most Blessed State of Inquista. Institutions relating to the Church of Montenbourg shall be tax exempt in Inquista.
Establish a communication and information link between the intelligence and secret services of their respective states.
Institute visa-free travel between their respective states.
Commit to nuclear non-proliferation and condemn the use of nuclear weapons. Any state or party that detonates nuclear weapons will be immediately condemned by the Most Blessed State of Inquista and the Kingdom of Montenbourg.
Commit to cooperate and collaborate in humanitarian relief efforts in Dromund Kaas and Eastern Haane. An official humanitarian partnership between the Most Blessed State of Inquista and the Kingdom of Montenbourg will be created in relation to Dromund Kaas and Eastern Haane.
This declaration is a binding document and must be ratified by the relevant government instruments of the Most Blessed State of Inquista and the Kingdom of Montenbourg.