Gaels Post
Further Justice Reform as police asked to be more leniant on minor crimes
Today the home office have announced they have asked police to be more leniant on first time offenders for minor crimes or misdemeanors and more leniant on tourists. They were asked for the first time to give a caution to tourists and first time offenders and expel tourists who commit misdemeanors and offences with a ban for at least 2 years. The reform is proposed to try and give tourists a chance to redeem themselves and learnthough if they commit an offence again they would be punished more seriously.
PoT have accused the coalition of failing to protect strathaen values and culture and bending to international "bigoted countries". They also accused the coalition of treating environmental crimes lightly. The coalition denies this saying "We treat all misdemeanors and crimes against the environment, disabled and lbgt seriously. All we are doing is giving people a chance first time so they can know not to do it again. Especially with tourists we need to give them benefit of the doubt as they don't necessarily know all our necessarily complex laws though we ask tour operators to send a leaflet out with the basic cultural conventions and applicable laws to tourists to help them avoid getting in trouble. They should be made aware of the seriousness of littering and how seriously it is dealt with."
Cat Cull plan unveiled
The Strathae environment minister Aran Ó Máille Ciogach has today unveiled the Cat Management Plan to protect wildlife. A survey of the countries Cat population has revealed there are between 1.1 million - 1.5 Million cats feral as well as the domest outdoor cat population despite outdoor cats being illegal in Strathae. Wildlife groups have estimated the population of cats is responsible for 2.7 billion animal deaths a year in Strathae with concerns over extinction of natural species due to the high level of cat killings of wildlife.The government announced today they would be rewarding the capture of and killing of cats outside in order to reduce wildlife deaths. The government anniounced they aimed for the capture and humane killing by cat hunters and farmers of all feral cats within 3 years. The government announced they would be paying farmers 10 Copars per cat killed in an attempt to control the population with the payments being available at the end of the year. Cat patrols would also be implemented in cities. The programme aims to mobilise the population in their war against cats in an attempt to rid the country of the invasive species outdoors. The government also warned any cat whose owner could not be traced would be killed urging cat owners to keep cats on leads outside and the property secure.
In a statement "We understand this is a hard decision to stomach however we must protect our wildlife. Outdoors cats a a severe threat and pest species that could lead to mass extinctions.That is not an acceptable price even if the pest looks cute and furry. Neutering is also not a practicle option and neither is adoption as they are not screwing the wildlife to death but eating them. Keeping millions of cats alive in the wild will only lead to mass exintinctions and degradation of the environment."
Op Ed- Europe needs to kill its outdoor pussy's, Seriously
I am going to say what is heresy to animal lovers throughout much of the world. Europe needs to have the courage to kill its outdoor pussy's if it really cares about animals and loves animals! I know this seems evil but we need the balls to do it Europe wide if we want an environment that is balanced with biodiverse wildlife. The truth no one wants to admit is a Pussycat outdoors is just a cute looking murderer committing genocide on wildlife that makes any human genocides look like childs play. We are talking many thousands of species extinct totally wiped out by these evil genocidal furballs, each cat kills 3 animals a day outdoors on average often just for fun, this is known yet we think this is cute , its not its devastating and will kill our eco-systems.
I have heard people argue its anti-animal but what is more anti-animal killing one species committing environmental genocide on an ecosystem or letting this murderer get away with it just because it happens to be cute and kills some rats? If you are a true animal lover you should want all outdoor cats that are not wildcats to die, its as simple as that. I love my pussies at home but the truth is they belong indoors not outdoors. Also people think its kind to the cats and its not even good there since outdoor cats die at half to one third of the age of Indoor cats. Yes indoor cats need stimulation but truth is if you can't provide that you shouldn't own a cat anyway. Would you own a dog you didn't have time to play with?
I am sick of people criticising Strathaes animal culling programmes and most are just city yuppies who do not know how nature works unlike Strathaens who have lived in harmony with nature for 1,000's of years. It is not true Strathae hates animals to the contrary we worship them to the point humans eating them is banned and we have an entire festival devoted to celebrating them, its amazing how "animal lovers" calling us barbaric happily eat meat from the concentration camps for animals where we literally send animals to die just for our meat. How is that loving animals? But we recognise its not just pets that need love , we need to love our wildlife since mother nature has provided it to make sure we have a landscape that can provide food and water for us safely and that wildlife deserve to be considered too. So I say to Europe lets kill all the outdoor pussies for the good of wildlife in Europe and stop these genocidal psychopathic maniacs , lets love all animals instead and start culling all pests and invasive species not just those that are not cute. Its time for the pussies to die! After all neutering won't work they ain't screwing the wildlife to death they are hunting them to death for fun and for food.
Non-Organic Import ban announced
Today as part of the coalition agreement the government announced there would be a ban on any non-organic food imported into Strathae. The government is banning the non-organic food on grounds of environmental protection and safety. In a statement the environment minister Aran Ó Máille Ciogach said "Intensive agriculture is a prime contributor to destruction of national habitats, reduction in insect and bee numbers and also proven to be less safe than organic agriculture we use here in strathae. Therefore to protect Strathaens from dangerous food imports we will be banning the import of non-organic foods into the country." -
Privacy Act plans unveiled
The government have promised to pass a privacy act within 1 month to ensure anti-doxxing laws are in effects. The new act would declare all images of , videos of, the name of and adress and place of work will be considered private information illegal to share except for government agencies for specific purposes. The move is intended to outlaw doxing and lists of people that could potentially be used for harassing.
The law would make it illegal to have a list of names and adresses of people unless the person opts in to the list something unlikely for a doxxing list. The act would also make it illegal to share videos and photos of one without permission. There are concerns the law while protecting privacy of individuals could hamper freedom of the press and investigative journalism by making it possible for individuals to refuse to have their photos , videos or adresses or workplace printed though organisations could still contact workplaces with findings possibly though this is also a grey area. The act is intended to prevent doxxing and lists targeting groups such as Catholics. Libel law is also likely to updated to only allow press to print allegations such as homophobia if they have explicit evidence of it being the case. The government is considering having this process managed by a Press Standards Board which would be selected independently to see if any stories break privacy or libel laws before printing.
Community Duty extended to all people and renamed Civil Duty
The government of Strathae have today announced from next month after passage of an ammendment of the National Service Act residents will now have to do Community Duty along with citizens. The change will now mean residents if they want to keep their residency visa will have to complete 8 hours of unpaid work a week by either volunteering and registering those hours or participating directly through the Community Duty Organisation. The work will not be paid.
The act was updated to bring residents duties more in line of those of citizens and integrate foreigners into the community more. While 55% voluntarily participated 45% did not causing resentment among locals who saw those foreigners as benefiting from the hospitality and services of society while not contributing to the work that keeps it going. Many welfare services, organisations helping build homes and youth services rely on Community Duty workers support. The move is expected to provide a boost to organisations and end the inequality of some benefiting from services without contributing. The government in a statement said "We believer this country provides wonderful oppurtunity and benefits to its residents and that with that comes duties to contribute to the communities that support you."
The government is also looking at coming up with a Social Credit System to reward people for good deeds, volunteering above 8 hours a week and contributing to society in a meaningful way with Social Credits . These could then be saved up in an account and converted into a voucher to spend in stores. The move would be designed to encourage people to contributed to their communities.
Strathae invites nations to talk about Euro-wide Sustainable Agriculture Scheme
The agriculture minister Shea Ó Seachnasaigh Ayrloch has announced today he would be setting up a conference and meeting for other countries national agricultural regulators to attend to discuss the idea of a new scheme for animal welfare and sustainable agriculture and food production scheme to set common standards for Organic and Free Range products in Europe where they would also discuss meat acknowledging meat will not disappear from agriculture despite the ban of its sale in Strathae. He said in a statement "We are leaders in Europe for Organic , Free Range and sustainable agriculture in food and agriculture products production. However its no good our standards being so high while there is varying standards throughout Europe some of which are high and some of which are lower. Thats why we are inviting all countries in Europe to an agriculture standards conference top discuss the setting up of a Euorpe wide sustainable agriculture standard outling stocking density numbers for animals, pesticides, medicinces and fertilizers that can be used and minimum set aside land for nature to come to an agreement for a europe wide scheme with common standards to make trading easier and it easier to consumers to have faith that when a label says free range and organic it really means it and when it says sustainable it really means it. We would look for three schemes one for Organic , one for Free Range and one for just sustainable non-organic agriculture. We hope the continet accepts this invite to set up a new era for sustainable agriculture in Europe"The innitiative have been praised by main in the country for Strathae taking leadership on the issue. Though some sceptics particuarly in the PoT have raised concerns it could leader to a lowering of standards within Strathae and increase in animals per hectare compromising welfare standards. The government has attempted to assure critics that it would seek the highest standards practical while acknowledging compromises may have to be made on standards. In a statement they said "I understand the concerns of watering down standards but if a net benefit is to be achieved in Europe then some compromises will have to be made."
Revolution in Party of Tradition as Moira Ó Dubhshláin MacPheadair wins
The results of the leadership contest for Party of Tradition leadership has resulted in a surprise win by Moira Ó Dubhshláin MacPheadair the liberal conservative wings candidate. She won despite pollsters polls showing the Blairite candidate Blanid Ó Síoda MacDhuibh coming first in polls before the results and even Moderate Conservative Meadhbh McCreery MacUalraig beating her in polls previously.The Liberal Conservative has won the contest in the first round with 68 out 109 Associations with 27 going to Blairite Blanid Ó Síoda and 14 to Moderate Conservative Meadhbh McCreery though full results show had it gone to second round Meadhbh McCreery had a lead in that round. Both Meadhbh McCreery and Blanid Ó Síoda released statements with Meadh congratulating the 37 year old youngest PoT leader ever on her victory with Blanid decrying her victory saying "I am considering options with regards to party affiliation and whether a new party is need to represent real Strathaen Conservatives. I will be talking with many on the truly Conservative wing about our options to defend against the Catholic, Orthodox and Islamic cancer in our society."The result will be a relief to moderate and liberal conservatives in the party whose party has been considered hijacked by what many consider the extreme right wing of the party over the last 20 years resulting in a drop of the vote to the lowest in 30 years with predicted further drops if the Blairite candidate had won as the nation trends more moderate.
The new leader is expected to moderate the party platform , offer reconciliation talks with the Catholic Church while still expressing her concerns over its illiberal LGBT , Abortion and Contraception policies among other things and put forward plans for equality and religious tolerance to co-exist in Strathae. She would also look at the immigration system to see if it could be made easier to support businesses within Strathae and is planning to include proposals for reforms to allow more free market principles with support for more private SME's within PoT policy to counter the current more socialist direction of the government.
Right-wing of PoT break off
Blanid Ó Síoda MacDhuibh and a group of PoT politicians on the furthest right of the party have announced today they would be leaving the PoT and forming a new party at a press conference where they burned effergies of Muhhamed and the Pope , the Bible, the Torah and the Quran in a bonfire. They to a crowd announced they would form a new party called Strathae First or Strathae ar Dtús.They announced in their platform would include a muslim, catholic and orthodox ban in immigration and seek to ban the religions as cults in Strathae kicking out any people following those religions. The party would also seek further restrictions on imiggration "putting Strathaens first". The party would also seek to raise fines for environmental crimes and look at banning companies who break environmental laws instead of issuing fines. The party is expected to break away with 14 of the 48 PoT in the "Tionól Clans. The new party has been condemned as extreme and far right by all parties including the PoT's new leadership and moderate conservative leaders in the party.
Privacy, Libel and Press Standards Acts pass
Today the package of measures covering libel, press standards and privacy laws have passed with the measures for anti-doxing, anti-libel and a requirement for all press stories to be passed through a press standards board before publication with evidence for the story in order to prove it doesn't break privacy, doxing and libel laws. The new measures mean it is now illegal for ones name, adress, contact details, workplace and place of worship to be published in the same article and illegal to publish their name without permission of the individual or group involved unless approved by the Press, and Reporting Standards Board as in the public interest and only when they are proven in court to have committed an offence. The act also has outlawed any allegations being printed against any resident, citizen or organisation in Strathae without proof that is publically published including the name of any whistleblowers. The act is meant to prevent doxing and privacy breaches in light of the publishing of doxing lists in nationalist papers. The fine for breaking the act once is 100,000 Copars or 10% of the revenue of the publication for the first time offence doubling for the second with a third offence leading to jail time for individuals involved or shutting down of the media group or a ban on their entry or ability to employ strathaens inthe country if it is a foreign group.The move has been criticised as essentially ending investigative journalism and being an over reaction to the issue. However the government have said in a statement "We must hold our press to account and prevent them inciting violence, promoting untruths and lies and spreading propaganda. This act achieves that while ensuring truthful stories can still be published."
The government today have announced Soloman Jones no longer faces deportation after having found a job in another part of the country in a new job. However courts have made a ruling that it is illegal to publish his adress , job location or place of worship to avoid any issues.The government said in a statement "We appologise for how the previous government treated Soloman. It was unjust and wrong and we need to protect his privacy now. We do not agree with his views on LGBT marriage but there should be room for disagreement as long as he recognizes he doesn't have the right to restrict others civil rights. We wish him well and only hope he can improve his views. We hope he settles into his new community and call for people to accept him there. Furthermore we are giving regular police protection and visits to ensure he faces no issues we are also funding cctv at his house to protect him from attacks and this cctv will be connected to police systems for alerts of any potential breaches on his home."
Government announce relaxing of religious regulations
Today the government has announced it will allow the catholic church and other religious groups to offer marriage blessings , commitment ceremonies and baptisms on their own conditions . The government made the decision as a blessing isn't an essential service or right like marriage or healthcare according to Strathaen law. The exemption from equality law will be controversial with some PoT members currently expressing concerns and Strathae ar Dtús totally opposing the change. Strathae ar Dtús said in a statement "This new policy allows discrimination by the backdoor, we will oppose any effort to allow religion be used as an excuse for bigoted discrimination against groups and the theocratisation of our culture by these groups" -
OP:Mennrimiak and Spanish bans are now unnecessary and racist
Over the last few months there has been a radical change in Strathae and reversal of policy. We had 15 years of the extremist politics of Blairite politicians. The damage done was inclaculable and we understand why there were concerns before. It was wrong that Catholics were targeted and doxxed and Reitzmen were, don't get me wrong I'm not saying the Catholic Churhc does not need change whether its child abuse, anti-women policies and anti-lgbt policies there are issues that certainly need fixing and do agree catholic values among others are incompatible with liberal Strathaen values. Values that mean we treat the LGBTQIA as no different indeed it was only recently words for Lesbian, Gay , Trans Gender and Bi-Sexual were developed in our langauge, our culture has always maintained love is love and gay love is no different but it went too far. The doxing , the egging was too far , the campaigns against catholics to remove it from the country was and is too far but that is no longer the case.
We have overturned the anti-catholic extremism balancing religious rights and LGBT and womens equality with new laws under the new coalition. The new coalition has extended privacy, libel and anti-doxing laws though arguably maybe too far with broad reaching implications on investigative journalism though maybe this could be reviewed in the future to balance things a little more when it comes to freedom of press and speech and privacy. Also of not fines are not the first course of action for first time offenders anymore but a culture of leniancy and cautions is developing. I honestly don't see what more can be expected of Strathaes new government , it would be unfair to expect the government and our people to abandon all cultural values and our expectation of tolerance and acceptance and full civil rights for all regardless of LGBT and gender identity. At this point one can only conclude the advisories and bans on strathaens as well as explusions of our citizens in Spain and Mennrimiak were not done on security concerns indeed there is no longer security concerns extremism is being dealt with. The banning of a whole group of people based on nationality has one name racism , its that simple. Thewy are judging a whole group by the actions of a few extremist Blairites and a minority who are extreme far right but that does not represent most Strathaens who overwhelming rejected the PoT under Blair's most extreme politics by 62% to 38% and furthermore rejected it again in the leadership contest of the PoT electing the most liberal and progressive PoT leader in decades leading to a split in the party. Indeed polls show that barely 10% support Blairite extremist factions, yes polls also show 65% are suspicious of Abrahamic religions but its not like they don't have good reason to be , unfortunately many denominations have not helped themselves with their homophobia, imperialism, anti-women policies and in many cases theocratic tendencies over the years and their involvement in anti-LGBT and womens rights campaigns though we must stress this is not all churches with the Inquistan Orthodox and ICS church being good examples of liberal churches and reformed Judaism and Conservative Judaism. But does this make most bigoted or extreme? I would argue no, one can oppose the ideas and branches without opposing the people and ordinary members and that is the case in reality most are taking issue with the institution. In summary its unfair to treat all of Strathae as if its extreme when in reality its a small percentage probably equal to Duchies level if you look at polling figured on extreme right parties in elections, to say all Strathaens are a threat is just naked racism especially when most who move abroad and go overseas are from the more moderate side of Breizhighism. Imagine the condemnation if Strathae banned all Catholics and Muslims or all Mennrimiak or Spanish based on "security" concerns just because some are homophobic or some vote Vox or some far right party or are involved in fascist street orgs . The world would not have it and quite rightfully so it would be unfair, racist and generalizing a whole nationality , that is not a European value.
Government say want feral cats adopted set up and fund the adoption centres yourselves
In a shot at the nations and animal charities criticising the capture and cull policy for cats to protect wildlife the environment minister Aran Ó Máille Ciogach said "If you want the cats adopted fund it yourself." The minister in an interview over the issue after new studies said "We have over 4 million feral cats in this country and it is decimating wildlife as they kill on average 3 rodents and birds a day threatening the viability of many species. This is before the small number of outdoor cats irresponsibly let out off a lead by their owners and stray cats. My message today is simple we have no option but to kill cats neutering and release won't help and rehoming 4 million cats will cost 1 billion Euros plus for the feral cats alone if we can find homes for 4 million cats which is frankly not possible in a nation of 7 millionish households alot of whom have pets already or maybe can't have pets due to allergies. The bill goes up even further if we have to start adopting neutered feral cats out to other nations citizens and transport them to other countries , also not all cats are adoptable if they have lived in the wild all their lives. I alot love cute and furry animals especially cats but the reality is the population is out of control, the only solution that is quick and affordable enough is cull of these genocide cats rampaging our countryside and cities decimating wildlife. If other nations want to give us the billions required to rehome these feral cats in peoples homes and cat sanctuaries for those not suitable as pets let them fund it, quite frankly I'm not gonna make an exception for cats and squander billions of taxpayers money that could go to other far better causes."The government has been supported by the PoT and all major parties who came together publishing the report Status of Pest and Invasive Species. The report called for more funding of culls of pest species including cats , hornets,bullfrogs and grey squirrels among others. A strategy for managing these threats going forward is being devised and expected to be unveiled at the end of the year but the government said it would increase the funding for culling. The reports also highlighted how the cat population is barely decreasing the rat population as studies showed cats tended to target easier prey than rats who bite back and give up more of a fight when attacked.
Government announce1 billion Euro fund to co-fund feral cat rehoming and control fund
Today the government unveiled a plan after talks with charities for rehoming of the feral cat population. The scheme would fund on a 50/50 basis cat shelters to help rehabilitate and adopt out cats where it is possible after capture though any cat not rehomable or showing substansial aggression would be put down still. The cats would be fixed and then fitted with a GPS tracker chip , they would then be adopted out with an adoption fee if in Strathae with any tracking subscriptions transferred to the new owner. All cats will now be required to have live tracking gps trackers on them on top of requirements to keep them indoors. Any cat absence from the house without a human must be reported withing 24 hours to the Animal and Wildlife Police.The move comes to reduce the problems with the current culling programme. International charities will also be eligible for funding for their programmes with the government welcoming any international help with the problem. The government are also looking at sending a rep to the EU chambers in order to observe bills and put bills in on key issues including lobbying for cat control. However they still want to maintain neutrality in Europe. It is hoped the latest move to deal with the issue of cats killing wildlife will strike the balance between pest control and sensibilities of the international community.
Anois journalist arrested for privacy, doxing and libel violations for putting name of alleged "bigot" in article
Today an Anois journalist was arrested for doxing and libel for putting the name of person they alledged to be a bigot in an article reporting on a supposed homophobic statement by the individual. The journalist published the church and name of the priest alleging the priest said a homophobic anti-gay marriage statement. The police have arrested the journalist on the basis that the doxing and libel could lead to issues with people "threatening the safety" of the priest and potential to bring protests outside the church. The journalist for the nationalist paper could face 10 years in prison after they refused to pay the 100,000 Copar fine and committed repeated offences.Blair Gobnet McLucais and Críochnaigh Bigotry have also been ordered to take down all doxing lists for the final time after 3 warnings and fines. If they continue to commit infringements the group leaders including Blair Gobnet McLucais could face up to 10 years in jail for the offenses. The government said in a statement "We are aware of over 700 potential charges against journalists and organisations with the potential for jail time for many. We will crack down on the doxing and privacy violations and media, polioticians and organisations must be aware if they publish names with allegations causing a potential public safety threat and refuse to stop they will face jail."It has also been confirmed Anois and Tuairisceoir Clan are facing fines of total of 30% of revenue for multiple offenses with potential bans if they do not pay the fines and change their practices they also announced 100 foreign journalists have been banned for offenses against the act.
"Far Right" Strathae ar Dtús leaders and politicians arrested
Today serving 26 politicians from Strathae ar Dtús and the whole leadership including Blair Gobnet McLucais have been arrested for breach of the Privacy Act 2021 and Libel Acts 2021. The party members and polticians were arrested in a coordinated raid on various charges relating to Doxing , revealing personal information and making allegations that could cause harassment against individuals all crimes in the law. The move was not unexpected and while the party argue they are being targeted it is widely agreed their target lists for campaigns against religion are in breach of the law. The party is also now facing a ban with the authorities applying to court to ban the party as a extremist organisation inciting hate. The leaders including Blair Gobnet McLucais are also facing charges of inciting hatred. The leaders and politicians could get a minimum of 10 years with a possibility of 25 years in prison if found guilty. -
"Far Right" Strathae ar Dtús and Exit Bigotry banned as court decides party is a threat to privacy of citizens and "harmony of the people"
Today the governments injuction to ban the the "far right" Strathae ar Dtús and Exit Bigotry has been successful as the courts handed down a verdict in the governments favour. The government put in a warrant to ban the party saying "We believe the the party is a threat to community harmony and to privacy of citizens having multiple times refused to respect the law infringing the laws of this nation." The court heard the case over 4 days with evidence from both sides and came down in favour.The judge said in a statement to the court for sentencing "I am satisfied the peoples government has shown us enough evidence that laws have been repeatedly broken and the party presents a threat to national harmony and is a threat to religious freedom in the nation. As a result I believe it is appropiate to ban the party from running and put restrictions on any of the leadership or senior members participating in other parties or founding a party in the future. While democracy must be respected so must the good of the country, community harmony and respect of law and order in the country." The move to ban the party has been condemned by some mostly people on the right of the spectrum who accused the government of "persacuting" conservatives. Liberals have also expressed concern about the ban and the potential precedent it sets. The government have said in statement "We are glad the courts have agreed with our position based on the evidence presented and we would like to say to those concerned this is not a ban on an ideology and we value democracy and all people being represented but that must be balanced against harmony in the community and law and order."
New visa restrictions for journalists from news organisations
Today the government have announced new visa restrictions for media workers and organisations. In a reform of visas for media the government have announced that now news organisations and journalists will have to apply for a new single trip Media Temporary Visa 30 day visa if they are from abroad or a Media Work Visa valid for 12 months and renewable if planning to live in the nation for the duration of work. These must be sponsored by media organisation registered with Strathae and require a deposit of 250,000 Euros for a temporary visa and 1,000,000 Euros which can be gained back at the end of the year if they have followed all laws such as privacy and libel. Any fines in the country acrrued by the journalist would be deducted from the deposit. The visa will also apply to documentary makers. If an organisation or person creates a documentary not on a Media Visa they will lose the right to come to Strathae for 5 years.The move is designed to allow for fines to be collected easier for media violations of the Strathaen law. Currently it can be hard to collect fines for these sort of violations , media organisations will be able to contest fines in the courts with one appeal allowed but if they lose they must then also pay the court costs out of the deposit.Only fines for media law , privacy law and libel violations can be took out of the deposit.
Protest licenses to be required in Strathae
Today the government announced reforms to the laws surrounding protests to prevent harassment of citizens at their homes and work place. The government announced a plan to require permits from police to protest outside of workplaces or organisation headquarters outside of public spaces to prevent workers feeling threatened. The government have also announced plans to make protests outside of people's homes illegal and it illegal for press to wait outside peoples homes to catch them for surprise interviews to prevent harassment. The government said in a statement "We believe in freedom to protest but this must be balanced against people's rights to a family and work life free of harassment and the right to privacy."