The Government of the Republic of Istkalen
From the National Directorate
Regarding Duchian Restrictions
The National Directorate first expresses its great sorrow over the loss of life and destruction in the Vatican, one of Europe's greatest cultural centers.
Present Duchian restrictions have made it effectively impossible for Istkalen to export virtually all products outside of the immediate Caspian region, and for little reason too. Istkaleners have been banned from the country and are to be deported; and yet neither our state nor our citizens were responsible for anything. Ms. Jezebel-Swift and her followers were citizens of the Vatican, and she regardless led her fleet of planes out of the country illegally under highly unusual circumstances in which she herself owned and controlled the airfield and the planes.
No government is prepared to immediately shoot down a fleet of fifty planes taking off from a remote, privately owned airport less than thirty minutes by road from the border. No government, too, is prepared to suddenly remove a traditional, if odious, authority from its position of power in order to prevent such bizarre situations from arising. No govenrment, finally, is willing to kill over two thousand people when hysteria in support of those people has spread throughout the country. The equivalent would be if your Councillor, James Mizrachi-Roscoe, decided suddenly to take thousands of his followers out of the country on some demented suicide mission, and even that does not express the sheer wealth and level of power which Ms. Jezebel-Swift held over the Arian population of Istkalen and the territories in which it forms a majority.
A system of exit visas has been inherited from the J-TAI, and it will remain in place. We affirm that no suspect Istkalener is allowed to leave the country through traditional methods. We remind the international community too that martial law has been imposed in the country until 1 May 2022.
Vistek Rikkalek
Chairman of the National Directorate of the Republic of Istkalen -
From the National Directorate
In Response to Reitzmic Requests
The National Directorate of the Republic of Istkalen again expresses its greatest sorrow over the terror which has occurred in the Vatican, committed by the highest ranking members of a terrorist organization masquerading as a church that operated in the territory of Istkalen.
The escape of the terrorists we have already explained. Within the Arian territories, we did not possess the ability to quickly mobilize any sort of troops. The private airfield from which the aircraft in question took off was also less than 30 minutes by road from the border with Belarum, which further complicated the issue.
It must be understood that these territories until the beginning of the occupation were ruled directly by the so-called "pope" through the "Patriotic Front," and were less an integral part of Istkalen than a sort of loose protectorate that maintained its own military and government in exchange for recognizing Istkalenic sovereignty over its territory. Even during the occupation, in spite of propaganda to the contrary, they remained significant control over large swathes of the Arian territories. Only recently has the government of Istkalen been able to exert any form of meaningful control over the territories as a whole, and even then the Arian Church retained strong power and links with even secular institutions.
At the time of the release of Ms. Jezebel-Swift, which appears now to have been influenced by tactics of intimidation used by supporters of Jezebel-Swift against the presiding judges, they accessed armories throughout the Arian territories, either directly or through strong connections with nominally secular authorities managing others. The planes used were in the legal possession of the Arian church for some time, as was the airport in question. The alleged modifications are being currently investigated, in a process which will be made visible to the public.
We are also currently conducting a wider investigation concerning corruption in the Arian territories.
Vistek Rikkalek
Chairman of the National Directorate of the Republic of Istkalen -
From the National Directorate
Regarding the Deportation of Strathaeans And Related Measures
Earlier today, rioting between factions of the minor Strathaean population in Istkalen broke out over minor political disagreement. Protests held by the community had previously caused significant disorder and disruption, and were likely to have been disrupted after a vote by the local cell of the Administration of State, Public, and Internal Security.
The riot was quickly quelled, and few were harmed except for those involved. The Strathaean participants in the riot and earlier protests were arrested on the following charges:
- violation of decree no. 764 of the national government (establishing certain restrictions on the behavior of Strathaean nationals in Istkalen)
- causing disruption to public peace
- causing public disorder
- inciting violence
- assault
- cultural desecration
They are to be tried beginning on 12 March 2022, and will be deported if found guilty of their charges. In preventing such an incident from occurring again, the government has taken the step of prohibiting the operation of the organization known as the "Strathaean Friendship Association" and derivatives. The song, "We Don't Want No Gobshite," used to incite violence, has also been banned. Due to clear government influence in inciting the riot, it is also considering the deportation and prohibition of the entry of any and all Strathaean nationals.
Vistek Rikkalek
Chairman of the National Directorate of the Republic of Istkalen -
From the National Directorate
On New Elections
On 16 March 2022, the National Assembly passed, 138-42, amendments to the Constitution establishing people's committees on a local and regional level, as well as a new National Assembly elected through proportional representation.
The electoral law has been updated in recognition of this. Parties must now establish committees for every ward, which will then hold open primaries as described by the existing electoral law; for the parliamentary elections there will also be a barrier of 15%.
The current National Assembly was then dissolved by vote of the deputies; elections to a new National Assembly will be held on 31 March 2022. The National DIrectorate will hold legislative power in the interim.
Vistek Rikkalek
Chairman of the National Directorate of the Republic of Istkalen -
Statement of the National Directorate
On Trade in Cobalt
The National Directorate has passed the joint proposal of the Miners' and Commerce Associations unanimously, which requires that cobalt trade be conducted in the medium of the ketsel alone.
Vistek Rikkalek
Chairman of the National Directorate of the Republic of Istkalen -
Statement of the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs
On Imperialist Expansionism
The Republic of Istkalen strongly condemns the continued expansion of the imperialists. To our north, they scream of blood and soil, of the imaginary right of a nation to the common wealth of humanity, the waters of the open sea; they scream of power and power, ignoring humanity. To our south, they scream of oppression to mask their own ideals, of a world oppressed under their boot.
In the geopolitics of the modern world, we clearly see, there is no driving force but the lust and greed of rulers, who want ever more, stepping and crushing the lives of millions for the sake of land and power. They are transfixed by it, drunk on it, addicted to it; they have been corrupted by it. Power has rendered them inhuman, it has rendered them below the animals, it has rendered them but machines!
Let us look first to the south. They tell the nations of the world that they are resisting imperialism, they paint themselves constantly as victims. We do not deny that this is true, but it has been hijacked by the unscrupulous in order to perpetuate their own agenda. Those who stole from our nation are now speaking out against theft - the hypocrisy! It is clear that their agenda is merely to increase their own power by using the struggles of others. The nations that they offer their so-called protection to will be stabbed in the back, turned into pawns of their industrialists and warmongers
Let us then look to the north. There, there are no illusions. Everything is very openly about power, about the expansion of power. They are all vampiric in nature; their sharpened teeth show; they merely want to consume, to suck from Earth everything to satiate their addiction.
We call on the nations of the world to resist the siren's call of these dark forces; to not fall into the traps that have been laid, so that they may retain their freedom and independence in a peaceful world. The imperial forces and the conflicts which they manufacture must be stopped now!
Írenet Isteresskemar
Secretary of Foreign Affairs -
Statement of the Helétek
My desire has been, is, and will be, always, to bring about the resurrection of our nation by any means. But I have not been strong enough to do so; I have compromised, I have been tricked. I am fallible, I have been weak.
The Second Act of Socialization passed not because I was absent, not because I wanted to remain neutral, but because I was blind. In the past I have upheld the common will because I have defended the workers against the state; here I foolishly believed that the state and the workers had become one, and therefore that it was my responsibility to uphold its decisions. In delusion I had thought that what I had set out to do - to democratize our country, to end the elitism - had been fully accomplished.
I cannot afford to be blind anymore.
The factionalism must come to an end. Kerel, for all his faults, was correct - they divide the nation and delude everyone. They create an environment of ideological purism which ignores the true desires of the people. Politics itself must come to an end, and be replaced with simple, neutral, and rational administration.
The Directory has been indefinitely suspended; elections on new, non-partisan, and participatory lines will be held to the workers' associations in due order. A new government has been appointed in the stead of the Directory, led by Kalju Ilves.
An end to the old, to the irrational and undemocratic; and the dawn of the new, the participatory.
Vistek Rikkalek
Helétek of the Republic of Istkalen -
Statement of the Helétek
In June of 2021, when I first assumed the role I now occupied, it was with the purpose of ensuring the integrity of the state during a period of great peril. This same purpose animated and directed my short term as the Prime Minister, and again my decision to assume the powers of the Head of State in September of the same year.
The independence of our country, however, has now been one. The loyalty of the bureaucracy and the other institutions of state is now assured. The viability of our state is therefore no longer in question.
While my ancestry and I may have at one point served as a uniting factor in a broken country, the country is no longer broken; its republican institutions are now again strong, and so they are now both irrelevant. In a true, stable republic, these factors should be essentially meaningless. In such a state it is the people, not monarchs or their sons.
I therefore communicate my intention to resign the position of Helétek, effective immediately.
Vistek Rikkalek
Official Statement of the Presidency of the Republic of Istkalen
We are deeply concerned by the events ongoing in Reitzmag and the greater Caspian region. While we condemn, in the strongest terms, the piracy and terrorism perpetrated by the Svarnan regime, we view the ongoing intervention as a disproportionate escalation. The victims of Reitzmic imperialism ourselves, we fear that this war is but another of their ploys to gain influence over Europe, in an effort to rewrite standing diplomatic conventions and traditions in their favor.
We insist on the preservation of national sovereignty. We insist on the preservation of the European multinational, consensus-based diplomatic tradition. And we strongly oppose any effort to redraw already-made lines in favor of any one center of power.
We are therefore investigating possible measures to be taken against the Kingdom of Reitzmag, the United Duchies, and their allied powers, on a national and European basis. We have directed our representative in Europolis to begin work on a package of directed diplomatic sanctions against these states, and are currently working with the government to prepare a set of broader economic sanctions.
We must also note the threat that ongoing militarization poses to Istkalen. We are well-aware of the Kingdom of Reitzmag's intense interest in our natural resources, and strongly believe that, if put into a position to do so, they will invade. The current intervention in Svarna is therefore all the more concerning; it demonstrates the will and the ability of the Reitzmic state to carry out such an action. We have therefore agreed, with the consent of the Prime Minister, to certain protective measures, to be applied to ensure the protection of the state against foreign attack, which are as follows:
- the imposition of a state of defence in the territory of the Republic of Istkalen
- the temporary suspension of the autonomy of the Arian Territories
- the temporary suspension of the National Assembly, and the vesting of legislative powers in the Government
- the closure of the land border with Reitzmag
- the reformation of the State Procuration Department, under the Ministry of Planning and Economic Integration, to organize the requisitioning and transport of goods for military purposes
- the preparation for the evacuation of Kirelesile, in the case of invasion
- the movement of certain divisions of Republican Defence Force to the land border with Reitzmag, details of which will not be available at this time
These measures will be voted on by the National Assembly at 06:00 GMT+3, and will then immediately come into force if approved.
We ask all citizens to remain calm.
Y. Demirkol
K. Uklertal
Official Statement of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of Finance
The government has unanimously approved the following measures, to be implemented by 6 June 2023, in order to expand welfare benefits currently enjoyed by working Istkaleners to all in a fiscally responsible way:
- the right of workers' associations to levy taxes on their members is ended
- the responsibility of workers' associations to provide food, housing, and clothing to their members is abrogated
- housing currently owned by workers' associations is to come under the ownership of the national government
- childcare facilities currently owned by the workers' associations are to come under the ownership of the national government, and be made available to all citizens, regardless of membership in a workers' association, on a universal basis, free at the point of payment
- pension funds owned by the workers' associations are to come under the ownership of the national government; further payments are to end
- healthcare funds owned by the workers' associations are to come under the ownership of the national government; further payments for medical procedures on the behalf of members are to end
- a basic income of 500 ketsels is to be paid to every Istkalenic citizen above the age of 18 on a monthly basis
- a student stipend of 200 ketsels is to be paid, on a monthly basis, to all registered students of Istkalenic citizenship who remain in the territory of the Republic of Istkalen and are above the age of 18
- an additional stipend of 200 ketsels is to be paid, on a monthly basis, to all Istkalenic citizens above the age of 62 and/or declared medically unfit
- the cost of basic foodstuffs, prescription medication, energy, water, and rent is to be capped at levels that ensure that living costs for everyone do not exceed 15% of the average wage after tax. This is not to be a price control; the government will pay for all costs above the set caps.
- routine appointments with healthcare providers, including dental and eye health, as well as medically necessary operations, are to be free of cost to the individual
Greta Schulz
Minister of Social AffairsAntras Arkalis
Minister of Finance -
Official Statement of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Trade and Commerce, and the Ministry of Labor and Employment
The government has unanimously approved the following measures, to be implemented by 6 June 2023, in order to lessen precarity in employment:
- the control of land and mines by their corresponding associations is to be affirmed
- the principle of local autonomy within the workers' associations is to be abolished. Local management boards are to be appointed by the national-level governing council of their corresponding associations, rather than be elected
- the local management boards of these associations, within the agriculture, forestry, and mining sectors, will have the authority to hire and fire workers, within guidelines set by the national government and with the directive of maintaining full, or close to full, employment
- caps on total employment are to be determined by the Ministry of Trade and Commerce rather than individual associations in the agriculture, forestry, and mining sectors
- workers' associations will be permitted to employ non-members to fulfill their duties; the association to which these workers belong to will have the obligation to appoint a council to represent them in labor disputes. These workers may be dismissed at-will.
- a national unemployment insurance fund will be established for all workers who may be dismissed; those who have been members of and contributed to such funds for one year may, if dismissed, draw a wage equivalent to 60% of their former salary for 180 days, or 540 if they enroll in a job training program.
Katharina Beck
Minister of AgricultureVistek Rikkalek
Minister of the InteriorMyriam Leclerc
Minister of Trade and CommerceMilrakas Isele
Minister of Labor and Employment -
Statement of the President of the Censorate
The Censorate of Istkalen has voted to remove Yasemin Demirkol and Kondres Uklertal from office due to their failure to contain the present crisis. It will temporarily take the place of the head of state and the head of government until such time as order is restored to the country.
Ursula Orlich
President of the Censorate of Istkalen -
This post is deleted! -
Statement from the State Protector of the Republic of Istkalen
A leader must know when to stand down. Given the current situation, I feel that, for me, the time is now.
I have tried to serve this country to the best of my abilities through these perilous few months - to bring it, from the depths of despair and chaos, back to prosperity and order. It is clear, now, that I have failed, and for this I will carry eternal shame. Nevertheless, I can at least say that I never shirked, never refused to put to the enormous task of governing this country all my abilities. Though it was not enough, throughout my term I did all that I could to keep my beloved country from death, and no one can deny that.
The military is at the doors. I do not intend to fight. It is in the best interest of the country that I hand power to them peacefully and legally, to maintain peace and the continuity of state. I wish them the best of luck in subduing these ungovernable people. With the most happiness I have felt in my fifty-one years, hereby resign this position, and transfer its powers and authority to the body calling itself the "National Salvation Council."
Good riddance!
Ursula Orlich
State Protector of the Republic of Istkalen -
Statement of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Istkalen
I cannot in good conscience lead a government which attempts to criminalize my own existence. I communicate to the National Salvation Council and the public my intention to resign in the case that the proposal for the restoration of an unequal age of consent and for the prohibition on manifestations of "sexual and gender deviance" is implemented.
There are few in this country outside of the military apart from me who have any desire to serve as its head of government, and few abroad who want to see a non-civilian take that office.
Kalju Ilves
Prime Minister of the Republic of Istkalen -
Statement of the President of the National Assembly
The National Assembly has rejected, 495-0, all legislation proposed to it by the National Salvation Council.
Ilmaras Kalessed
President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Istkalen -
Statement of the National Salvation Council
We accept the decision made by the National Assembly today to reject the reforms we laid before them. However, we believe that legislation of this nature, on these issues, is needed in order to maintain national integrity. The uncontrolled and unregulated economic and social environment that has and will prevail without them, in our belief, is causing the constant degradation of the country and the state that has become evident to all.
We order that the National Assembly create a committee of six members to negotiate new legislation on these topics in order to ensure that the nation is preserved. Negotiations will last two weeks following the creation of the committee, as a result of the urgent demand for reform in this country. If no solution is found by the end of these two weeks, we intend to pursue alternative paths that preserve the integrity of our institutions to ensure that action is taken on these issues.
Statement of the National Salvation Council
The unwillingness of the National Assembly to cooperate with our efforts for reform, as well as their extraordinary readiness to lie and to defend lies told by its leading members, saddens us greatly. We remain, however, committed to democracy.
In order to pursue the stabilization of the country in the fastest possible way, we will again put before the National Assembly the reforms proposed on the 8th of June. Though they will be permitted to freely accept or reject the economic provisions, rejection of those laws regulating expression and cultural funding will result in the dissolution of the Assembly and the immediate calling of new elections so that a more cooperative and popular legislature may take office.
We would also like to address the threats made by many major politicians against us. Due to the unstable state of the country, any attempt to resign will be seen and treated as treason. Furthermore, resignation will immediately trigger new elections, as it reflects an unwillingness to further cooperate with the reform process and a need for renewal.
Statement of the President of the National Assembly
The National Assembly has voted, as ordered, on the five bills proposed by the National Salvation Council.
The first, the Decree-Law 15/2023, on the legalization and registration of cooperatives, failed, with 251 votes against and 244 in favor.
The second, the Decree-Law 16/2023, on the reorganization of healthcare and education, failed, with 251 votes against and 244 in favor.
The third, the Decree-Law 17/2023, on changes to direct transfer payments, subsidies, and employment laws, passed, with 412 in favor and 83 against.
The fourth, the Decree-Law 18/2023, on new restrictions on cultural subsidies and on publications, passed, with 292 in favor and 203 against.
The fifth, the Decree-Law 19/2023, on new restrictions on manifestations of sexual and gender deviance and on the age of consent, passed, with 292 in favor and 203 against.
Ilmaras Kalessed
President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Istkalen -
Statement of the National Salvation Council
It deeply saddens us to take this move. We did not expect to have to use our power in such a way when we began this effort to save this country. Yet, because of the refusal of the National Assembly and the government to collaborate with our efforts, we are forced to do so.
We have uncovered a two-fold plot to undermine our power. A number of politicians, former and present, have conspired to undermine the reform process in order to maintain their own power and the division of the country. They have sought, at every level, to promote foreign deviances in this country, including among the most vulnerable, the children; to protect the foreign deviants that sowed discontent and that we sought to root out; to defend the infiltration of this country by foreign exploiters and corrupters; and now, to bring down the legal government of this country to install a protectorate.
We have taken them into custody, and are further investigating their machinations to discover the other members of their cabal.
Here, before the people, are their ignominious names and positions.
- Ilmaras Kalessed, President of the National Assembly
- Riina Kruus, Second President of the National Assembly
- Katharina Beck, Third President of the National Assembly
- Kalju Ilves, Prime Minister
- Kuseli Virejane, Interior Minister
- Írenet Isteresskemar, Foreign Minister
- Yasemin Demirkol, Minister of Public Distribution
- Liris Vesek, Minister of Public Works
- Kondres Uklertal, Minister of Environmental Protection
- Inge Meier, Member of the National Assembly
- Lauri Laakonen, Member of the National Assembly
- Ursula Korhonen, Member of the National Assembly
- Makketis Íkalsser, Member of the National Assembly
- Eliise Raadik, Member of the National Assembly
- Elizabeth Íkrat, Member of the National Assembly
- Marianne Seguy, Member of the National Assembly
- Kaisa Malk, private citizen
- Vistek Rikkalek, private citizen
We will make a final note. Vistek Rikkalek is, ultimately, the head of the House of Kareskenet. To condemn him entirely is against the will of the heavens. His soul, at the same time, is too close to that of the nation to be corrupted. Our intention with him is not to shut him away but instead to conduct a process of biological reeducation and cleaning that will ensure that he takes his proper role in regards to the country.