OfB--Gadalland and Aspern
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Bulletin 477: Declaration by the Order of the Braetha
We, the Order of the Braetha of the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern address the declaration of independence made by the Aspernian territory earlier this evening.
This evening, after a fortnight of tensions in the city of Osperfey, the West Olves, and throughout our nation, a final collapse of civility has occurred between the long-united kingdoms of Gadalland and Aspern, and the Six Unions.
We wish to stress to our citizens in Sertia, abroad, and the nations of the EU that, more than anything, this Braetha honours peace and prosperity, and we wish for our decisions on this night to reflect the virtues of our union, and how these virtues have remained for almost 800 years.
The Braetha recognise and appreciate bids by our citizens for independence. Because of this, we have consulted the Sertian Domex 1224 to come to our final decision, to avoid any unnecessary escalation of tensions between fellow Sertians.
The passage we have consulted proceeds as follows, in Section III, 43.12:
"Herrard-n droquea ras qerda mal-iiak pollodwy-s ynnx, masyn drobillias qerdyn fontri-istrante".
(In English: The sovereignty of these nations of old is to be respected throughout the land)
This passage communicates the right of every one of the old nations to retain their sovereignty. However, the Domex also guarantees the fundamental right of wellbeing to every Sertian.
The Domex also states that, where there is a declaration of independence, the Braetha automatically recognises it until they have decided its "status in virtue". In other words, the extent to which this declaration was made peacefully and with the best interest of all parties in mind.
It is clear to the Braetha that this declaration of independence has not been conducted in the sentiment of retaining wellbeing for all Sertians. Rather, it has manifested as a revolt against a government established in trust given to it by the citizens it governs.
Such a bid for independence would be supported by this Braetha where there is a vote by every citizen of Gadalland and Aspern to separate this nation into requisite parts.
The Braetha, with permission by Fornithias Cranst, ceases to recognise the Republic of Aspern as a legitimate state until a vote in peace-time has been conducted to this effect.
We give permission to the Spanish military in Gadalland and Aspern to take action contrary to this separatist movement. However, they are not required to do so.
We order the Sertian Maritime Service to cease service to separatist sailors, viz. to allow them entry to or departure from any ports of entry within Gadalland and Aspern.
We mandate a curfew of 00:00 for all households and businesses in Gadalland and Aspern.
This mandate of the Order of the Braetha is issued with full and immediate effect.
Address of demands for the New Republic of Aspern, by Mr. Guthrun Wond
Today, the Order of the Braetha have met with Mr. Guthrun Wond in Hemberdale on peaceful, diplomatic terms. This statement highlights the demands of the New Republic of Aspern, and has been released for public consumption.
"Dear fellow Aspernians,
Today marks a historic day in the history of our nation. Today, we declare our independence from Sertia and form the Republic of Aspern.
For too long, we have suffered under the oppressive rule of the Sertian government. Our people have been denied the right to direct elections, and our voices have been silenced by excessive government oversight and industrialisation.
The Sertian government has ignored our pleas for representation in government and has refused to listen to our concerns.
First they built the railways. Then they bought our property from under us. We follow a 776-year old document which is no longer suitable for our purposes.
But today, we say enough is enough. We will no longer stand for their injustices and will forge a new path for our nation. A path that puts the needs and desires of our people first. We want our own institutions and systems of governance, and we will ensure this right of Aspernians is respected.Aspern will be a nation that values democracy, where every citizen has the right to vote and be heard. We will prioritize our environment, seeking sustainable and balanced development. We will prioritize the well-being of our citizens, building a society that promotes health, education, and opportunity for all.
But our journey will not be easy. We will face challenges and obstacles along the way. There will be those who oppose us and seek to maintain the status quo. But we must stay strong and united, knowing that our cause is just.
Together, we will build a nation that we can be proud of. A nation that values freedom, democracy, and the well-being of all its citizens. We will work tirelessly to create a bright and prosperous future for Aspern.
Long live the Republic of Aspern!
The Government of Sertia runs on the votes of its citizens. See Factbook-->Elections, and the most recent appointment of
All people of Sertia are guaranteed the basic human rights as stated in EU and Sertian law.
Update on the current status of the Aspernian independence movement
Negotiations between Sertian officials and Aspernian republicans are ongoing, and are expected to continue until a requisite deal is reached.
There is a standing notice to all entities who harbour employees in Gadalland and Aspern, making it legally unacceptable to force employees to work. This standing notice remains in place until 2 March, 2023.
The Braetha would like to remind the people of Gadalland and Aspern that we value the right of peaceful dissent and protest, and we will do our best to protect those rights.
Violent and antisocial behaviour is a serious criminal offence in Gadalland and Aspern. This includes using harmful or threatening language when engaging with other people.
Your right to peaceful protest in Gadalland and Aspern will continue to be upheld in these times of hardship.
1 March 2023
Change in the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Sertia
The Kingdom of Sertia officially recognises the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Aspern, as well as the mutually agreed Treaty of Purrage.
The tenets of the Treaty of Purrage state the following:
The Order of the Braetha shall suspend the administration of the Republic of Aspern
Citizens of the Kingdom of Sertia who now reside in the Republic of Aspern may retain their Sertian nationality until 27 August 2023. After 27 August 2023 Aspernian nationals must register to retain their Sertian nationality.
A free movement zone between Sertia and Aspern will remain in place until 27 August 2023, at which time it may be extended or suspended.
The Kingdom of Sertia and the Republic of Aspern enter into a military alliance.
5 March 2023
Notice of early termination of free movement and shared nationality
The Order of the Braetha has decided to terminate the freedom of movement between the Kingdom of Sertia and the Republic of Aspern.
As the new government of Aspern is not officially recognised by the EU, the Braetha have decided that the free movement clauses do not apply to travel between Sertia and Aspern.
The receipt of benefits to former Sertian citizens has been suspended, and the ownership of properties within the Republic of Aspern by the Kingdom of Sertia have been relinquished to the government of Aspern.
This termination also entails that the nationality of Sertians who currently reside in the Republic of Aspern is rendered null and void unless:
You can prove on arrival to Sertia that you intended to travel to retain your nationality or
You have familial or personal ties to the Kingdom of Sertia, such as you are renting a public property or you are joining a family member in Sertia.
The nationality of all Aspernians is recognised by the Kingdom of Sertia. Aspernians may currently stay in Sertia for 180 days at a time upon arrival to Sertia for the purpose of tourism or visiting. For all other purposes, Aspernian nationals must apply for a visa to come to Sertia.
09 March 2023
Travel Advisory for the Republic of Aspern
The Republic of Aspern has advised all Sertian citizens, who currently reside in Sertia, will be able to travel to Aspern if they carry a valid Sertian passport. For any stay over 30 days all travellers must have permission to enter Aspern. This does not include the West Olves, where travel to Sertia remains open but subject to duties and customs fees on arrival to Sertia.
Condemnation of the actions of the Republic of Aspern
The Order of the Brætha strongly condemns the actions of the Republic of Aspern. It is unacceptable and against the tenets of the treaty of Purrage to traffic human beings across the border into the anarchical Aspernian regime.
The Braetha find Mr. Wond guilty of the kidnapping of people from Sertian soil, and ask for him to surrender himself to Sertia authorities to be taken to task for these terrible crimes.
To the governments of the United Duchies and the Republic of Yosai, we invite your diplomats to Sertia to engage in negotiations with the Aspernians to bring your citizens back to safety.
To the families of the journalists who were kidnapped, we offer our apologies and condolences. This situation is a result of the militarist leadership of Guthrún Wond, and the Brætha will do everything in our power to bring them back to you safely.
And finally, to Mr. Wond: this is an official warning that your government have intentionally violated the peace between Sertia and Aspern. You have angered foreign governments and are guilty of unacceptable offences under Sertian law. You have shown that you have no regard for our treaty of peace, or the fair operation of the law.
You have no country, you have no values, and you have committed crimes against humanity. If the situation comes to it, we will spare no expense to bring justice back to Aspern.
Change in sentencing guidance for under 25s
From Sunday, 7 May:
There will be no minimum sentence for Layeonic offences
A cap of 11 months applies for all Layeonic offences, and a cap of an additional 12 months for any supervised release. There will be no cap on the imposition of public rehabilitation.
A cap of 11 months applies for all Stage 1 and 2 criminal offences, and a cap of 24 months for stage 3.
For all stage 4 criminal offences, a cap of 36 months will apply for persons under the age of 18, and a cap of 56 months applies for persons under the age of 25.
Persons convicted of an Unacceptable Offence, who are between the age of 18 and 21 at the time of their conviction, will not be awarded the penalty of statutory banishment provided they have completed at least 18 months in prison and 250 hours if unpaid community service. If these conditions are not fulfilled by age 25, the standard statutory banishment penalty will apply.
On Istkalen's National Salvation Council
29 May 2023
Where the Brætha stand
The Brætha recognise the National Salvation Council as a governing body of Istkalen. This means that the Brætha, and the wider Sertian government, will consult the National Salvation Council for all official state concerns, and when addressing the governing body of Istkalen, will refer to the National Salvation Council of Istkalen as the NSC (Istkalen).
The Brætha recognise the unstable nature of this situation, and the limits of any interim government, yet we further acknowledge the need within our government to recognise an official government of each state. This is to prevent the imposition of sanctions as pursuant to Rolling Sanctions Act 2021 which we have decided are not applicable in this situation.
Advice to the public
Istkalen continues to be recognised by the Brætha despite this change in governance.
All Sertian nationals are advised to check the Brætha's travel advisories before going to Istkalen. Diplomatic representation for Sertians may be limited and it is important to acknowledge the risks of travelling without it.
When travelling to a place without proper diplomatic authority, you risk
Problems entering a country, such as being detained by immigration officers
Delays in receiving legal services if you are arrested
Delays in, or a lack of passport renewal and emergency passport services
Problems leaving a country if your passport or travel documents are not in order.
Announcement of sanctions upon Istkalen
14 June 2023
The following bodies are recognised as 'governments' in the Republic of Istkalen for functional purposes:
- The National Assembly
- the National Salvation Council (NSC)
The Brætha have determined the oppressive and threatening behaviour of Istkalen's government to be unacceptable and contrary to the interests of Sertian and EU international affairs. This is due to the recent passage of three laws by the National Assembly which threaten the fundamental human rights of Istkalenians.
In order to determine whether it is appropriate to impose sanctions at any particular moment, the Brætha test the developing situation of a foreign state against the criteria of Rolling Sanctions Act 2021. According to these criteria, sanctions must be imposed if
the conduct of a foreign state is believed to be contrary to the advancement of human moral development
actions of a foreign state would be considered an offence if a resemblant situation developed in the Kingdom of Sertia.
Criterion for determining whether to impose sanctions
Criterion I
The Brætha believe the first criterion to be met because we define 'human moral development' as 'the demonstration and practice of advancing critical thought in order to prevent violence or oppression of fellow citizens'. Through the passage of decrees 17/2023, 18/2023, and 19/2023, it is reasonable to believe that there will be increased violence and oppression toward more groups of people in Istkalen. Criterion I has been met.
Criterion II
The second criterion requires a synthesis of facts, to the end that the Brætha must hypothesise a situation in which the decrees issued by the Istkalenian governments were issued by the Sertian Brætha, and whether there would be any impermissible contradictions in Sertian law.
Where multiple breaches of Sertian law are detected, the Brætha must select one. In this situation the Brætha have selected Decree-Law 18/2023, issued on 13 June 2023 by the National Assembly of Istkalen.
In Sertian law, the practice of censorship in speech or other literature must not serve to harm its citizens to no particular end. If the government cannot prove that there is a reason by which censorship of speech should be permitted, then the Brætha is legally compelled to overturn the order.
The Brætha have determined that, in Decree-Law 18/2023, the government has not provided a jusitifiable reason to restrict "cultural subsidies and...publications", and thereby decided that Criterion II has been met.
Final decision
The Brætha have reason to believe that these laws were passed by the National Assembly at the threat of the National Salvation Council, both of which are recognised governmental bodies of Istkalen.
It is therefore appropriate that the Brætha impose sanctions, pursuant to Rolling Sanctions Act 2021, upon the National Salvation Council of the Republic of Istkalen.
Sanctions that will apply
Pursuant to II.3.a-d, all members currently associated, and who hold any position of power within the National Salvation Council, will be subject to the following individual sanctions:
a. Individuals sanctioned by the government of Sertia attempting to enter Sertia will be arrested upon arrival in any Sertian port of entry and subject to investigation by Sertian authorities.
b. Individuals sanctioned by the government of Sertia who are legally within Sertian territory will have 168 hours to depart Sertia starting from the time their sanction began.
c. Individuals sanctioned by the government of Sertia who attempt to circumvent the legal ports of entry into Sertia will be arrested for Unlawful Residence or Entry, detained and tried for Unlawful Entry carrying a minimum confinement of 90 days and a minimum fine of 10,000 SCD.
d. Individuals sanctioned by the government of Sertia who are residing in Sertia illegally will be arrested for Unlawful Residence or Entry, detained and tried for Unlawful Entry carrying a minimum confinement of 90 days and a minimum fine of 100,000 SCD.
For reference by the Spanish government
The Brætha permit the government of Spain to enforce these orders.
Update from the embassy of Sertia in the United Duchies
25 June 2023
Travel advisory
Sertian citizens are not to travel to or from the United Duchies until Monday, 26 June 2023. This is due to the closure of Duchian borders to all entry and exit by land, sea and air.
The United Duchies remain under lockdown. This is understood to mean that all public events are cancelled. Shops, such as supermarkets, may remain open on a case-by-case basis.
Embassy service update
The Sertian embassy will exercice its emergency plan until Monday, 26 June, which entails that
emergency services for citizens of Sertia in the United Duchies will continue to be available,
Affirmation of Sertian nationality (ASN) services will only be available to those who have imminent travel to Sertia planned,
visa services are suspended until 26 June 2023. If you require a visa appointment you will automatically receive an email which confirms that your appointment has been rescheduled
Visa processing for those who do not require appointments has been suspended until 26 June 2023. This is to direct our staff toward dealing with pressing and emergency demands
Asylum applications may only be submitted by post, or at the post box outside the embassy. Any queues to enter the embassy will be immediately disbanded.
Statement by Head Brætha Fornithias Cranst, on the capture of Guthrún Wond
9 July 2023
I am pleased to announce today that Mr Guthrún Wond, the former head of the Customary Logistics Council, and the man responsible for the breaking of the sacred six unions of Gadalland and Aspern, was taken into custody yesterday morning, while trying to escape.
I would like to take a moment to recognise how significant this is. Guthrún Wond became corrupted by his loss of power to the extent that he tore our nation apart by its fundamental core values, namely, our ancient unions so carefully administered by Verna II of Osperfey in 1224. Before that time, not only Aspern and Sertia, but all six kingdoms of Gadalland and Aspern were hostile toward one another. Imagine the misery and violence which would come with the constant fear of war, which so many good people of Sertia have had to experience over the past seven months.
I would like to thank the Spanish military for providing the forces to Sertia to carry out this operation, and to our Sertian military and police for their dedication.
Citizens, I declare this conflict over. I will restore the nationalities of those who were trapped in separatist territory. Along with our very capable Brætha, I will rebuild this country's infrastructure and culture. I will provide vital government support to workers, firms and families of Sertia. Not only will we rebuild, we will go even further.
Today, the Brætha and I have also decided to invest in access to clean water for all to celebrate this victory. We will be opening our first water treatment plant in Rowynnith (applause), and for the time being we will provide personal water treatment devices for all families, at little to no expense. It is a hallowed Sertian tradition to adore the salt of our seas, and drink our holy water in the name of Verna, but there are many who do not have this everyday privilege. And after the conflict, Aspern cut off millions of people from access to clean water. The Brætha and I are committed to restoring this right.
And finally, I would like to tell you all something about Sertia. Perhaps you already know that there are forces gathering who wish us badly. This includes countries within the EU itself. Spain has remained a true and trusted friend, but because of conflicts between continental powers, our nation remains collateral. We must show them that we're not just an island. We are an idea, a nation, and a people with powerful values capable of anything. That is why I am announcing increased investment in maritime security by opening our maritime force to recruitment and training. I have also ordered increased surveillance along the coastlines and in inland waterways.
The lesson from today being, my dear friends, we have come a long way from the island we used to be, but we have a long way to go. And I will be here along the way to help negotiate this change.
Thank you all for your time.
HB Fornithias Cranst
Doctrine regarding the recent actions of EU nations to unlawfully recognise the legitimacy of the Aspernian government
11 July 2023
The government of Sertia, and the community of the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern, together with the citizens of the Kingdom of Sertia, condemn the actions of certain nations who continue to promote, recognise or in any manner give legitimacy to the former Republic of Aspern. The Republic of Aspern was disbanded due to critical threats to security and infrastructure within the Kingdom of Sertia.
In particular, the Brætha condemn the recognition of Aspern by HM government of the United Kingdom, and remind all EU citizens and authorities that the Brætha are the democratically elected government of the Kingdom of Sertia.
Any further attempts by any nation to recognise the Republic of Aspern as a governing body of the Kingdom of Sertia will be met with a response designed to deter such actions.
Henceforth from 11 July 2023:
It will be illegal for any government body within the Kingdom of Sertia to recognise the Republic of Aspern as a governing body of the community of the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern.
It will be illegal for any government body within a foreign government to recognise the Republic of Aspern as a governing body of the community of the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern.
If the government of Sertia legitimises the Republic of Aspern, the Brætha will be instructed to hold a democratic election to this premiss.
If a foreign government recognises, or affirms their intention to continue to recognise the Republic of Aspern, sanctions pursuant to Rolling Sanctions Act 2021 will apply.
Declaration of new powers under Rolling Sanctions Act 2021, to be applied to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
15 July 2023
Under Rolling Sanctions Act 2021, the Brætha, by majority vote, have decided that new powers to punish foreign nations may be utilised if there is sufficient concern for the national security of the Kingdom of Sertia, the community of the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern, or the Caribbean community including the Republic of Nofoaga.
These new powers include the ability of the Brætha to prohibit nationals of hostile foreign nations to come to or reside in Sertia, and to expel foreign nationals of hostile countries from Sertia within 168 hours.
The Brætha, after receiving news that the UK considers the Republic of Aspern to be a legitimate state, expresses concern over the UK government's effect on Sertian national security, and under this pretence issues the new powers listed above to be applied to nationals of the United Kingdom with immediate effect.
Therefore, as of 15 July 2023, all nationals of the United Kingdom must leave the Kingdom of Sertia within 168 hours of this address, and no national of the United Kingdom will be permitted legally into the Kingdom of Sertia until the Brætha has decided that there is no longer a threat to national security.