Wimaland-United Duchies Summit | July 2023
When it was learned that representatives from the United Duchies would be arriving in Wimaland soon to discuss building a trading relationship, the leadership within Wimaland was both elated and nervous. The country persued a policy of isolationism for almost 30 years now after the otherthrow of the Old Burlawship, which discussion of it in Wimaland was sensitive at best and at worst could land you in a lot of suspicion with the thewkeepers if your speech was unguarded. But now, shortly after their accession to the European Union, what people in Wimaland called the Fellowship of the Evenlands, this distant but large land known as the "United Duchies" requested to send a delegation to see Wimaland for themselves and discuss opening further relations. In their own speech they were known as the Onefolded Breydoms but their name was only heard in passing when seldom mentions of the politics of the eastern continent were displayed on the news. The question on everyone's mind was could this country help bring the prosperity of the east to the rugged lands of the Wimaflood.
As luck would have it, the morning of the 5th of July was both radiant and accompanied with a gentle summer wind, as is characteristic of summers in western Wimaland. Up on the wooded hills which the building of the summit was located the city stood among the vibrant green trees and towards the east in the Snowholts stood proud Micklebarrow, one of the holiest sites in Wimaland. It was widely regarded among the delegation that this day was bestowed grace upon by Halost, chief among the Wightlords, and in mortal form was known as Yeshwa the Messiah in the ancient land of Judaea long ago.
The Wimish delegation appointed by the Steward Edith to greet the incoming Ducal delegation was lead by Alderthane Merewyna Ashleister who served as the Welcherthane, often translated to Foreign Minister in a lowly Normanish or the English that the outside world knew. Of course this day, it was not lowly but a sign of coming together with the outside world. After lunch, the delegation gathered at the manor on which the summit would take place and awaiting to greet to ducal delegation...
John Peter Key and Arron Scott were on the plane to the Wimaland. The country was a new interesting oppurtunity for trade and cooperation. The plan was for arrangements for freer trade but more importantly a special proposal they had. For years they had tried to figure out what to do with the worst prisoners in maximum security. Then they decided they should seek an island prison far away from life but where to build this supermax prison. Then came the realisation Wimaland plenty of islands there far off the main continent.
The plane came into land at the airport. John Peter Key and Arran Scott unnasuming met Alderthane Merewyna Ashleister in the airport. They introduced themselves to the Wimish foreign minister. Hopefully they'd have a productive summit.
The Wimish delegation looked up into the sky as they heard a plane hum high above them, descending upon the Eafold International Airport. Once the plane landed, Merewyna then saw in short order the ducal delegation making their way down the flight of stairs to ground level. Once the delegation made their way to the ground, Merewyna shook the hands of John Peter Key and Aaron Scott.
"Welcome to Wimaland gentlemen!", she said. "I hope your trip wasn't too tiring. I know the journey to Wimaland must have been longer than you are used to. Let us know if there is anything we can do to make you two feel welcome here!" Then one of the members of the delegation, whispered something into Merewyna's ear and in response she nodded. Afterwards she said to the ducal delegation "Well lets not keep you guys waiting in the hot sun too long! Lets get to the summit and make our joint statements and then we finally can get down to business."
John Peter Key responded to Merewyna "Thank you it was a very pleasant trip. The flying is more unusual to us , we try to use trains when we can. Maybe you could construct a high speed line to the United Duchies" he said jokingly.He agreed to get down to business , it would be good to get results today and a general understanding.