EU Quality Standard Scheme Act
EU Quality Standard Scheme Act
Proposed by James Mizrachi-Roscoe, IAC
Preamble: Acknowledging the cost of meeting multiple national standards of quality and potentially having to meet the conditions of multiple quality marks to get to market and the inefficiency of testing the same product multiple times. This act proposes a single quality and safety mark scheme, safety mark and vehicle safety scheme with standards set by experts from countries around the European Union and input from countries throughout the European Union to set a minimum standard for products in the European Union.Article 1 Definitions
I.Minimum safety standard:A minimum standard of safety within the expected use of a product
II.Minimum Quality Standard:A minimum standard of quality and functionality for a defined time period based on expected use of product
III.Minimum Warranty Period: A guarantee of replacement of parts and labour costs to be covered for functionality within a reasonable time frame of use of a product
IV.Vendor:Seller of the product
V.Manufacturer: Company that makes the product
VI.CE mark scheme:A guarantee that a product has passed quality and safety tests as set by the European Trade Standards Organization
Article 2 Minimum Standards
I.All products in the CE mark scheme must meet a minimum safety standard as set out by a Product Safety Standards Committee
II.All products in the CE mark scheme must meet a minimum standard of functionality as set by a Product Quality Standards Committee
III.All products in the CE mark scheme must come with a Minimum Warranty Period as set by a Product Quality Standards Committee
IV.Reasonable wear and tear as set by the Product Quality Standards Committee shall be allowed under this act
V.Member states may choose if they require a CE mark to sell products in their nation and whether to fully align their standards with the CE mark schemeArticle 3 Regulation of Standards
I.Two committees the Product Safety Standards Committee and Product Quality Standards Committee shall be set up under the European Trade Standards Organization
II.Each Committee shall have one representative per member state in the ETSO with one vote on policy and standards overseeing their area. This may be selected in any way the nation desires
III.Each committee may set up sub-comittees for specialist areas to set standards for those product categories to ensure the highest quality decision making. These shall have one representative from each member state in the ETSO
IV.Any ETSO standard must be agreed to by a 66%+1 vote in favour by committee or sub-comittee members present
V.The head of the ESTO shall be elected by a majority of the committee members
VI.Customers shall first be directed to approach the vendor or manufacturer of the product to get a refund or replacement which shall be decided by the member state laws
VII.Products shall be tested in a standardized safety and quality test by the European Trade Standards Organization as set out by the European Trade Standards Organization these tests shall be paid for by the manufacturer or vendor if they choose to do so
VIII.The passing of the test shall be marked by a Certified by ETSO mark marked by the CE mark which shall look as follows
IX.The CE mark shall apply but not be limited to the following products:Toys,Electronics,Wrist Watches,AC Adapters,LED Lighting Products,Energy-related Products, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Eyewear, Machinery, Bicycles, Scooters, E-Bikes, E-Scooters, Medical Devices, Construction Materials, Measuring Instruments, Gas Appliances, Lifts
X.Vehicle safety shall be regulated in a separate standard with member states able to opt in to a European New Vehicle Assessment Programme(Euro NVAP) which shall be overseen by a committee with 1 representative from each member state.Companies shall be required to pay for the tests if the member state the company plans to sell vehicles in is opted in to the programme.Ratings may be checked by customers in an EU run database by any communication technology or method the European Trade Standards Organization considers useful for the purpose
XI.The head of the Euro NVAP shall be elected by a majority of the committee members
XII.Any Euro NVAP standard must be agreed to by a 66%+1 vote in favour by committee members present
XIII.Products that pass quality and safety standards shall be given a CE mark of quality and a product number that may be checked by customers in an EU database by any communication technology or method the European Trade Standards Organization considers useful for the purpose
XIV. No Member State shall be forced to mandate the CE mark or Euro NVAP scheme with Member States able to opt out either scheme or any common standards and be able to set the scope of companies,organizations and products required to have the CE mark or Euro NVAP ratings.
XV.Memberstates may require a minimum Euro NVAP rating for a vehicle to be sold in their country
XVI.Low volume manufacturers as defined by each member state may be exempted from CE requirements or Euro NVAP requirements even if nations are member of the schemes
XVII.Companies and organizations may require that the Customer have proof of payment such as a receipt in order to ask for a refund or replacement product
XVIII.Each Member State in the scheme shall designate an agency or agencies that consumers can go to adjudicate in case of failure of the vendor or manufacturer to refund or send out a replacement product of equivalent function. These agencies shall have final authority on whether a customer is refunded or sent out a replacement of an equivalent function as well as acceptable forms of refund.
XIX.Vendor and Manufacturers shall only be required to provide a replacement product upon production of a product code or warranty code set by the manufacturer with responsibility on the manufacturer if the item was brought in a second hand sale.This shall only apply to warranty repairs.
XX.Failure to meet product, safety and warranty standards shall lead to a refund and in case of injury or damage to property as a result of failing to meet standards the award of the costs incurred by the customer on the failure.
XXI.Member States shall set the burden of replacement and proof in their own Member States jurisdiction as well as time period proof of payment is required by law
XXII.Member States may exceed the minimum requirements set out by the Product Quality Standards Committee and Product Quality Standards Committee and set their own national standards higher if they wish to.I today present this act as a change in approach to common European standards . This essentially just creates CE mark scheme and lets the experts do their work flexibly and independently and lets nations choose whether to require the CE or Euro NVAP mark or a certain rating or exceed those requirements.
James Mizrachi-Roscoe , IAC
Debate begins NOW and will continue until 09:45 GMT on July 25th, 2024.
Donald Tusk
Council Speaker and Councillor for Spain -
Debate will be extended for 48 hours, until 11:04 GMT on January 1st, 2025.
Donald Tusk
Council Speaker and Councillor for Spain -
I can see where consumer protection is necessary but I think it should be paired with standard reform at the national level. That would provide the necessary teeth. I mean...this is well intended but we don't have compliance powers.
Snoop Dogg
Councilor for The Commonwealth of California -
I understand the concerns but the idea is set a standard set by all European nations who choose vote on it. It would be up to member states to enforce the standards and laws in this but the main benefit is this makes a standardised test to be able to sell throughout Europe a big benefit for businesses. My concern if it was to be enforced from a central Europolis body would be that it would put off nations adopting the standards.
James Mizrachi-Roscoe, IAC commissioner