30th Royal AeroSpace Exhibit
Kingdom of Reitzmag Eurocorps last edited by Kingdom of Reitzmag 19 Jul 2020, 02:07 19 Jul 2020, 02:05
Elon just nodded.
"I understand that Mr. Henningson, but our offer will remain there if Vayinaod had decided to accept it. The KRSA as of now is developing a manned crew module called Dragon to mount in our Falcon 9 rockets. And as of now, it is under the testing phase already. When it is finished, Reitzmag will finally be able to launch its astronauts again to our Cansey Space Station."
"Reitzmag would also be delighted if the VRA and FLR has decided to form a unified space station between our nations. I'd just want to request if you can tell this to Mr. Sorensdotter when you return to Nyetthem. And we will be hoping for a positive response."
Pomp and circumstance was not the Fremetian way, and Angela always found it most amusing how continental nations seemed to concern themselves so much with such wasteful bouts of immaterial posturing. As she viewed the fantastical spectacles before her, she couldn't help but think back to the recent (and rather significant) defeats of this nation. Nevertheless, we all deserve a second chance, and the Fremetian government was adamant that Reitzmag not go completely unnoticed. Angela, having done her national service requirement in the Air Force, enjoyed the sound of jet engines booming through the countryside, and regardless of her inhibitions to "fanfare", she was impressed by the spectacle.
Merkel watched closely as Mr Musk and the Vardic delegation spoke, and elbowed the Luftwaffenchef, General Gordon Hølmebakk, rather sharply in the side to signal to him what was going on (he had become rather interested in what the inside of his eyelids looked like in the latter half of the demonstrations). The three members of the Fremetian delegation stood and followed Angela to the Reitzmic Prime Minister.
Lady Merkel approached Simon and spoke, "What a marvelous turnout you have here young man, you must be quite pleased with yourself." She winked at him and gestured for the other two parts of the Fremetian contingent to join her. "Allow me to introduce General Gordon Hølmebakk, Chief of the Fremetian Air Force and Ambassador Henri Schuller, representative of Fremet here in Reitzmag."
Kingdom of Reitzmag Eurocorps last edited by Kingdom of Reitzmag 19 Jul 2020, 02:25 19 Jul 2020, 02:17
Simon was surprised to have Angela Merkel approach him.
"Greetings Ms. Merkel, and also to you Gen. Hølmebakk. Its a great honor to meet you. I'd like to introduce to you Mr. Elon Musk. He is the current prgram director of the SpaceX program under the KRSA. The program is the one that mandates the use of these rockets with such capabilities."
Then Elon spoke and shook hands with the Fremetian Delegation.
"Well hello Ms. Merkel. We were just talking here about some partnership between our space programs that I'd like to offer. You see, the capabilities of our latest rockets give less expense to the KRSA for every rocket launch. And as I said to Mr. Henningson, we have been developing our own manned crew module to give transportation to Reitzmag's astronauts going to Cansey Space Station."
"I have requested already to Mr. Henningson to deliver our message to the VRA about this offer we have. And of course, we would also like the FLR to participate as much as possible. So, I hope our offer gets to your respective Space Program too."
Then King George approached them and interfered with the conversation.
"So I think its time to go to Copala City. We have a party to celebrate, and lots to drink too."
Then he looks at Angela Merkel and smiles.
"Everyone can drink there since almost every single type of liquor is there. And you would heavily enjoy there Ms. Merkel."
An aide approached them and said.
"Sire, the helicopters are ready for the flight to Copala City."
"We'll be there" said King George.
Then everyone went to the designated helicopters and went to Copala City.
In a few moments, the helicopters landed at the designated area. It was almost night time which was good for an open air party. The weather was clear and no signs of rain was seen.
Juncker was in the party checking the news when he got a message. His wife. She said at first she was staying at home or going on vacations to Spain to see her family, but now she was asking when he was coming back. "The party has not ended yet darling" he answered on WhatsApp. She then answered: "But comeback and come to see my parents". Juncker answered one more time: "We saw them last week". Then, the chat became silent.
He was actually enjoying the party. As far as his number 1 enemy didn't appear, all was fine. Maybe Winston was doing Balconing or was depressed after losing. Who actually knows what's going on in his crazy brain? No one. He got to the drinks table and drunk a cup of wine. It wasn't so good, but at least it was wine.
"Decent man I guess, a bit odd he still works with his companies so much. Regardless pretty smart, would be good for ESA director, " Henningson thought. He exchanged some pleasantries with the Fremetian delegation. General Gordon Hølmebakk and Henningson were well acquainted, aside from being the head of the Vardic konsulate for defense, Henningson and Hølmebakk had met prior for various different contracts from his company to the Fremetian Air Force.
Merkel and Henningson were on less friendly terms, but regardless as a Vard and as a Fremetian they were natural allies at a party. Yin and yang some would claim even.
Henningson enjoy some vodka while making slight small talk with the various members of the party.
Simon was pretty much enjoying in the party. There were no minors in the party and it was very private. Every type of liquor was there and was in fact fresh from the wine cellars of the king. He loved the mood of the party.
Then George approached him and looked if there was anyone else around them. And he said:
"Simon, are the surprises ready?" asked the king
"Yes your majesty" replied Simon.
"Very Well, I think we have to show it to them now" excitedly said the king
"That would be great your majesty!" replied Simon.
Then George gets some documents and went in front to show the surprises. But then someone arrived, it was the king's cousin William. William waved at the people in the party and spoke.
"Hello everyone" greets William.
Then William notices the Archbishop Kligenberg and Queen Anastasia and greets them. George introduces William to the others.
"Oh cousin, what a surprise bro. And I'd like to introduce to everyone my cousin. He is William. William, they are Ms. Kligenberg, Queen Anastasia, Prince Tommy, Mr. Henningson, Mr. Juncker, Ms. Merkel, Gen. Hølmebakk, Mr. Bridges, Mr. Niinistö, and Mr. Musk. They are the guests for the party here that I hosted for RASE." said George.
William sat beside Mikaela, Anastasia, and Tommy, and began to chatter with them. Meanwhile George shows the surprises to everyone.
"Ok, well what a surprise William brought to us. Anyways, so I have here some documents. And these are for my surprise gifts to everyone else here." said George then he hands something to Mr. Juncker.
"Mr. Juncker as I have been notified that the ESA has insufficient funds for its own space launch facility and I want to help on its development. We have surveyed an area near Copala City at the coast and have decided to build a space center there for free as a gift to the European Commission and/or the ESA. The space center will be called Hufton Space Center in honor of Coun. Ben Hufton who was the prinicpal author of the European Space Exploration Act." says George then he smiles at him.
"Now for Copala City and everyone else, since we are here. I'd like to introduce our plans for the development of the area. Reitzmag's contribution to this development would be the following:" introduces George then he points to the screen showing a list of the plans the government prepared for the development of Copala City.
The List showed the following:
- Stadium
- Indoor Arena
- Railway Network to connect with the National Rail
- Exhibit areas
- etc.
But there was one secret George is planing to build with the government. A building with a height of over a kilometer to be built on a desert as a centerpiece of a tech city. He let the others go with the party and gave something to everyone.
"And since I'd like everyone to remember this day, I'd like to give everyone a bottle of your choice from my collection of liquors. I hope you will choose wisely!" said George then he let everyone else continue partying.
PM Saulli was enjoying the party, but he was somehow alone, the kings decided to leave Reitzmag after the air show they took the Royal Plane but there was no problem for Saulli to travel on a passenger plane he likes to be with other people, and then he decided to talk with Simon but he was busy, So Saulli decided to wait and drink some wiskey and talk to others.
When Simon finished talking with the others, he approached Saulli. He greeted him and asked if he would like to talk with him at the side in private while looking at the nightsky. Guards were around the area which proved everything was safe.
Juncker, after that announcement, had the EU laws book he had to study in 2 months in his mind. What George said was illegal. It seemed like the planes crisis, who most were sold to Iberia and the others were just navigating around Europe.
"I'm afraid that's not legal William. Do you remember the 40 planes crisis? This is exactly the same. Firstly,the ESA has to give an official report prior to any launch site deals, which means that it needs to make it clear whether an official ESA launch site is regionally feasible. Secondly, the ESA budget wont account for related costs of maintaining the gifted site, which is like the planes I mentioned before. And last but not least, countries can't donate things to the EU over conflicts of interests except where otherwise allotted by EU law. Sorry for those bad news, but if you donate this you could also get in trouble and be carried to the ECoJ."
Then George approached Commissioner Juncker and said to him.
"Do not worry Mr. Juncker, because we aren't donating this. We are building it for you. We are also willing to fund half the costs for the construction and the ESA to fund the other half. If you could tell this to whoever would be the first ESA Director, that would be appreciating. I hope he/she will know about this."
After some chatter with PM Saulli, Simon went to the small podium to speak.
"Well, it seems everyone is enjoying the party. But I have this important thing to say. Everyone remembers what happened to Mr. Sanders and the kidnapping incident. And I just want to say sorry on behalf of my nation for what happened. I hope that all of you would accept my apologies. Anyhow, let us continue with the party!!!"
George was enjoying, but he thought of something surprising. Since it was a private party and Angela Merkel was there, he decided to show what he really is. George had already made sure that the kids got back to the palace before the party, so he made an announcement.
"Well umm, I think everyone is enjoying. But to increase the fun, I want to challenge Ms. Angela Merkel to a drinking competition. Whoever drinks the most wins my most pricey bucket of beer. So, what do you say Ms. Merkel?"
Juncker was confused. It seemed than no one understood they couldn't build anything along with the ESA if that insititution didn't make a report before starting to build that spaceport: "His Majesty, I'm afraid that the European Space Agnecy can't fund anything if there no previous report that is given to the Premier Commissioner and the European Council, which would both have to give their approval. This is very important to allow the ESA to fund it. If not, it's technically impossible. I will tell the elected director, but he needs to accomplish the law. Else, he could get petitioned by someone for not accomplishing the law". He said.
Juncker appraoched to where the action was, while looking at the news. He hadn't had much to do, but at least, he was having some fun.