Factbook Intellectual Property Act
Factbook Intellectual Property Act
Proposed by Cllr. DME Emma Granger (Montenbourg)
An Act that gives exclusive rights to the respective nation on the ownership of the intellectual property disposed at their National Factbook on The European Factbook.
I. The European Factbook: is a reference resource produced by the European members known as the National Factbook and distributed on a public almanac known as the European Factbook.
II. Intellectual Property: defined as all intangible creations of the countries intellect embodied at The European Factbook.
I. All information submitted at the National Factbook shall be considered intellectual property of the respective nation.
II. Country willful ignorance of illegal practice
(1) A country is guilty of an offence where;
(a) the country is evidenced to have appropriations from another countries intellectual property embodied at their National Factbook.
III. The order of precedence shall always remain as a principle to reign the publications embodied at the National Factbook.
(1) there shall always be a principle that any publication made on the Factbook will be dealt with strictly in the order in which they arrive or apply in reference to others.
I. All member states of the European Union are required to harmonize their National Factbook with this Act in three (3) months of time from its approval by the European Council.
II. Breaches of this Act shall be considered a punishable and criminal offense tried in the European Court of Justice with the following measures:
(1) to make a reparation order the court must have specifics to which this Act refers as a breach in Intellectual Property.
(a) a public note on the national press by the country that made the violation of this Act, noting that it was an appropiation.
(b) an official Government Statement issuing a disappointment over the occurrence.
(c) any other of the European Court of Justice.
(2) In determining the amount of publications made by the country under a reparation order, the court must have regard to:
(a) the constant breaches under subsection 1;
(b) the toll the crime has taken on the public perception of the European Union. -
Mr Council Speaker,
Recent revelations regarding the exploitation of what is understand as national factbook have come to light to my atention of some suggestions of appropiations; having a clear moral compunction our country moves forward this Act in order to defend the best interest of all of our fellow members.
This Act forces them to take action should they find out, but also prevents them from making themselves “willfully blind” on the matter in order to skirt around the law.
This bill represents another step in Europe’s fight to ensure that rights are upheld not only at home, but around the Union by ensuring that our intellectual creations embodied at our National Factbook become subject and protected by our Constitution and our Court.
This fellow Councillors, is common sense legislation that makes sure that appropiators be held accountable. I implore the Council to back this Act. And make edit if necessary.
Emma Granger
Councillor for Montenbourg -
Debate starts NOW and will last until 22:45 GMT on Decmber 20th, 2020.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista