30th Royal AeroSpace Exhibit
Kingdom of Reitzmag Eurocorps last edited by Kingdom of Reitzmag 11 Jun 2020, 08:21 11 Jun 2020, 08:21
Kingdom of Reitzmag Eurocorps last edited by Kingdom of Reitzmag 11 Jun 2020, 08:26 11 Jun 2020, 08:24
The Girls on Tour Jet lands in Reitzmag
Archbishop Mikaela Kligenberg, Queen Anastasia and Prince Tommy aboard their private jetMikaela squealed with excitement as the Girls on Tour jet landed at Hampton City International Airport.
"I can't believe you organized an entire air show for our bacheloretter party," Mikaela squawked. "Your truly are the bestest friend I could have ever ask for!"
Mikaela gave Anastasia a warm side hug as she thanked her. Mikaela then reached out to Tommy and grabbed his hand. "You're so lucky to have such a thoughtful sister. To put on a huge exhibition in our honour? So cute! I always treasure experiences, rather than material things. This is such a good gift."
The Archbishop then walked over to the window and took a glance at the Hampton City International Airport.
"This is my first time visiting Copalastan. I can't wait until we visit Copala City, the capital. I've heard you've opened a bar there, no? I've opened a beach club there. Copala City is the summer destination of 2020, everyone is talking about it."
Mikaela opened the mini bar fridge and took out two vodka sodas and a no-name non-alcoholic beverage. Mikaela tossed the non-alcoholic drink to Tommy, before tossing the vodka soda to Anastsia, and then opening a vodka soda for herself.
"Let's have a toast... to us girls! These are the last few days of singledom for Tommy and I. Our married futures are ahead of us," Mikaela paused, carefully looking at Anastasia, who had already been married several times over. "So let's have fun!"
Kingdom of Reitzmag Eurocorps last edited by Kingdom of Reitzmag 11 Jun 2020, 09:55 11 Jun 2020, 09:47
Simon immediately approached the end of the stair case going inside the jet. He then shook the hands of Abp. Kligenberg, Queen Anastasia, and Prince Tommy upon setting foot on Reitzmic ground.
"Greetings your holiness, your majesty, and your royal highness. Thank you for responding to our invitation. I hope you would have a nice experience here in Reitzmag."
As the 4 begin to walk the red carpet, they stopped and stood at a small pedestal facing the guards of honor and the band then the Reitzmic anthem is played followed by the Inquistan anthem.
The 4 continues walking in front of the guards of honor and an assistant escorts them to the car nearby.
The motorcade for Inquista and Icholasen's delegates begins and the car takes them to Buckingham Palace to have some short rest.
(The Mennrimian Royal plane arriving to Hampton City)
Assistant: We have arrived Mr, Prime Minister
PM: Perfect, Notify the Royal Guard of our arrival and prepare the reception of the kings
Assistant: Yes sir
PM:(Leaving the plane)
After some time the King and the Queen of Mennrimiak leave the plane
Simon immediately approached the end of the stair case going inside the plane. He then shook the hands of the Prime Minister, and the King & Queen of Mennrimiak upon setting foot on Reitzmic ground.
"Greetings your exelency, your majesty, and your royal highness. Thank you for responding to our invitation. I hope you would have a nice experience here in Reitzmag."
As the 4 begin to walk the red carpet, they stopped and stood at a small pedestal facing the guards of honor and the band then the Reitzmic anthem is played followed by the Mennrmian anthem.
The 4 continues walking in front of the guards of honor and an assistant escorts them to the car nearby.
The motorcade for Mennrimiak's delegates begins and the car takes them to Buckingham Palace to have some short rest.
Juncker was due to land at Reitzmag, seated and with his seatbelt fastened. He then saw Hampton City and obviusly, the memories of him riding a tank came back. "This time it's a very different town.". Then he smiled and said "Where will that tank now be at? Drommund Kaas?" The plane landed successfully and parked where the ATC service told the pilots to.
Juncker stood up and got off the plane, saw the Prime Minister and shaked hands with him: "Good morning Simon, it's a pleasure to visit Hampton City and Reitzmag once again." He smiled and the photographers started to do their legit work, take photos. Juncker said: "He's the new elected boy from Reitzmag". He laughed, obviusly that was one of his jokes.
Kingdom of Reitzmag Eurocorps last edited by Kingdom of Reitzmag 12 Jun 2020, 10:42 12 Jun 2020, 08:07
Simon immediately approached the end of the stair case going inside the plane. He then shook the hands of the Commissioner Juncker upon setting foot on Reitzmic ground.
"Greetings Commissioner. Thank you for responding to our invitation. I hope you would have a nice experience here in Reitzmag."
As the 2 begin to walk the red carpet, they stopped and stood at a small pedestal facing the guards of honor and the band then the Reitzmic anthem is played followed by the European anthem.
The 2 continues walking in front of the guards of honor and an assistant escorts them to the car nearby.
The motorcade for the European Union's delegates begins and the car takes them to Buckingham Palace to have some short rest.
Queen Anastasia and Prince Tommy were enjoying their Bachelorette party so much -Reitzmag was such an avant-garde location to hold it. 'They at least crushed their communist uprising' Anastasia had commented on the plane, 'and, hey,' she continued sipping a glass of pinot noir with a suggestive straw, 'wouldn't it be nice if our communists were also pansy doormats who would lay down their arms despite controlling significant territory like the Reitzmic ones.'
Prince Tommy was very happy to be sharing his bachelorette party and wedding with Mikaela. She was of course vapid, shallow, and egomaniacal, but so was he. This détente between Tommy and Mikaela was probably the biggest peace agreement in European history, ever. Kristian Nyuland didn't even help these warring factions overcome their difficulties. They did it all on their own.
Carlos had been a key factor in organising the joint wedding. He often sat in his large beige sillón in their Ibizan apartment, wearing his glasses and looking through wedding catalogues and websites on his tablet, calling Mikaela to make sure they agreed on drapes, tablecloths, the menu and many other minutiae that had to be agreed before the wedding. He loved organising. Tommy did not. Tommy was a Leo (sun) which meant that he was a lot more spontaneous than Carlos, and didn't see the need for all this planning. 'It'll be like in Mamma Mia 2 when all those random island people just helped them for no discernible reason organise a wedding in a short space of time' he said.
Anastasia had been enjoying the slower pace of life in Ibiza, watching Schitt's Creek on Inquistan netflix via a VPN. Spain's netflix didn't have it. All this netflix was good and all, but Anastasia was very excited for this trip to Reitzmag. She didn't mind planes, they go zoom zoom, shoot things sometimes, she guessed. Very fun.
The 'lads' - aka El Capitan and Carlos - were in Copala City at the Casa Romanov Bar and Grill which was newly built having their stag do. What better place for a stag do than Copala City? It was a beautiful city, well, what was built was beautiful. There was so many cranes, building works, and loud noises which made for an interesting ambient atmosphere.
Tommy, Mikaela and Anastasia arrived at Buckingham palace and Anastasia and Tommy helped themselves to a flute of champagne. Anastasia then got out a flask of an unknown spirit and poured it in her flute glass.
'Don't you think using champagne as a mixer is a bit below you, Anastasia. I mean that's the kind of thing I used to do back in 2015.'
'I think that I should be celebrating the last Romanov of our generation to get married, Tommy! We're all very grateful to God above that you even are getting married in the first place.' Anastasia laughed.
'How many of your husbands are still alive, Anastasia?'
Anastasia's face turned sour. 'That's besides the point, Thomas.'
'Just don't push it, okay' Tommy said. You know if you're looking up at planes after necking your 5th vodka-champagne you'll fall over on some Reitzmic government minister - do you know what they did to Sanders?!'
'That was one time, Tommy - I mean if we condemned everyone for doing one thing one time we'd have to condemn everyone.'
'How many people have you kidnapped?'
'Well actually Nicholas Kligenburg (God rest his soul) kidnapped me one time, it was a whole thing, but I have to say I kind of enjoyed it.'
'Who even is that?'
'My second husband!' Anastasia said with confidence. 'Or wait was he my third? Anyway I think we should let these people off, it's a new government or whatever. And they're being sanctioned by communist Icholasen so they're definitely on our side.' There was a somewhat long pause. Mikaela was at the bar and wasn't there to interject with something stupid. 'I'll tell you what, when I inevitably go to get tequila shots, I'll only get 5. Is that okay?'
Tommy frowned.
Mikaela returned to Tommy and Anastasia, who were having a playful sibling squabble. Mikaela carefully placed her margarita on the table and seated herself across from the Romanovs. She turned her head to attentively examine the surrounding environment of Buckingham Palace .
"Isn't this motel so quaint?" Mikaela gushed before letting out a content sigh. "Whenever I visit less fortunate countries like Copalastan, it always makes me more grateful and appreciative of things back home, you know?"
Mikaela took a sip from her margarita before continuing. "It has a demure charm that I can appreciate. Not everything has to be pretty. Remember that time we went to that lovely reception at that golf club in Salem, North Regina? That was the time where Tommy drove all three of us into the pond while driving the golf cart. Remember that? Tommy claimed a bug flew into his mouth while he was driving, but he was totally drunk out of his mind, and I don't even know why we let him get behind the wheel considering it's a known fact that gays cannot drive.
"Anyway, remember how we then had to nick some spare clothes out of the Fremetian ambassador's luggage? The clothes were at least two sizes too big for us and they weren't even designer clothes made by Sahrawi children, but we still rocked those outfits anyway, even if they weren't pretty. It's more about exuding attitude than it is about taste. This place reminds me of that. I love it."
The Archbishop took another sip from her drink. "This drink is delish. We should grab some more drinks, maybe do some shots, and then explore the amenities of this motel."
Juncker arrived at the Palace and saw Arbishop Mikaela, Tommy and Anastasia. He gave his suitcases to an employee of the palace and approached to them: "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Did you have a good flight?" He said while grabing a drink.
Kingdom of Reitzmag Eurocorps last edited by Kingdom of Reitzmag 15 Jun 2020, 12:02 15 Jun 2020, 12:00
HM George I saw the 4 at the lobby and greeted them.
"Oh, good morning. You have arrived, great to see you here at Reitzmag. Anyways, your rooms are ready."
George then shook the guests' hands.
He signals the butlers and told them to bring the guest's luggage to their rooms.
Then, Queen Katherine saw them and shook their hands.
"Oh, great to see you. Welcome to Reitzmag! I hope you would enjoy staying for a while. As George said, your rooms are ready but I will be waiting for you at the dining room for some drink if you want."
Prince Edward, the heir to the throne, saw Juncker and spoke to him.
Hello sir, you look familiar. Aren't you the guy I saw on TV that sent a tank float in a rally?
Juncker shook hans with everyone with a smile and then looked at Prince Edward: "Yes I am! I'm also Atty. Winston worst nightmare". He laughed a bit "Just kidding, it's the Spanish Humour. Anyway, thank you for your recievement, It's a pleasure to be here. I'm staying here with Mikaela, Anastasia and Tommy for a bit." Juncker said.
The butlers took the luggage and the guests to their rooms.
Mikaela's room looked like this:
Queen Anastasia and Prince Tommy's room looked like this:
Jean Claude-Juncker's room looked like this:
Then Queen Katherine proceeded to the dining room and drank some tea with King George while waiting the guests.
The Mennrimian Arrive
Saulli:Finally we are here, that took a while,I wonder if their Majesties have already reached the palace
Assistant:Yes Sir, The Kings are already here
Saulli: Nice!! And Do you know how is this place called?
Assistant:No sir, but i can ask someone here.
Saulli:Don't worry it's okay, just lets watch what did Reitzmag prepared for Mennrimiak.
Lets go inside!!Security Guard: Yes sir, i will be behind you all the time.
At the palace dining room, the king and queen are enjoying some hot tea. Then a guard arrives inside bringing a news to the king.
"Your majesty, the Mennrmian Prime Minister has arrived" the guard said.
"Great, bring them here at the dining room" replied George.
Then the guard went back to notify the Mennrimian Prime Minister that they were allowed for entry already. After that, they enter the palace and proceed to the dining room.
"Oh, hello Mr. Niinistö! I am glad you are here at Reitzmag. Thank you for accepting our inivitation."
Juncker would then look at Mr. Niinistö. He thought that they were late, which was bad, but well, it was also truth that Mennrimiak was isolated from Europe, but it was a country that deserved to be visited. "Good afternoon Mr. Niinistö." Juncker said.
After being shown to her room, Mikaela's heart sank to the bottom of her stomach. Mikaela had 'roughed' it many times, like that time she slept at a 4.5 star hotel in Laayoune, the Sahrawi Union, or that time she ate at a fish and chips shop in Os Corelia. The Archbishop pouted as she studied her room and carefully examined her bed.
Mikaela pushed herself to preserve. "I can do anything," she said whispered aloud, unsure of herself, as she hopped on the bed. "Pull yourself together, Mikaela, you've been in far worse places."
In truth, Mikaela had been to far worse places. In her very brief stint as Commissioner of Internal Affairs, she visited Dromund Kaas. However, even her tent in Dromund Kaas was far better than this. After a few seconds of perseverance, Mikaela couldn't hold it together anymore. Mikaela suddenly jumped from her bed, grabbed her belongings, and sprinted as fast as she could in her heels until she reached Tommy and Anastasia's room. Without knocking, the Archbishop barged right in.
"Anastasia! Tommy! This motel is terrible! Have you seen the curtains? I can't-"
Mikaela abruptly stopped herself from complaining as she then studied the Romanov's room.
"Are you two... sharing a bed?" Mikaela huffed out in shock. "One bed, between you two?" she asked again. Before letting them answer, Mikaela ran up to the siblings and grabbed each of them by a hand.
"I'd rather stay at a Trympov Tower than this run-down place. I have never felt so poor in my life - not that there's anything wrong with being poor - I have a best friend that's poor. My friend, Jolie, her family used to be really big time sellers and retailers in the fur industry, but the environmentalists shut down her family's business. Anyway, she's poor now and I still kinda like her still, even though she's constantly going on and on and on about losing all her possessions and her property... doesn't she think of anyone else? Anyway, I am so not against being poor. I love poor people! Tommy, remember when you first got your bar tending job? Was I not supportive? I compliment you every time you work. I am soooooo pro-choice when it comes to being poor. But, like, do we have to stay here?"
Mikaela let go of the Romanov twins and hugged her belongings. "Can we just jet out to Copala City already? Let's skip whatever we're supposed to be doing here and get the fun started."
King George went upstairs and to the room of Queen Anastasia. There, he knocked at the door and said:
"Anastasia, we need to talk about something very important. It is a surprise, and I know you will very very very much like it. Meet me in the dining room."
Then George went downstairs and waited for Anastasia in the dining room.
Anastasia followed King George to the dining room and found, sure enough, King George there. Queen Anastasia didn't really know what to expect!