24 Jul 2020, 22:43

Cantons declare independence

In spite of the additional power given to them, throughout the day, all 29 cantons have declared independence from the People's Confederation, largely citing the steps toward dictatorship that have been taken.

They continue to follow their original constitutions, retaining their commitment to socialism; however, in terms of structure, they vary widely:

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The cantons in green are 'Areaist' republics; following the ideology of Miranda Areai, the founder of the Ecological Assembly, they are somewhat meritocratic and technocratic, but retain democracy and ensure that the decisions that representatives make are in favor of their constituents, through 'consultation.' Industry, however, remains under the syndicates.

The cantons in red are 'councilist'; their legislatures are elected through what is known as soviet or council democracy, industry being held in the control of the workers' councils.

Cantons in yellow are parliamentary; they hold legislatures whose seats correspond to geographic constituencies and whose members are elected directly. As with other cantons, legislators are still bound to the mandate of their constituents; however, these cantons retain control over what has been 'nationalized,' and are expected to socialize the rest. These cantons have left the People's Confederation largely because of its centralization; they believe that socialization is in accordance with socialism, so long as a democratically elected and controlled legislature controls industry.

Cantons in blue are 'syndical/national' - half of their legislatures' seats are elected by the syndicates and half by the nations. Industry here, too, remains in the power of the syndicates.

Maroon cantons have legislatures elected by the various syndicates, with industry remaining in their power.

Two representatives from each canton are to attend a convention in Skagen at which a new constitution shall be written as to create a new confederation.

Physical power, however, remains partially in the hands of the current government. Only about half of Eastern Haane is controlled by forces loyal to the cantonal governments; that is, the areas controlled by the counter-militias, by the occupation movement, and by the Areaists; the rest remains under the People's Confederation.