[Discussion] The Situation in the People's Confederation of Eastern Haane
Firstly, I take offense and demand an apology from Councilor Firoux for the insinuation that Vayinaod's announcement over its departure was "sudden". The press conference between the Four Assembled Powers was only over the No-Fly Zone specifically, of which there was no demand to continue any longer. In fact the No-Fly Zone is still there as clearly stated it is a phased withdrawal. The Four Powers take the responsibility they took upon themselves seriously and the conclusion of the NFZ will only occur after various conditions are met.
The reality is no new nations have announced unilateral raids into the area, and the rest are taking part in publicly declare humanitarian missions that have thus far produced no inspection violations. The Commission as a whole is required to report on the situation, but there is a level of command that rests with Harriet Copala. Which begs the question as to why so many Inquistans hold dual hats if you ask me but regardless.
Vayinaod as stated in the press briefings and in the article you cited Cllr. shall remain part of the coalition until the completion of its phased exit from EH. There was no request, no demand in the council, NOR an outright expectation any nation who joins remains till the end. Vayinaod has communicated clearly and effectively when required, but when the situation as a whole stayed fairly 'boring' to a certain degree. Not even for even news headlines across Europe's multiple outlets.
So if we are to berate Commissioner Juncker or his job, then Harriet Copala as the leading officer of the 'coalition' should appear as well.
Carita Falk
Archrepublic of Vayinaod -
Weird. I did not berate any Commissioner, nor did I even mention any Commissioner in my previous comments, and anyone in the EPA should know that I have great respect for all our incumbent Commissioners, particularly for Commissioner Juncker. The contempt that Cllr. Van Allen has for Commissioner Juncker is his feelings - not mine. Don't get them confused.
I am simply expressing that the Coalition has legal obligations to report on their activities every four days, but hasn't. That's a legal obligation outlined in the Council resolution, and it's an obligation for good reason. It's not something that can, or should, be brushed off because "the situation as a whole stayed fairly 'boring' to a certain degree". The vast majority of this chamber has not even the faintest idea of what is going in the Eastern Haane, and that is a grave concern. It's a matter of not having another Dromund Kaas on our hands, especially because, again, this is both an EU-backed mission and we've also now deployed the ERF into the country. I have to say, after your comments, I am now even more confused as to what is going on.
Though, for the record, I never said Vayinaod's withdrawal was a mistake or that your country wasn't allowed to. When we haven't heard anything out of Eastern Haane for over a month, except for a withdrawal of one of the Coalition members, of course that brings alarm to the situation. You may say it's not sudden, but I certainly wasn't expecting the withdrawal, nor was I made aware of it, and I can't seem to find any of these government statements or conferences you've alluded to regarding it. I'd love if you stopped by my office and presented them to me. I am not chastising your country, I am just looking for basic transparency. The single Vardic media article on the matter didn't exactly make the whole situation clear, especially given that it is entitled "ARCHKONSUL NYLUND ANNOUNCES WITHDRAWL FROM EASTERN HAANE" and the entire content of article itself goes in depth of your country's withdrawal from Eastern Haane, which left the impression Vayinaod was exiting the mission. I mean, if Vayinaod isn't participating in the NFZ, then what is it doing in the mission? This isn't a gotcha type question, this is a real question, because I really don't know.
I just think it's disheartening, and yes, I do think a expectation, that if you participate in an EU-backed mission, that the Coalition members don't withdraw from it mid-mission, because the European Council has put immense trust in the Coalition. Being part of an EU-backed military mission does not preclude these sort of decisions from scrutiny. In fact, it means they ought to be scrutinized and understood. However, since Vayinaod will apparently not be exiting the mission, this whole situation is a non-issue, and I stand corrected.
I'm not sure why you're quoting the word Coalition like I've made it up as a term, when it's the term that is used and created in the Council resolution.
Lastly, I have spoken to Air Marshal Hariett Copala on the matter, and maybe I should invite her to speak here, but I got the impression from her that she has not been briefed at all by any of the Coalition members on the current situation, and she in particular also didn't have any idea that Vayinaod was ceasing its operations, and apparently she hasn't received any intel from Vayinaod on the matter at all at any point, so now I'm feeling more worried about the issue. Maybe I understood her wrong, but she gave me the idea that the Coalition was just continuing as it was before, and she hasn't been included in any decision-making or any intel-sharing whatsoever.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista