Jean-Claude Juncker's Christmas Message - Streamed though YouTube and other streaming platforms

My fellow Europeans,
I know it is unusual in our region to see a Commissioner reading a message for all of you the day before Christmas. But today, I wanted to break the tradition and address all of you in which, by far, has been the most difficult year in my political career, and one of the most difficult for us the Europeans in my opinion. I think you all deserve a message from me, and on behalf of the European Commission, I want to thank you for your effort during this year.
Back in March, I accepted the difficult challenge of running on the Commission Elections. If I'm sincere, I expected to lose the elections. It was my first time camapigning all around Europe, and I tried to visit every country I could in the fatest time possible. No matter where my team and I were, lots of people were there, supporting us. And after a tight and exciting vote, I won. Despite my rivalry with Edmund-Jasper Winston, who it's one of my friends in Europe even if you don't believe it, my team and I did it. And that's how my adventure as Commissioner started. Then, in September another election came, and that time we got an absolute majority and visited every country. In my campaign anecdotes, I remember the rally in Noctoria where some of us, including me, were scared of being arrested because of our speech calling those people to ask for democracy in their country, or when I flew over Copala City in the Junckjet and then rode the Juncktank float.
The Commission challenge itself hasn't been an easy one. During this year, my team and I have had to deal with lots of different situations and happening all around Europe: Anglexit announcement, the Eastern Haane's war, the Caspian Conflict, 2 leaders summit in Europolis, Europe Day, some Council sessions or some summits. But not everything was bad for us: I also made new friends in Europe, and even if some then had their names written in Little Maurice, that book you all know what it is for, (Juncker laughs a bit), I have find very interesting people which nowadays I chat with once a week or every day.
During these months as Internal Affairs Commissioner, I also had to deal with some ugly conflicts, but there was nothing as bad as the Civil War in Eastern Haane. I had never seen such a conflict. During those days, I suffered with every new that announced some innocents' deaths, or cruel attacks because of the mistakes of other countries. I will always remember those days, and also I will because I wasn't able to sleep thinking on the suffering of those trapped in what, days laters, was known as hell itself. Mass murderings, bombs everywhere... Hell was the word to perfectly tell what was happening over there. But not everything has been bad, because my team, whose I always thank for their help, and myself, have managed to get the Eurorail to be true, a proposed Green Deal or an Anti-Racism plan. We have achieved great things, and so we will until we leave this office.
In January, I will be leaving the office because of term limits. If I could run again, believe me I would, but we need to obey the rules that the people who founded this region and the previous Commissioner did obey too. Europeans, I hope you enjoy this Christmas season with your family and friends, because you deserve it. And even if you can't be happy because you lost somebody who was important to you, I'm sure better things will come in the close future. Others will welcome new members to their family. I also got a message to the kids: I'm sure you have all been nice, and Santa and the 3 Magic Kings, like in my country of origin, will bring you lots of gifts.
My best wishes for this Christmas and the new year.
Jean-Claude Juncker
Internal Affairs Commissioner