European Space Exploration Act of 2020
Good afternoon everybody.
I might say that the United Reichs of Reitzmag has started working very fast, and today they have brought us a very interesting proposal that I'm looking forward to analyze properly.
But, I'd like to specially focus on the proposed Section VI. This section seems to me as a very unnecessary one. In my opinion, the European Union doesn't need more charges or seats for every single important organization we make. Of course they need a director and such things like that, but not charges like Astronaut General. So, I'll vote FOR the proposed amendants by Cllr. Falk.
Anyway, I look to get this passed and start working all together in exploring the space, because we need that. And, from my point of view, if something has been prooved by the European Union, is the fact that together we're stronger and we can make more things than being separated.
Alfonso Rodríguez
Councillor, Spain -
On behalf of the Most Blessed State of Inquista, I vote FOR all of Councillor Falk's amendments.
Voting on amendments will continue to be open for a further 72 hours, until 06:30 GMT February 2nd, 2020.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista -
On behalf of the Archrepublic of Vayinaod, I vote FOR all of my amendments.
On behalf of the Kingdom of Spain, I vote FOR all of Councillor Falk's amendments.
On behalf of the Democratic Republic of Boseevick, I vote FOR all of Councillor Falk's amendments
Apologies for the significant delay.
With 6 votes for, ALL of Councillor Falk's amendments have been PASSED. The original piece of legislation has been updated to reflect the passed amendments.
Final voting on the legislation begins NOW and will last until 03:30 GMT February 9th, 2020.
I applaud Councillor Falk's amendments, which, in my opinion, have saved this bill. Thus...
On behalf of the Most Blesse State of Inquista, I vote FOR this bill.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Gallorum, I, Marion Rousselot vote FOR the act.
On behalf of the United Reichs of Reitzmag, HM George I, and all of the Reitzmen. I vote FOR this bill.
I also would like to appreciate nominating Engr. Friedrich Johann von Schwitz of the Reitzmic Royal Space Agency as Director of the ESA.Ben Hufton
Councilor, United Reichs of Reitzmag -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Spain, i vote FOR this act
I wish to firstly say I believe that while my amendments have helped make this bill more easy to digest; it is far more fair to say that they were simply band-aid solutions.
My personal belief is that something like the ESA should be a treaty based organization, and my government has concurred with this assessment.
I, Carita Falk, on behalf of the Archrepublic vote AGAINST this act.
Voting has now concluded. With 4 votes for and 1 vote against, this Act has PASSED.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista