30th Royal AeroSpace Exhibit
Anastasia said hi to Joe Biden, and considered his proposal. Unfortunately, Free Icholasen cannot deliver arms due to a few reasons, such as Fremetian sanctions where the Free Nicoleizian government is located. However, we can definitely agree to an alliance. Free Icholasen needs all the help it can get against the UNSR. Simon Coventry kidnapped one of their Ministers which is great and we commend him for his effort. We would also like to see about taking Copala City off of your hands, we feel that its unique heritage offers a good home for Icholasen, as its a place for refugees. These leases would both of course be temporary until Free Icholasen is brought back to its real lands.'
'Mr. Bridges.' Chairman Jirluchuz said through his iPhone XS Maxx. 'My spies have told me that the Free Nicoleizians won't give you arms - but we are happy to extend an arm of friendship, and receive an arm of cash, to give you guys some war materials. We are open to any proposals and we shall ship arms to you asap ! Thanks Simon.'
Simon had just arrived at Buckingham palace when his phone rang. He answered the call and was surprised to hear Chairman Jirluchuz speaking. He rushed to a place where no one can hear the conversation.
"Mr. Jirluchuz, so you want an arms deal with us. Tell me, how will this benefit Reitzmag?"
Inside the palace, George, Anastasia, Katherine, and Joe are discussing an agreement.
"Sure, we would agree on that!" said King George, then he smiles and looks at Katherine.
"Your Majesties, here is the final draft of the treaty" then Joe hands the final draft to King George and Queen Anastasia.
Jirluchuz responded; "Sweetie, if it doesn't benefit you that's fine we'll sell our arms to other states, but surely you want arms, my sweet.'
Anastasia gracefully signed the treaty, ANASTASIA ROMANOV-BISMARCK-KLIGENBERG -THE FIRST OF HER NAME, QUEEN OF THE UNITED DOMINIONS OF ICHOLASEN, HOLDER OF NUMEROUS INTERNATIONAL HONOURS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS. 'That's also my BBM bio.' Anastasia said casually. 'I'm glad we could come to an agreement, we will look after the lands we are being leased, and as per the treaty, we will give them up when Icholasen is once again free.
Kingdom of Reitzmag Eurocorps last edited by Kingdom of Reitzmag 13 Jul 2020, 09:37 13 Jul 2020, 08:54
George wrote his name on the treaty and signed it with his diamond-encrusted fountain pen.
George Arthur Alexander Louis Montreal, officially George I, by the Grace of God, of the Kingdom of Reitzmag and of his other realms and territories, King, Defender of the Faith
"Well of course, Reitzmag still would be in cooperation with Inquista regarding the developments. So, no worries for Free Icholasen."Meanwhile, Simon Bridges rushes inside the palace and into the dining room where he saw King George, Queen Katherine, Queen Anastasia, and Joe Biden. He then said to them in while he keeps his phone inside his coat hanging up the call:
"Your Majesties!" then he bows.
"He has called" he speaks trying to not let Jirluchuz hear his voice from the phone.
"What?!" exclaims George.
Then Simon carefully puts the phone on the table and enables loud speaker. King George then tries to signal the others to remain quiet.
"Mr. Jirluchuz, we would be happy to have your offer. May I know what type of weapons are you offering us?" says Simon on the call. Then Joe gets out of the room and calls the defense minister and the chiefs of the armed forces branches. After a few moments, they arrive at Buckingham Palace.
Juncker was in his room doing some paperwork. As he was the Internal Affairs Commissioner, he could never take a break, except when he was sleeping. He remembered Copala City and the Juncktank meme, which he thinks that helped him to win the elections. At all, it was him, the refugee-killer Trympov and the European Union's most know destroyer, Winston. "How amazing it would be that he had joined the Ibiza's balconing squad" Juncker said. He ended the paperwork and went down to the main room.
When he arrived, he didn't see anyone but employees. He seemed surprised, "where's everyone?" he thought. His birthday was on the 9th December, so it could not be a secret Birthday Party for him. He took a seat and red a book that was over a near table.
Mikaela, who had followed Anastasia out of the room, listened intently around the corner as Anastasia signed the agreement with King George. Mikaela took out her phone and discreetly snapped pictures of Anastasia as she leaned in closely to the Reitzmic King. The Archbishop innocently thought it looked rather cute how intimate her Nicoleizian friend seemed to be in the King's close presence. Mikaela meant to send the pictures to Prince Tommy, but she rather clumsily accidentally sent it to her entire contact list. Unaware of her mistake, Mikaela tucked her phone into her purse and then waltzed around the corner.
"Aww, look at this!" Mikaela interrupted. The Archbishop grabbed Anastsia by her hand and held it close to her heart. "It's so cute that you're willing to sign this old man's fan mail. I bet this man is delighted that he has your signature. You've really made his day."
Mikaela looked over to King George, then back to Anastsaia. "You've always been the humble one, making time for fans of the Nicoleizian royal family. Tommy would never have the patience for this."
The Archbishop then gestured toward the Palace door. "Ok, let's get going. We're not getting any younger. Copala City is calling."
Niinistö said hi to both and fastly run to the palace gardens looking for some privacy.
'We're prepared to offer you some strategic bomber, covnentional missiles and the avangard.' Jirluchuz said. 'I hope that the money transfer via a dodgy bank will work...'
After realizing that there was an important teleconference going on, Mikaela became flush red with embarrassment. The Archbishop quietened down and gave everyone a pouty 'I'm
Sorry' look. Not wanting to disturb anyone, she simply just listened quietly. -
Kingdom of Reitzmag Eurocorps last edited by Kingdom of Reitzmag 13 Jul 2020, 10:39 13 Jul 2020, 10:38
Then Simon Bridges whispers to one of the guards to call Jean Claude-Juncker. The guard then arrived with Mr. Juncker. Then, he asks Mr. Juncker quickly and quietly:
"Should I accept it?"
"What?"replied Juncker.
"But, I think we can use it against them" replies Simon.
"Against who? I don't know even what you are talking about Simon" replies Juncker curiously.
"The UNSR is calling and they want to have an arms deal with us" says Simon.
"And you have negotiated the deal?" asks Juncker.
"Well, I haven't agreed yet. My problem is that the Condemnation act is going to stopp us from doing this advantage mission." says Simon.
"You know my opinion about them Simon. And also it's illegal" replies Juncker.
"Ok, thanks a lot for the help" replies Simon.
"No problem. I hope you take the best decision, and the one that's legal" says Juncker.
Then Simon turns to Mikaela and says.
"I will not accept it, but we have to talk after the party Ms. Archbishop"
Then Simon went to the phone and replied to Jirluchuz.
"I may not accept it for now, but we have to talk later."
"Okay boo! That's okay talk soon."
Juncker seemed surprised when he left the room. When Reitzmag was making progress, kaboom. They negotiate with Communists. He went to the gardens to have a walk, he had a big headache: "How can a nation give me that amount of headaches per week?" He thought. He admired the gardens and drank some water.
Mikaela quickly realised what was going on and who was on the other side of the phone. She looked to Prime Minister Bridges.
"Oh! This is about arms, right? Aircraft, maybe? Maybe on a much later date. I'm here purely for pleasure, not for business! I'm about to head out, so please don't let me interrupt this very important call you have."
Kingdom of Reitzmag Eurocorps last edited by Kingdom of Reitzmag 15 Jul 2020, 01:42 13 Jul 2020, 10:46
The call ended. Joe Biden stormed the room and made an announcement.
"Your Majesties, Your Exellencies, and Your Holiness, the helicopter is ready to go to RAF Brewnest."
Then George stands up and hands the treaty document to Joe, then he sighs.
"Well, time to go to the palace grounds now so we can watch now the air show at RAF Brewnest."
Then he leads the others out of the palace. Outside the palace were red coat guards lined up in formation to give a path for the leaders to go.
Then the leaders review the guards just like any other person on a state visit. After the troop review, the leaders ride a helicopter for each going to RAF Brewnest.
In a few moments, the helicopters arrive at the air base.
Then as they go to their seats, a voice then was heard announcing the arrival of the guests.
Then another voice was heard saying the following:
"The Air Show will be happening in a few moments."
Lorens Henningson was prepared for a rather eventful day, he was a former naval submarine officer so he was not partial to aircraft, but Archkonsul Nylund felt it prudent to test the waters with how Reitzmag was continuing its reintegration with more sane European nations.
Henningson was of course here in his duties as effectively the defense minister for Vayinaod meant he should support various public relations moments. The 1st Fleet was known for its extravagant fleet week, which Henningson personally enjoyed, while the Air Corps was known for its love of pushing the Black Ravens as a diplomatic tool for other nations.
Henningson's only love for the Black Ravens was being crucial in the F/A-19s failed bid as a multi-role fighter for the Air Corps, his company at the time instead successfully convincing the Air Corps to approve an avionics upgrade for the F-12s instead.
Regardless, the flight-line looked pristine with all the niceties you expect. Henningson just hoped to smile, shake some hands, cover his ears, and get out as soon as possible.
Kingdom of Reitzmag Eurocorps last edited by Kingdom of Reitzmag 17 Jul 2020, 02:39 16 Jul 2020, 03:37
As everybody gets to their seats, the air show begins. 8 planes appear from the right releasing colored smoke. It was the Vardic Black Ravens Aerobatics Team.
The aerobatics did some wonderful stunts in which King George very much applauded and went to Mr. Henningson and said:
"Look at how lovely the Vardic Air Demonstration Teams are! I hope you are enjoying this air show."
AS George talked to Henningson, the planes continued to the left.
Then, some 20 aircraft appeared from the right in a formation. It was the No. 35 Squadron RAF a.k.a. 1st Fighter Squadron with 20 Griffin FA.21 fighter jets.
After some few moments, the griffins continue to the left and landed in a hidden runway. Then another group of 20 aircraft appeared to the right. It was the No. 30 Squadron RAF with Flanker-E FA.16 fighter jets bought from Icholasen before the communist uprising.
As the Flanker-Es continue to the left, another group of 10 aircraft appear. It was the half of the No. 31 Squadron RAF with Fulcrum-F FA.17 fighter jets also bought from Icholasen before the conflict.
Then some 3 aircraft appeared to be similar from the griffins. It was the Alpha Squad of the Commonwealth Air Forces from Leagio with their FA.21 fighter jets bought from Reitzmag.
Then some helicopters followed. It was the No. 1 Squadron AAC with 20 of the 100 Rooivalk AH.32 in the fleet bought from Europolis.
And finally, the most waited. As the helicopters disappear from the view of the audience, some red planes appear. It was the No. 40 Squadron RAF which was commonly known as the red arrows. It appears that they are flying with a British Airways aircraft.
The group performed some beuatiful signature stunts after the passenger plane leaves. The group released their color smoke as they perform their stunts. And they disappear from the audience's view.
King George heavily enjoyed the air show. But then there was more. He was about to stand up and leave but a voice was heard announcing not to leave yet.
"What? Well, ok" exclaimed George. Then he went back to his seat.
A large screen was put up showing a rocket. It was the Falcon 9 rocket which was in a modern style. And then, a timer showed up. George thought it was just a joke but then.
"T minus 15"
"T minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....Ignition....0"
"Lift off!"
And then a loud noise that seemed to be coming from a rocket was heard.
A rocket appeared from behind the trees. It was real, everyone did not expect what happened. Then a voice was heard again saying to not leave yet.
After a few minutes, some part of a rocket was seen descending. It was the booster that was going to perform a vertical landing. Its landing legs retracted and the landing boosters ignited. A sonic boom was heard and the booster safely landed as shown on the screen.
Cheers and applauses were heard from all over the area and inside the KRSA control center. Then in the screen showed the rocket's payload being released to space. It was a group of 60 small sattelites called spacenet in which would aim to establish a proper internet connection around the globe.
More cheers were heard as this was seen. Prince Edward wowed at what he saw and said to his dad:
"Dad, I want to go to space".
"We will go there son, we will" replied George.
Then George asked the others:
"Guys, how do you feel?"
But then, George hears some truck-like sound. He forgot that there was also a military parade. So, he stood properly and looked at the marching personnel and the equipment passing by.
Then the guards shouted:
"Long live the King! God Save the King! Hail to Europe!"
"Hail to Inquista!"
"Hail to Vayinaod!"
"Hail to Mennrmiak!"
"Hail to Icholasen!"
"Hail to the nation!"
Then cannon salutes were heard from the distance as God Save the King is played, then followed by Land of Hope and Glory. Cavalry guards ran as the anthem is played.
After the anthem, George went back to the other leaders.
"So, did you enjoy?"
"Yeah, it has been a great show. Congratulations for this organization, his Majesty." Juncker said. He really had to go back to Europolis, but he would stay a bit more. If the party started to look ugly, then he would leave. But, who really cares?
The air show was a decent enough spectacle by Henningson's standards. The Black Ravens did their job, and did it as excellent as they've done dozens of other times he has seen them.
Henningson thought the surprise launch was a bit much, some European countries namely a communist dictatorship or a trigger happy superpower might get overzealous over a sudden launch with no forewarning. Regardless an interesting enough feat by the Reitzmics.
Henningson after responding to the King's question, and stating absolute praise over the entire engagement departed the immediate gaggle around the Monarch and noticed Prime Minister Simon Bridges motioning for him.
As Henningson approached Simon, he introduced a man just beside him.
"Mr. Henningson, I'd like you to meet Mr. Elon Musk. He's the program director of the SpaceX program under the KRSA."
Then Elon shook hands with Henningson and started to talk.
" Mr. Henningson, I admire Vayinaod's great dream for space travel and I admire your recent space launch. Of course, Reitzmag as one of the nations with the most active space programs is very keen when it comes to space travel. And, that being said, I'd like to offer a partnership between our nations regarding space travel. We would introduce our latest space technology to Vayinaod's Space Program as a partnership between ours. So, what do you say Mr. Henningson?"
"Unfortunately Mr. Musk, the civilian application of space does not fall under the purview of the First Konsulate, my colleague Ninth Konsul Rakel Sorensdotter would be the person of contact in regards to those areas of interest. The VRA is in a major partnership with the FLR, the national space agency for Fremet, specifically in regards to our joint manned space program with the VRA's Thor Crewed Vehicle, and the Chariot Transport System specifically designed by Fremet for the Thor CV.
The VRA's commitments with the FLR maintain our needs for heavy launch vehicles our own capabilities don't possess. That said, the VRA and FLR have publicly stated they are willing to invite nations to allow single astronauts to ride with the Fremetian and Vardic crews on operational missions, the first of which is next month with Spanish and Inquistan astronauts assisting in the first docking attempt.
I imagine Ninth Konsul Sorensdotter won't have honestly much more to add than that. Any discussions would in earnest require our Fremetian partners in them too. That said it is not an impossibility."