Eurovoice 41: Results Show
Paloma Faith, Icholasen's Minister for Eurovoice is attending the show with her right hand man Hozier. Both came 2nd in Eurovoice, and know how hard it is to succeed. Despite this, failure will not be tolerated by them. They demand the best and the best they will receive.
Mitski is currently suffering from an unrelated novichok attack after coming 5th. So..... best of luck to the Nicoleizian act, whoever they are !
The Spanish Government was of course going to send somebody along with the President of Radio Televisión Española, José Antonio Sánchez Domínguez, but it wouldn't be the President, Jesús Aguilar, as he had many things to do, incluiding several summits and the coordination of the aid from the Kingdom of Spain to Nofoaga. Maybe the Vicepresidents could do the work, but they wouldn't fit on the show. So, who to sent was the main dilemma in Moncloa's strategies makers' offices. Finally, María Soledad Cruz-Guzmán, the Minister of Culture and Sport, offered herself to attend on behalf of the Government.
When she arrived in Ruthund, she was met along with the Radio Relevisión Española's President by the European Union Broadcasting Comittee Executive Supervisor and, by thus, the manager and responsible of the EUBC regionwide and more importantly, EuroVoice. Karlikos, who was born in the Spanish region of Grequia, accompanied the Minister and the RTVE President to the arena. When they arrived, both the Minister and the President headed to the VIP area, where they greeted James and the Deputy Supervisor of the EUBC, Paloma Faith.
2 Hours before the Show
As the day dragged on into the night, Natselduz decided to experiment with her makeup a bit. If the internet weren't full of nazis, that would probably be her gig on YouTube. But here she was, being the host to one of the most popular shows in Europe. Though already a celbrity, never before would Natselduz be seen by so many people and that thought shook her to the core. But loved Eurovoice all her life and was a champion of the online movement to bring Ruthund into Eurovoice. And now here she was, perhaps at the height of her career hosting something that she has watched since she was a teen in school.
Natselduz then frowned and noticed her hands were tense from playing with makeup for so long. She said in a slightly whiney voice, "My hands are tired, someone message them."
After Netzelduz got her hands messaged and the final preparations for the show were complete it was showtime.
The glittering twin green towers, overlooking the Grey Sea tonight would be met with thunderous excitement as people from all across Europe traveled to a show a special magnificence, not in the least a country that only recently started to participate in EuroVoice. But as the minute stuck 10pm in Ruthund, the lights dimmed and the showlights, of yellow and reed flashed onto the stage. Not a moment later coming out from the light like a shadow came the shape of Natselduz trotting fabulously out onto the stage and by her was the co-host, Dabidaz Pakmanzen, looking sharp in a nicely tailored outfit for the occasion.
Then Natalie spoke, "Heyhowareyou, Europe?"
Absolutely ecstatic cheering, excitment filled every inch of the room and the very feeling of the air too expressed its excitement. Very well received.
"I take as that pretty good. I certainty am too. So, I would like to welcome you to my hometown Rangentazavon and to Ruthund. This 41st Edition has been such a fun edition to prepare and I am sure you guys are going to love it. Soo, leeeets get ssstarted."
"Let's start with our participants for tonight's show. We have thirteen participants from all over Europe. Once everyone is done performing on behalf of their country, each country will rank which song is the best out of all of the songs performed tonight. 1 is the worst and 12 is the best. Once every country participating has casted their votes, whoever has the most points wins the contest!"
"Before we begin, the contest itself, lets give a welcome to the last EuroVoice winner, Santiano!"
Both applause and cheering boomed through the room as Santiano and his troupe ascended on the stage.
Santiano playing last year's winning song
"Well Dabidaz, what did you think"
"Outstanding performance on Santiano's part. A good way to start the night for sure!" Dabidaz responded.
Natselduz then asked, "Are you ready?" looking a Dabidaz. He nodded.
Natselduz then looked at Europe and exclaimed, "Are you ready to see our participants Europe?"
Cheering of approval ensued, signaling the start of the show.
After all contestants finished their performances before the crowd, Natselduz then spoke:
"Alright, Europeans, welcome back. Are you ready to to find out who is gonna win this edition Europe?"
The crowd in unison made their opinion clear: a thunderous yes.
Natselduz then turns towards Francisco Karlikos, the Chief Executive Supervisor for the EUBC.
"Are the results ready to be released Mr. Karlikos?"
"I have reviewed the results and they have been verified, yes. Take it away Natselduz!"
"With that, lets check up on Inquista to see how their votes are shaping up. Good Evening St. Dominico!"
Madame Marco appears on the screens.
"Good evening, Ruthund! You all have done a fantastic job tonight and we appreciate all of the work you have done."
"Thank you, now is Inquista ready to give out their 10 points."
"Inquista's 10 points go to..... ICHOLASEN"
"And now Inquista's 12 points?"
"Our 12 points for this editions show goes to..... NOFOAGA! Thank you Natselduz and good night Europe!"
Now we lets check in on Reitzmag. Good evening Hampton City!
"Good evening Europe and Ruthund! Its been a great show but now we come towards its conclusion and Reitzmag is ready to deliver its points."
"Splendid! What does Reitzmag's 10 points go to?"
"The 10 points from Reitzmag shall go to, MONTENBOURG."
And now what Reitzmag's 12 points?
"Reitzmag's 12 points for the 41st Edition of EuroVoice goes to..... NOFOAGA."
Thank you Jin Young Park and thank you Reitzmag.
We turn to the islands of Nofoaga to make their vote. Good evening, Port Beauharnais!
Bonsoir Europe! Nofoaga has enjoyed tonight's show, but now its time to decide the winner of the round of EuroVoice.
"Its great to hear! Now, what is Nofoaga's 10 points going to?"
"Our 10 points go toooo..... FREMET!"
And finally what does the 12 points from Nofaoga go to?
"Nofoaga's 12 points for tonight will go to, ICHOLASEN."
"Thank you Nofoaga, and we hope the rest of the day goes fantastic for you all."
"Now, lets give a call to the United Duchies. Good evening Cair Para!"
"Good evening EuroVoice! What a great show we had. Its so sad to see it end, but we will always have more in the future."
"Very true, Katrina! Do you have the United Duchies 10 points ready?"
"I do. The United Duchies' 10 points for tonight's show will go to, RUTHUND."
"Thank you. Now what will the United Duchies choose for their 12 points?"
"Our 12 points all the way from the United Duchies will go to the one, the only PRAVOSLAVIYA."
"Welcome back, and now we continue collecting results from all of our contestant countries. Next on the list is Alkharya. Good evening Kaanpaşa!"
"Good evening Ruthund, good evening Europe! Such a wonderful show tonight and Alkharya is ready to give out its point."
"Great to hear! Now, what are the 10 points from Alkharya going to?"
"Our 10 points go to... REITZMAG!"
"And now, what shall Alkharya's 12 points for tonight's EuroVoice contest?"
"Tonight's 12 points will go to, NOFOAGA!"
Next let's check up on Montenbourg for their results. Good evening Montague!
"Good evening Europe! I loved what I watched tonight and I am just as happy to deliver Montenbourg results to this show tonight!"
"Then I bet you wouldnt mind telling us what Montenbourg 10 points will go to by chance?"
"No mind at all. Montenbourg's 10 points shall go to SPAIN"
"And now, Montenbourg's 12 points?"
"Montenbourg's 12 points for the 41st EuroVoice Song Contest shall go to INQUISTA!
Now lets give a nice hello to our friends in Pravoslaviya. Good evening Belogradchik!
"Good evening Ruthund! I know you must have been getting this a lot from the others, but I want to congratulate you for hosting this wonderful show that all of Europe had tonight! And with that, Pravoslaviya is ready to cast their votes."
"We are thrilled you loved the show! Now, what will the 10 points from Pravoslaviya go to?"
"Pravoslaviya's 10 points go to..... ISTKALEN!"
"And now, Pravoslaviya's 12 points?"
"Pravoslaviya 12 whole points go to, SPAIN.
Next up is the Kingdom of Spain. Good evening Madrid!
"¡Buenas Noches, Europa y Ruthundia! What a spectacular show tonight, I could feel the energy all of you put off through the screen. You guys were great! Now I imagine you want Spain's points?"
"We would love them!"
"Spain's 10 points goes to FREMET."
"And now, who will Spain's 12 points go to?"
"The 12 points from Spain will go to... NOFOAGA!"
Eurovoice 41 Scoreboard
The Fremetians cheered, fighting back tears as Queen Latifah took the stage, dressed in the deep blue of the Fremetian flag.
"Thank you Europe! We are honoured by all of the votes we received from across the continent and look forward to seeing you all in Trondheim very soon!"