I would like to request, yet again, a debate extension.
Iras Tilkanas
Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen
Before coming to this discussion, I have asked His Majesty's Government on their thoughts so as to allow them to express their opinion regardless of my own opinions on this matter. I'll start with the official statement from the government before I express my thoughts on this.
The Black House, Hampton City, Kingdom of Reitzmag
December 14 2021
The Government of the Kingdom of Reitzmag sends a warm greeting to all esteemed members of the European Council. It has come to our attention that the European Union's legislative body has begun discussions on another attempt to repeal the Motion that Condemns the Coup in Icholasen. And for this we are thankful for our nation's councilor to give us a voice on the matter.
It is worth noting that we have stood neutrally on the situation in Icholasen following the recent situations involving our nation and both the UNSR and the UDI. Last year, the UNSR had attempted to destroy a large part of our work in astronomy through the Cansey Space Station by detonating an anti-satellite weapon through an ICBM. Meanwhile, extremist refugees from the UDI had caused chaos by terrorizing a world-class settlement project known as Copala City while it was temporary leased for a good cause to the Nicolezian Government-in-exile. Both these events have heavily affected our foreign policy, especially on the situation in the Nicolezian Island.
Due to this, we do not see any reason to support or recognize any of the parties in the conflict. However, we have been more lenient to accept the possibility of the UNSR becoming the true administering state in the Island of Icholasen subject to certain conditions. The following are the conditions we wish to see in order to support the UNSR as the new state in Icholasen:
This decision to offer a chance to the UNSR to be accepted by the nation as the legitimate state of Icholasen was carefully studied. Primarily it has been caused by our distrust with the UDI following the events that have occurred in both Copala City and Anastasia City. However, we also see the importance of this for the betterment of the region. The conditions we have set are aimed to ensure safety and security for all persons, and will not be aimed at forcing any economic ideology such as capitalism nor communism. And for that, we hope the UNSR accepts these conditions for the peace and prosperity of all of Europe.
Sir Simon Bridges, KCMG
Prime Minister, Kingdom of Reitzmag
Chung Eui-yong
Minister of the Crown, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
And now for my opinions as Councilor. I do agree with the fact that the European Union has indeed accepted nations regardless of whether it is a dictatorship or a liberal democracy. It is explicitly stated in the Constitution of the European Union under Article I, Section II, Paragraph 1, "All sovereign states are free to join the European Union. No approval is necessary". In addition, I do agree with the government that there should be some conditions met in order for the UNSR to prove themselves capable of being recognized as the legitimate state in the Nicolezian Island. It is important to ensure that our decision here in the European Council is not a mistake that we will regret in the future. And finally, I think we should agree that what the Condemnation Motion had done no good nor any change in the situation. Therefore, I stand in support of repeal as long as the conditions that His Majesty's Government had set are met and proven through an official truthful response from representatives of the UNSR.
Yuridiana Yahontov
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag
As I have categorically stated, repealing this condemnation does not require recognition or even admission of the UNSR. That should be covered by a separate piece of legislation. All that this would do is open the opportunity for recognition and admission, which will be handled at a later time.
Iras Tilkanas
Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen
I must say to this council that while I personally share skepticism of the government of the UNSR, what I am seeing from many in this chamber is unfortunately baseless speculation about what is actually happening the UNSR. As Councilor Tilkanas rightly pointed out, there simply isn't any credible evidence from the UNSR of any significant human rights abuses, or other infringements on freedoms that otherwise could be found among nations within the European Union. In fact, if we are to believe reports of what is happening throughout the Union, it would appear the UNSR is a freer society than some of our member states. Shall this be our reason to remain hostile to a regime that has shown no intention thusfar of agression? If that is the case, let it be known in the record that Ruthund will be proposing later other proposals to penalize certain nations for more credible reports of human rights violation and in particular, infringement on political freedom. And if we find ourselves in that situation, I best not hear from members from this Council that we "need to respect the right of self-determination". But I am sure Councilors Tusk, Yahontov, Bordaberry, and Mizrachi-Roscoe will support these future bills.
Prince-Councilor Tony Odhinazen
EU Councilor for Ruthund
I would like to thank Councillor Tilkanas for her clarifications, which are indeed useful not just for me, but for everyone. Apart from that, my apologies for the misleading statements I might have done about the Union of Nicoleizian Soviet Republics.
As requested, debate will be extended for 72 hours, until 22:47 GMT on December 20th, 2021.
Donald Tusk
Deputy Speaker and Councillor for Spain
I would like to request a second debate extension.
Iras Tilkanas
Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen
I must say that the Right Honourable Councillour Odhinazen has made a good point. We cannot possibly justify keeping this legislation over human rights and issues over democracy while less democratic countries are in the Union. While of course democracy is optimal we cannot achieve this through sanctioning and activism in the EU. Any movement for democracy must come from within. After hearing many good points I have no doubt that repeal is in order. We must work to find other ways to find common ground with UNSR and achieve reform perhaps offering benefits for reforms they make extra funding for example. We must use the carrot in this situation since the stick is obviously not working .
James Mizrachi-Roscoe, Councillour for United Duchies
I do believe, Councillor Tilkanas, that this extension is needed and they will still take place until both the Fremetian and Nicoleizian Councillor make their appearance on the chamber.
As requested, debate will be extended for 96 hours, until 22:47 GMT on December 24th, 2021.
Donald Tusk
Deputy Speaker and Councillor for Spain
I would like to request, yet again, a debate extension.
Iras Tilkanas
Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen
Debate is now over. Voting begins NOW and will last until 14:17 GMT on January 3rd, 2022.
Donald Tusk
Acting Speaker and Councillor for Spain
On behalf of the Kingdom of Spain, I vote FOR this repeal.
Donald Tusk
Acting Speaker and Councillor for Spain
Voting has now concluded. With 8 votes FOR and 1 vote AGAINST, this repeal has PASSED.
Donald Tusk
Acting Speaker and Councillor for Spain