Applications to the European Financial Reform Committee
In order to efficiently reform the financial and monetary institutions of the European Union to get them in working order again, I intend to create an informal committee. While finance is not my responsibility, I have a responsibility to oversee the general functioning of this Union's institutions, and very clearly these institutions are failing. There is regardless nothing illegal about creating such an informal committee.
The intention of such a committee will be to reform:
- the European Central Bank
- the European Loan Exchange
- the European Development Agency
- general fund allocations as stipulated by various acts on the part of agencies
in the direcion of democratic and sustainable development and functioning.
The form for application is attached; the application period will end, tentatively, at 23:59 GMT on 12 April 2022.
Name of councillor: Name of nation:
Ilmaras Kalessed
Internal Affairs Commissioner -
Name of councillor:James Mizrachi-Roscoe
Name of nation:Councillor for United Duchies
Reasons why:I have significant financial experience including being part of running of non-profit welfare organisations for workers welfare funds. I can help ensure that being cost-efficient with resources and results driven policies are at the core of reform. -
Name of councillor:Izumi Miwako
Name of nation: Federal Republic of Yosai
Reasons why:I used to be the deputy head of the Federal Assembly Budget office in Yosai as well as serving as a financial analyst for the Yosainese Reserve Bank so I do have experience. What I beleive is needed is to reform the European financial system and think that input of all of our European colleagues should be considered, no matter how large or small their nations standing in the EU is.