Discussion: Should EDA funds be explicitly be provided for projects that actively develop nations?
Listen, I'm all for this agency but it seems to allow vanity, virtue signalling projects. It's quite legal for this to hapen but wouldn't money to aid strengthining national power grids to be able to handle renewables be more prudent?
Ed Miliband
Councillor of the United Kingdom -
Reserving some EDA funds for a grant or subsidy scheme for energy and transmission development seems a good idea to me. However, I think the agency works as is.
Iras Tilkanas
Council Speaker and Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen -
I would disagree that putting in applications for culturally and economically relevent sustainable development projects is "vanity, virtue signalling projects" just because they are projects that might not work in the UK context. Each country is different and many of the projects work well in a Duchian context , it is important the EDA and EU recognise this and quit trying to force their model of development in our project proposals or deny funding just because it doesn't match their countries views on sustainable development or what would work in their country.
Having said that I do believe an EDA scheme for subsidies for Grid upgrades and development of Battery storage facilties to strengthen the grid for renewables as well as developing capacity for grid to vehicle and vehicle to grid transfer of energy is essential and so is a good idea to put EDA funds towards , however if this is to be done it cannot continue to go through three commissioners like it currently does it must go through a panel of experts in that area.I would support a motion or act for EDA funds going to such types of projects.I would also dispute the EDA works as is, an agency with a 47.1 Billion Euro budget that has yet to spend a single Euro 6 months in is not an agency working. If it was a government department in any nation or a business unit it would have been shut down long ago for incompetance and waste for holding such a large amount of funds without doing anything.
James Mizrachi-Roscoe, Councillour for United Duchies