Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone Applications
Member-states that wish to join the Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone shall communicate their intention to do so through this portal, using the following form:
**Name of applying nation:** **Are requirements met? Please explain briefly:**
For future reference, the requirements are listed below:
I. To enter and remain a member of the Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone, a member-state must have: a) Adopted a tax, to be paid either by consumers or producers, levied on the final consumption of goods according to the estimated amount of carbon dioxide released by the production of said goods, with the tax increasing the price of the emission of one ton of carbon dioxide by the equivalent of at least 40 euros. b) Established a national plan, or equivalent, to eliminate positive net emissions from domestic electricity production by 2040 at the latest. c) Established a national plan, or equivalent, to eliminate positive net emissions from domestic manufacturing by 2055 at the latest.
Akem Linek
Premier Commissioner -
Name of applying nation: United Duchies
Are requirements met? Please explain briefly: We have a comprehensive plan to densify, commit to a fully circular economy and to reach net zero by 2030 and 2040 including aviation sector. We have a high carbon tax already and have congestion charges in all city centres. We have committed to a cycle super highway network and increased public transport commitment to a requirement of access to a bus or other public transport within 10 minutes to every household up from our current commitment within 15 minutes. We would use our portion of the CERZ funding to meet these commitments and pedestrianise all major shopping streets and city and town centres in the country and set up park and rides. -
Name of applying nation: Republic of Istkalen
Are requirements met? Please explain briefly: Yes. Istkalen has adopted a carbon tax in line with CERZ requirements, and has developed national plans to eliminate emissions from electricity production and manufacturing through further increases in the price of carbon coupled with investments into facility modernization and new technology. -
Nation Name: The Commonwealth of California
Are requirements met? California already has a carbon tax on regulatory statutes. It just needs CERZ integration. -
I would like to communicate to all applying member-states that the Commission is currently discussing their eligibility.
Akem Linek
Premier Commissioner -
The Commission has approved all three applications by a 2-0 vote (HARLAND, LINEK for, KREJCI absent)
Akem Linek
Premier Commissioner