By the Prime Minister, Emryc Isla
Oldknow House, March 29th, 2021
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Good morning.
Last night, His Majesty’s Armed Services commenced an operation to remove the Communist regime occupying Neo-Venetia, and restore the province to its rightful status.
The crimes of the Neo-Venetian regime are well-known.
Earlier this month, a number of regime operatives were captured by our Inimican friends, where they will be brought to justice for their involvement in the disgraceful assassination attempt on Emperor Artabanos, who will always be a friend of our country.
We also know that the Neo-Venetian regime assassinated the previous separatist Prime Minister; they have imposed a totalitarian Communist dictatorship on the Neo-Venetian people; and they have brought into their ranks the terrorist Social Republican Army.
In the interests of peace and stability, since 2009, the Angleteric nation has pursued its interests in Neo-Venetia peacefully and diplomatically.
This continued after the coup last March, which brought the spectre of Communism to our doorstep, to our land. Over the last twelve months, we have made a number of requests of the Communist regime, seeking reassurance that their regime is not a threat to the free area of Angleter.
These requests have been ignored. And so, the atrocities of the Neo-Venetian Communist regime cannot be ignored any longer.
Therefore, yesterday, I took the difficult decision to send our troops into active combat once more.
I am delighted to report that the first phase of our operation has been a success.
Last night, in a series of daring amphibious raids, our Armed Services took control of the cities of Caparnaon, Tabaria, Carmel, and Zecanin.
Having secured the Leontes as far as Carmel and Zecanin, we are now in a position to eliminate various pockets of regime resistance in eastern Neo-Venetia.
The Royal Angleteric Air Fleet has also established complete air superiority over Neo-Venetia and its coastline. We have instituted a temporary no-fly zone over Neo-Venetia while operations are still ongoing.
I would very strongly urge nations, airlines, and private flyers to observe this no-fly zone in their own interests. We have encountered significant anti-air activity from regime forces – regrettably, their signature move since the coup has been making aircraft fall out of the sky – and so it is actively dangerous for any aircraft to fly over Neo-Venetia at this time.
This includes RAAF aircraft, and I must confirm that a number of our aircraft have been shot down, and a number of pilots, sailors, and soldiers injured and killed in this early stage of the operation.
Their sacrifice will be remembered forever by the Angleteric nation. They have fought, been hurt, and died for their King, for their country, and for the safety of their compatriots. Further details about how our nation will recognise the heroism of our troops will follow in due course.
I am at present unable to disclose casualty numbers, although I can confirm that they are significantly higher on the regime side.
I can also confirm that military and civilian refugees from this conflict will be treated humanely.
Our operation has been well-planned for 12 months, and therefore we are well prepared to absorb anyone who has been displaced by this operation. We have applied best practice from Dromund Kaas, and are in the process of setting up habitable refugee camps and POW camps.
All permanent residents of Neo-Venetia are entitled to permanent residency and citizenship of the Apostolic Kingdom of Angleter, with the exception of regime operatives whose treason against this nation has forfeited them that right.
Therefore, the nations of Europe should rest assured that Angleter will absorb almost all people displaced as a result of this operation.
I’d like to thank the many nations, such as Inimicus and Reitzmag, that have acknowledged our rights in Neo-Venetia. I’d also like to stress that our operation’s parameters will reflect our respect for the strategic interests of the Duxburian Union.
I’ve been briefed that this operation will be mercifully short. As such, I will provide an update on our future plans for Neo-Venetia at the appropriate time. For now, however, I would once again like to thank our extraordinary troops for their patriotic sacrifice, and ask you all to rejoice at the news of our success on the battlefield, and at the coming completion of our nation.