Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone Establishment Act
You have faith it will be the peoples choice but there are nations in this union that are corrupted by billionaires and millionaires being able to donate massively into politics and fund campaigns. We must protect against the ability of people owned by the corporate elite classes from destroying our climate and undermining this great act of yours to benefit some oil company, mining company and the polluters of this earth of ours. This is about survival and making sure millions or 10's of millions do not die from corporate greed , this is about protecting the weakest in power and poorest materially from abusing power structures for their own end.We cannot let this loophole to undermine the people of Europe and your great act proceed forward or future generations might ask those who vote against my amendment where were you when the ability of the corporatist elite to kill millions for a quick buck was set into law.
James Mizrachi-Roscoe, Councillour for United Duchies
May we begin voting?
Akem Linek
Premier Commissioner -
Debate is now over. My apologies for the severe delay. It is time to vote on the proposed amendments. There are THREE amendments up to vote:
Amendment I - Proposed by Cllr. James Mizrachi-Roscoe
Section I - Zone
III. At least
seventen percent of all future budgets of the European Union will be set aside to be redistributed to each of the member-states that compose the Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone in proportion to their population.
Amendment II - Proposed by Cllr. James Mizrachi-Roscoe
Section I - Zone
III. At least seven percent of all future
budgetsmembership fees of the European Union will be set aside to be redistributed to each of the member-states that compose the Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone in proportion to their population.
Amendment III - Proposed by Cllr. Iras Tilkannas
Section I - Zone
III. At least
seven percenthalf a percent for each member-state composing the Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone, up to a maximum of seven percent of all future budgets of the European Union will be set aside to be redistributed to each of the member-states that compose the Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone in proportion to their population.
Voting on amendments will commence NOW and will last until 17:17 GMT on December 12th, 2023.
I vote FOR Amendment III and AGAINST Amendments I and II.
Donald Tusk
Council Speaker and Councillor for Spain -
On behalf of the Republic of Istkalen, I vote FOR Amendment III and AGAINST all others.
Iras Tilkanas
Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen -
On behalf of United Duchies I vote for amendments I , II and against amendment III
James Mizrachi-Roscoe , Councillour for United Duchies -
On behalf of the Commonwealth of California, I vote FOR this act
Voting on the amendments has concluded. With 1 vote FOR and 2 votes AGAINST, Amendment I has FAILED. With 1 vote FOR and 2 votes AGAINST, Amendment II has FAILED. With 2 votes FOR and 1 vote AGAINST, Amendment III has PASSED. The proposal has been updated accordingly.
Before the start of the final vote, I must clarify that the vote from the Councillor for California has not been counted, as we were voting on the amendments rather than on the act itself.
Final voting begins NOW and will last until 17:25 GMT on January 1st, 2024.
On behalf of the Kingdom of Spain, I vote FOR this act.
Donald Tusk
Council Speaker and Councillor for Spain -
On behalf of the Commonwealth of California, I vote for the act.
Snoop Dogg
Councilor for the Commonwealth of California -
On behalf of the Mishar Republic, I vote FOR this act.
Mrs. Susie Dakota, Councillor for the Mishar Republic
On behalf of United Duchies I vote FOR this act
James Mizrachi-Roscoe, Councillour for United Duchies -
Voting has now concluded. With 4 votes FOR and none AGAINST, this bill has PASSED.
Donald Tusk
Council Speaker and Councillor for Spain