Kingdom of Spain v. Kingdom of Reitzmag
Thank you Solicitor Melgar. The Court will consider issuing a summons for Mr Sanders to appear at the conclusion of this phase of arguments.
The Court will now hear the response of the DEFENDANT.
Advocate Temm, you may begin when ready.
Andreas EKKA
Chief Justice of the ECoJ -
Thank you Your Honor.
I'd like to begin by countering the claims of the claimant. The claimant said that the treaty was illegal despite it being signed already before the Condemnation of the Coup in Icholasen Motion was passed. And according to the document of the Nyetthem Accords, it states that what the Kingdom of Reitzmag was asking from the illegitimate government in Icholasen was to replace the naval vessel. But the illegitimate government in Icholasen sent a person whom they call as their Foreign Minister to deliver a money that the Reitzmic Government did not ask.
For the region of New Moreland you say, you have said that the UNSR announced that they would assist in the development of such region as part of the treaty. But that is now up to the autonomous government of New Moreland. The area is no longer under the jurisdiction of the Reitzmic Government but it has representatives in the Reitzmic Parliament.
Now, you also mentioned the Sanders kidnapping incident. I'd like to point out that you said that the Kingdom of Reitzmag negotiated with him for planes. But was there an agreement between the parties? Mr. Sanders was kidnapped by former Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Philip Coventry and former Prime Minister Mr. Mark Johnson. But this kidnapping was not on behalf of the kingdom of Reitzmag but on their own behalf only. It was said in the press release of the illegitimate government in Icholasen that there were aircraft that were demanded by the kidnappers from Mr. Sanders and I wish more information of what happened by requesting Mr. Mark Johnson to testify in this court and state his own narration of what happened.
Then, you have also mentioned that His Majesty the King George I recognized the illegitimate government in Icholasen through Mr. Joe Biden in a public statement. Well, it seems that you have also managed to also create fake videos and images Mr. Melgar. The only official public statements and press releases are delivered only by the monarch himself and may not be tasked to anyone else, especially sensitive messages such as this one. Mr. Biden's job is a personal assistant of HM George I not an official spokesperson. This is also one reason why CBC had updated the graphics they use due to its nature of easily being copied, edited, or recreated to make fake news.
And for the purpose of further information, I'd like to explain some few more things. Reitzmag may have receives compensation for the HMS Archangel, however, this does not necessarily mean it was a military trade agreement. There was no intention for Reitzmag to give anything in return to the UNSR in terms of material and immaterial military support.
The coup act only requires the EU itself recognize the legitimate government of Icholasen, while member-states were free at the time to conduct their foreign affairs as they see fit. There was no indication that the act requires the European Union member-states to recognize Free Icholasen, and while the situation is now changed, it was not illegal at any point to recognize and conduct some level of diplomacy with the UNSR.
Thank you very much.
Sir Jonathan Temm, CMG
Member, King's Counsel -
Thank you Advocate Temm. Due to the complex nature of this case, I will be moving to extend the oral arguments period into another round.
THE COURT HEREBY SUMMONS MR BERNIE SANDERS TO TESTIFY. I should remind both parties that each will receive the opportunity to cross-examine Mr Sanders. Solicitor Melgar, after the witness is sworn in, they will deliver their statement. Following the statement by Mr Sanders, you will issue the cross examination first, followed by the cross examination of the DEFENDANT.
The process shall begin when the witness presents to this court.
Andreas EKKA
Chief Justice of the ECoJ -
Sanders was in the heart of the hornets nest, Europolis. It was incredibly dangerous to do this but Sanders, the Korojaunu of the UNSR, was surrounded by security with stars and hammers and sickles.
"Okay so basically" Sanders began, "I go to Reitzmag to try and get a good deal for the Nicolezian people. As you do. And then at the airport I get in a car and then Minister Coventry (God Rest His Soul) tranquilised me and I wake up in a DUNGEON. Now, Jane, my wife, sometimes does this stuff. Where I'm the working class and she's an Inquistahn billionaihre with stolen wealth, but I knew this time something was up.
Then Coventry says 'No one knows yet where you are, the Politbullshit will just be guessing where the fuck you are. And they still don't know (evil laughs).' and then says 'Shut up Barney, I mean Bernie. You know what we want, right? And you know that we were trained just as you were and know what you're planning. We're just keeping you here until we need you again.' And Johnson says to me, in person: 'We're not billionaires from Inquista Mr. Sandahs (speaks jokingly and laughs), we're just gonna take care of you and we're not asking for your stupid secrets that can be seen from our spy planes.'
Then, later, he says 'Min. Coventry: 'Okay, here's the deal. We'll release Sandals, I mean Sanders, to you. But you should give us 5 squadrons of your SU-57 planes immediately. Then, you shall surrender the power over Icholasen to the legitimate monarchy.' Which was just ridiculous. They really thought they had the power to do that. He said 'How will we send him back there then, no need for stupid Nylund. Like I said, I'm doing this for the military but this does not involve the government.' But Johnson was THERE the whole time, he was in the dungeon with me -- often in Reitzmag the interests of the nation are the same among all its politicians. They NEVER disagree and so there was clearly a link between Johnson, Coventry and also their representation in the EU Council.
The most egregious moment was when Johnsonn pretended to not know what was going on, despite being in the same room as Coventry in the dungeon and would obviously have known that there was a giant air-fleet of Nicoleizian planes coming. He said 'What's the matter Mr. Chairman? There's no crisis...what are you talking about?' As you'll remember, Johnson said this to me in person: 'We're not billionaires from Inquista Mr. Sandahs (speaks jokingly and laughs), we're just gonna take care of you and we're not asking for your stupid secrets that can be seen from our spy planes.' This means he can't have been far.
This obviously represents a deep rot at the heart of Reitzmic government, that we cannot be sure has gone away. Something brutal must have happened to the communist rebels for them to surrender. No one would just surrender at the height of their power. That's just not realistic. Obviously, the government was or still is able to think about torture. And maybe they threatened them with that, or something else. Torture, as they did to me, is the way they must have stopped the people's uprising against the fascist monarchy and government. I have also seen little evidence of a change in foreign policy since then - what with the missile crisis that we had recently.
Thank you for calling on me. Sandahs out!"
Objection your honor! The witness narrated an alleged incident where the defendant, His Majesty George I, is not present nor involved.
Sir Jonathan Temm, CMG
Member, King's Counsel -
While I acknowledge the objection in relation to the individual DEFENDANT, as the suit was placed ex rel to the Kingdom of Reitzmag, the individual is thereby under suit for their responsibilities pertaining to their position in the Reitzmic government. As both the individual George Montreal and the entity Kingdom of Reitzmag are named as the DEFENDANT in the suit, I will allow for this testimony to be accepted with the acknowledgement of a degree of separation between the events in the testimony and the individual named. The CLAIMANT's witness testimony is thereby accepted as a means to establish a pattern of behaviour in the entity thus named.
We will now move to the cross examination of the witness.
I now call on the CLAIMANT to open the cross examination of the witness, to be followed by the advocate for the DEFENDANT.
Andreas EKKA
Chief Justice of the ECoJ -
Thank you Mr. Ekka. Mr. Sanders, first of all I would like to thank you for your brave testifying here. Now, I would like to get an answer to these questions, if possible:
- Was his Majesty George I involved on the events of your kidnap? If yes, what did he do?
- What was the agreement to develop the Reitzmic region of New Moreland? Did both defendants take part on achieving it? If yes, what were their plans to keep this aside from the European law, if any? If not, who took part and what plans were there to invert that money?
- About the money incident, was that related with the ship mentioned on Nyetthem Accords or with the New Moreland development fund?
- Did the Reitzmic Government said HM George I would recognise the UNSR?
- I also want to ask about the planes. What were the UNSR and the Reitzmic Government plans to achieve a deal that, according to the European Council Condemnation, is illegal?
- The recognition of the UNSR by the Reitzmic King; was it a move to improve relations? If yes, what other deals or secret deals were done? If no, what was the purpose of this, if you know there was actually some?
That's all by me at the moment. Thank you very much.
Was his Majesty George I involved on the events of your kidnap? If yes, what did he do?
I have no memory of him doing anything. However, the actors acted in the name of the Reitzmic government, which is a defendant in this case and also which represents George. We can call George from now on. He holds no titles recognised by the UNSR.
What was the agreement to develop the Reitzmic region of New Moreland? Did both defendants take part on achieving it? If yes, what were their plans to keep this aside from the European law, if any? If not, who took part and what plans were there to invert that money?
I don't think that that goes against the Condemnation, as the UNSR is free to engage in any trade and investment with anyone, except military goods.
About the money incident, was that related with the ship mentioned on Nyetthem Accords or with the New Moreland development fund?
Nyetthem Accords.
Did the Reitzmic Government say George would recognise the UNSR?
Yes. And we accepted that with the understanding that that meant Reitzmag and its government would recognise us.
I also want to ask about the planes. What were the UNSR and the Reitzmic Government plans to achieve a deal that, according to the European Council Condemnation, is illegal?
That is illegal in the condemnation, yes. Though I am under no obligation to follow EU rules. Just FYI. But their government would have broken the condemnation by trading arms with us, yes.
The recognition of the UNSR by the Reitzmic King; was it a move to improve relations? If yes, what other deals or secret deals were done? If no, what was the purpose of this, if you know there was actually some?
Yes it was done to improve relations.
Thank you Mr Sanders.
I remind everyone that this witness testimony and all evidence presented is given as such under oath under penalty of perjury.
The DEFENDANT will now have the opportunity to cross-examine the witness. Advocate Temm, you may present your questions when ready.
Andreas EKKA
Chief Justice of the ECoJ -
Thank you Your Honor,
Mr. Sanders, here are my questions:
- Were the actions of Mr. Johnson and Mr. Coventry, based on your testimony, was an official internal decision from the Reitzmic Government entirely? If so, do you have any solid evidence (video/audio record, official document, etc.)?
- Was there an agreement reached in what you stated that Mr. Johnson asked Mr. Jirluchuz for aircraft? If so, I request this court to summon Mr. Jirluchuz to testify.
- Did you give the money, that you brought to the area, to Mr. Johnson without any force or harm? If so, was there a document that acts as a receipt or proof of such transaction?
This would be the first part of my cross-examination, I may ask questions later after the witness has answered these questions. Thank you!
Sir Jonathan Temm, CMG
Member, King's Counsel -
Were the actions of Mr. Johnson and Mr. Coventry, based on your testimony, was an official internal decision from the Reitzmic Government entirely? If so, do you have any solid evidence (video/audio record, official document, etc.)?
How can the head of the government and one of its senior members not be acting on behalf of the government? They are in the government, all their foreign policy and other actions are all on behalf of the government. If they were not acting on behalf of the government, I feel that the onus is on that government to provide evidence that these two senior members of the government had gone rogue. If they had not gone rogue, then they were part of the government.
Was there an agreement reached in what you stated that Mr. Johnson asked Mr. Jirluchuz for aircraft? If so, I request this court to summon Mr. Jirluchuz to testify.
The Chairman does not need to testify as we have an audio recording of Coventry requesting planes:
Min. Coventry: "Okay, here's the deal. We'll release Sandals, I mean Sanders, to you. But you should give us 5 squadrons of your SU-57 planes immediately. Then, you shall surrender the power over Icholasen to the legitimate monarchy."
This is an illegal act committed by a member of the government, in close cahoots with Johnson, the leader of said government. Though I must add I don't think it should be illegal. But that's politics.
Did you give the money, that you brought to the area, to Mr. Johnson without any force or harm? If so, was there a document that acts as a receipt or proof of such transaction?
I decline to answer the question on grounds it doesn't make sense.
Mr. Sanders, I asked you if there was an agreement. You gave us evidence of Mr. Coventry asking for the aircraft, but was there any aircraft given in response to the request?
Okay you rephrased the sentence so now I understand it. Of course we did not give the aircraft, that request and all the requests were totally unreasonable. Especially when Reitzmag was faced with a much more powerful opponent, the UNSR. Restore the monarchy? Give up our planes? There was no chance of it happening. That isn't even necessarily the point of the litigation.
Mr. Sanders, you refused the last of my initial questions, I think you are asking for a clarification. What I asked was if you voluntarily gave to Mr. Johnson the money you brought, as part of the Nyetthem Accords. And if you gave it without force, was there a proof of the transaction such as a receipt signed by both parties?
'No because I was transquilihsed' Bernie gesticulates 'But the will was there, and that's what I went to Reitzmag to do.'
Your Honor,
I have asked enough and had found that the witness had no solid evidence of the accusations linking to the defendant, His Majesty the King George I and the Government of the Kingdom of Reitzmag.
Sir Jonathan Temm, CMG
Member, King's Counsel -
Your honor, I object to the conclusions of Advocate Temm!
The Defendant is obviusly not interested on Sanders being heard by this court as they didn't get the ship signed in Nyetthem Accords and it's not good for the defendants, but there is enough evidence to proof:
- The treaty was actually signed and the witness has said there was an agreement to recognise the UNSR in exchange of a military agreement in which both, the Kingdom of Reitzmag and HM George I were both involved to achieve said deal.
- Sanders was kidnapped in order to agree another military deal, in which this time only the Government took place, and they kidnapped Mr. Sanders in order to force the deal in exchange of freedom for the witness.
Julián Sánchez Melgar
Spanish General Attorney -
Your honor, I object to the statement of the CLAIMANT!
The CLAIMANT is trying to force his own conclusion despite the clarity that:
- The Nyetthem Accords were signed while the Condemnation of the Coup in Icholasen was being considered.
- There is no solid evidence that the WITNESS can present to this court showing that the requests made by Mr. Johnson and Mr. Coventry were made after an internal decision within the Cabinet.
- There was no agreement reached in the request made by Mr. Johnson and Mr. Coventry.
Sir Jonathan Temm, CMG
Member, King's Counsel -
Your honor, I once again object to the statement of the DEFENDANT!
The DEFENDANT is not right about the consideration of the Condemnation. In fact, the Condemnation was being voted and the voting period ended the same day Nyetthem Accords were being discussed. Moreover, there wasn't an agreement about the jets but actually, there was one about the ship and Mr. Sanders and the Accords say so. Finally, it's impossible that the WITNESS could present a Cabinet resolution as he is not a member of the Reitzmic Cabinet and he has never been.
Julián Sánchez Melgar
Spanish General Attorney -
Your honor, I request this court to summon Prime Minister Simon Bridges of Reitzmag to testify whether the archives of the Cabinet of the Kingdom of Reitzmag contain any document that shows that an internal decision was made by the cabinet to do such action.
Sir Jonathan Temm, CMG
Member, King's Counsel