European Development Agency
Subject: Subsidy Request for Completion of the Mining Vocational Secondary School of Mikaela Kligenberg
Addressee: Government of the Democratic Republic of Czech SlaviaGood day,
The European Commission would like to inform you that it will now begin to review your application for a subsidy request. To aid in our deliberations, we would like to request for more information on the intended curriculum to be used in such educational institution, as well as the further benefits that such institution may provide. It is requested that such information on the curriculum include the subjects and the main topic of lessons in such subject. We will update you further on what has been discussed and decided after the deliberations, and inform you of a counter-offer in case such was agreed. Thank you for your patience.
Sir Joseph William Amberton Biden Sr. GCVO
Premier Commissioner, European Commission -
The curriculum includes classes on Czech and foreign language, mathematics, civics, physics, chemistry, ecology, information technology, economy and physical education. Practical classes will vary depending on the trade and will include classes dedicated to teaching students how to operate machinery, classes on electronics and technical documentation. Classes will be both theoretical and practical. Study program will be three years long and finished with final examination. Upon successfully finishing the studies students will receive a skilled worker certificate in their field. The Mining Vocational Secondary School of Mikaela Kligenberg will also offer programs of two years long further education, furthering students skills and knowledge, finished by a state matura exam. Upon successfully finishing the further education studies students will receive a high school diploma.
The institution will provide students with training necessary for the mining industry in the expanding town of Rudolfov near the Lišov Mine, benefiting the Czech mining industry greatly.
Subject: Subsidy Request for Completion of the Mining Vocational Secondary School of Mikaela Kligenberg
I thank the Government of the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia for their quick and honest response, with that I'd like to first point out my thoughts on this.
First, it should be noted that I am satisfied of the presence of at least one subject that may surely teach care for the environment. This is the primary reason I asked for the subjects and their main topics, as I want to ensure that the funds of the EDA will be used for a school which teaches good practices. Second, the fact that there is a diverse mining industry in Czech Slavia will also help in their economy by allowing education to be more accessible to people. It must be pointed out that this will likely increase the employment rates in Czech Slavia. Finally, the fact that a final assessment exists prove that the quality of education in this institution is high and that students will be taught appropriately with all the knowledge they need in such field.
Overall, I am in support of this request as I do not see any need to propose a counter-offer. However, I request that my colleagues in the European Commission also provide their thoughts on this before moving onto the next procedures.
Sir Joseph William Amberton Biden Sr. GCVO
Premier Commissioner, European Commission -
Subject: Subsidy Request for Completion of the Mining Vocational Secondary School of Mikaela Kligenberg
Since Commissioners Kalessed and Haavisto have nothing to say about this proposal so far, voting will now begin. At least two commissioners must vote, and so with that I vote FOR the subsidy request be granted.
Sir Joseph William Amberton Biden Sr. GCVO
Premier Commissioner, European Commission -
I vote FOR the subsidy request to be granted.
Ilmaras Kalessed
Internal Affairs Commissioner -
Subject: Subsidy Request for Completion of the Mining Vocational Secondary School of Mikaela Kligenberg
The time of deliberation has concluded at April 21st 2022, at 1:48 GMT. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the delays.
It was voted to accept the request without proposing a counter-offer. The results of the vote are as follows:
FOR: Two
DID NOT VOTE: OneTherefore the European Commission now sends this request to the European Council, who has 120 hours, until April 6th at 1:48 GMT, to start a review process. The decision of the European Commission is automatically approved if the European Council does not start a review process within this period.
Sir Joseph William Amberton Biden Sr. GCVO
Premier Commissioner, European Commission -
Name of the state:United Duchies
Intended use for the subsidy:Cycle Super Highway system(1000 km)
Requested form of subsidy: Interest-free loan
Amount of money requested (In Euros):500,000,000 Euros
Proposed time-frame in which the loan will be payed back (filled out only if the requested form of subsidy is a interest-free loan or a low-interest loan):Over 5 years
Proposed interest per annum (filled out only if the requested form of subsidy is a low-interest loan):
Justification for the request:We know Europe is in a green crisis and while city bike infrastructure is good we believe an effective way to solve climate change is cut down on car journeys as even eletric car journeys are more carbon intensive. We therefore are seeking funding for super highway networks to connect key cities within 100 km of each other with a start on a national network of cycle superhighways to complement care super highways. This would then be used as the basis in the future to connect more up. The government plan to match the funding with 50% funding of the 1 billion Euro project.We are looking at a design for up to 32 km/h standard in city cycle lanes dependent on safety factors and 50-60 kmh on the routes between towns and cities. We also would add a third sections to each one in the country side with a 24 km/h safety limit to allow for casual riders. The infrastructure will be segregated and designed in such a way bikes always have priority over cars at any junctions with the aim to be to reduce traffic conflict as much as possible. This should benefit both car users and users of bike based vehicles or those on scooters and e-scooters. This will enable a national E-Scooter network as well truly revolutionising transport in the nation.
Below is a map of total proposed Cycle Superhighways obviously most of this will be funded by the state but EDA funding could help us achieve this many years faster. We hope with EDA funding we could achieve this within 5 years.
Overlaid with roads
Example of Cycle Superhighway:
Subject: Subsidy Request for United Duchies Cycle Super Highway System
Addressee: Government of the United DuchiesGood day,
The European Commission would like to inform you that it will now begin to review your application for a subsidy request. To aid in our deliberations, we would like to request for more information on the feasibility of such a project in comparison to other modes of transport or the installment of bike lanes on major roads and highways. We would also like to know if there is enough traffic that would warrant the conduct of such a project as effective and useful. We will update you further on what has been discussed and decided after the deliberations, and inform you of a counter-offer in case such was agreed. Thank you for your patience.
Sir Joseph William Amberton Biden Sr. GCVO
Premier Commissioner, European Commission -
We would like to thank you for your prompt response. We have assessed the project on the principle of induced demand and current traffic data. Evidence has shown where we provide cycling infrastructure usage and share of cycling or E-Scooting modes has typically shot up by at least 20-25% with up to 50% and cycling with current incentive structures is expected to increase from 19.90% of trips over 1 km to 30-35% of journeys over 0.5 Miles but that is based on improvement of infrastructure with one gap noticed being in town and village to nearby cities and towns . This aims to adress sthat and make safer routes for the increasing 30 km + commutes from rural areas. Evidence has shown that families and other more vulnerable groups of riders want seperated infrastructure but if it was there they would use it boosting journeys for these modes.
In terms of whether it would be beneficial to have in on the roads many of the roads are too thin for a 2 way cycle lane of adequate size or would make the journey unpleasant or more more dangerous if it was put on such roads for example there would be a greater risk if the cycle superhighways were next to 80-130 km/h roads and this would end up discouraging families and other key groups from riding between towns and cities on weekend trips. We believe for these reasons it is best to have fully sperated infrastructure and where possible even a 3rd slow lane seperated from the fast cycle super highway for more leisurely paced users. The seperated Cycle Superhighway programme in the country side creating a connected network to all major cities and towns as well as connecting many villages is a vital part of the strategy to raise the Bike/Scooter/Pedo-Vehicles share of journeys to 30-35% of trips within the Duchies and to try to reduce the Car share of journeys from 40.2% to 25-30% of Journeys within 10 years to help meet climate goals.
Subject: Subsidy Request for United Duchies Cycle Super Highway System
I thank the Government of the Untied Duchies for their prompt and detailed response, for this I'd like to raise some points that I think are important.
First, the data that the Government of the United Duchies provided show good evidence that indeed there is enough traffic and demand for such a large-scale project to be done. I put my trust on the projections that the data are showing for the progress this project could further boost in the future. Second, it is understandable that there are risks and hazards of putting slow bicycles near high speed freeways. However, I do not think that it is necessary for there to be more than 2 lanes as bicycles do not occupy that much space and that the lanes should only serve to provide clearance between cyclists. Finally, I also want to point out that I think it would be more cost-effective if the cycles are constructed near but separate from major highways as such a project could simply be integrated to an already existing and reliable infrastructure.
Now, I have seen that the request asks for 500 million Euros without interest. However, we are still working on reforming the loan system of the EU and currently only less than 100 million Euros is left of the EDA's budget. I think that it'd be best for a counter-offer to be proposed, however I think it would also be best if my colleagues express their opinions on this request and a counter-offer proposal and if possible their suggestions on a suitable counter-offer.
Sir Joseph William Amberton Biden Sr. GCVO
Premier Commissioner, European Commission -
We have consulted with cycling organisations and users on this project proposal and policy. One of the issues brought up was that leisure cyclists can be intimidated by commuting cyclists who can cycle up to 48 km/h and upwards of that . That is why the solution of a slower leisure bike path and a fast Superhighway with 1 lane in each direction was agreed upon. The lanes are already planned to be integrated into a big network of existing infrastructure near towns , villages and cities .
Forcing a compromise by essentially putting slower cyclists in the same cycle lanes would slow down commuting cyclists who want to get 48-64 km with great speed safely and having a mix of speeds in the same lanes would be dangerous. So the separation is essential for the functioning of the lane and for it to have high usage that contributes to our carbon reductions.
Apologies for the delays. Given that the EDA funding is almost depleted, it's my opinion that a decision on this should be deferred until a new budget is drawn up. However, I strongly disagree with the position of Commissioner Biden. There is no reason for a cycling network to be connected to a highway system, nor for it to be downsided. While I have concerns about the safety of a system which permits bikes, e-bikes, and e-scooters to use the same lanes, this is not directly related to the proposed project, and is therefore irrelevant.
In terms of a hypothetical decision I would make if re-elected or if there were enough funding - the loan would be granted, but preferably with an interest rate of between 0.5 to 1%, given that the United Duchies has the capacity to pay for the interest and that the EDA needs as much funding it can get. A higher interest rate is undesirable to me as one above 1% may have the risk of creating other complications in terms of funding for the proposed project.
Ilmaras Kalessed
Internal Affairs Commissioner -
In light if the new budget we would like to request an increased amount to develop more cycle super highways quicker
Name of the state:United Duchies
Intended use for the subsidy:Cycle Super Highway system(5,000 km)
Requested form of subsidy: Interest-free loan
Amount of money requested (In Euros):4,000,000,000 Euros -
Name of the state:
Republic of Istkalen
Intended use for the subsidy:
The modernization of the LWGR units at the Nuclear Power Plant of the Transfiguration (NPPT), as well as safety and efficiency improvements to attached nuclear recycling and storage facilities.
Requested form of subsidy:
Interest-free loan, paid to the Arian Apostolic Church.
Amount of money requested (In Euros):
2 500 000 000 euros
Proposed time-frame in which the loan will be payed back (filled out only if the requested form of subsidy is a interest-free loan or a low-interest loan):
40 years
Proposed interest per annum (filled out only if the requested form of subsidy is a low-interest loan): n/a
Justification for the request:
Following the dissolution of the German Autonomous Administration, we, the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, legally known, unfortunately, as the Arian Apostolic Church, have assumed governmental authority over the German Autonomous Territories, therefore becoming a state institution of the Republic of Istkalen able to directly request loans from the EDA.
The Nuclear Power Plant of the Transfiguration is currently highly dangerous, uniquely prone to meltdowns. If an accident were to occur, it is likely that the effects would be felt by all Europe, with radioactive fallout dispersed throughout the whole of the continent. We have deemed it necessary to make certain safety improvements to its facilities in order to avert such an occurence.
The safety of the nuclear recycling and storage facilities associated with the NPPT is also in question. While regularly monitored and without any obvious issues as of now, they are rapidly aging; the potential of a leak becomes more possible with each passing year, something which would have deleterious effects on their surroundings and leave them uninhabitable for what is effectively an indefinite amount of time. We therefore intend to carry out certain improvements and modernizations to these facilities in order to reinforce their security and ensure the maximum protection of the surrounding environment and population.
The central government of the Republic of Istkalen has already granted us a grant roughly equal to 5 000 000 000 euros to make these improvements; however, we have internally reckoned that this sum will not be enough to cover their full cost, leaving many possible flaws unfixed and thus our, as well as the European, population in greater danger. We therefore appeal to the EDA to send to us the remaining necessary funds, lest a major and fatal accident occurs at the NPPT and its associated facilities.
The Lord be with you,
Supreme PontiffHH Erkas Tilisek
President of the GovernorateHH Sirisik Gingivitis
Secretary of the Office for EnergyHH Merte Maksile
Secretary of the Office for Nuclear Security -
We'd like to put in a complaint about the slow processing of this application and other applications. This is unacceptable and will result in no spending of funds as grants and loans are held up . We would also like to know if denied EU funding for the cycle lanes the full reasoning from each commissioner as to why this request is denied given its alignment with EU goals of sustainable and green development and how it could be improved to a form that could pass and boost green development.This should be provided as a matter of transparency and democratic oversight and accountability.
Prime Minister of United Duchies , John Peter Key
On the Complaint Received by the United Duchies
To the Prime Minister of the United Duchies:
The Commission has not yet made a decision on the application that the United Duchies submitted concerning their Cycle Super Highway System project. Therefore, it is still soon to affirm that the proposal has been 'rejected' by the European Commission. As Premier Commissioner, I have urged my colleagues, and I once more urge them to do so in this public letter to you, to vote on the matter so the Commission can deliver a veredict as soon as possible.
Receive my kindest regards,
Jean-Claude Juncker
Premier Commissioner of the European Union -
The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, legally and unfortunately recognized only as the Arian Apostolic Church, warns that it is now highly likely that a major accident will occur on 1 June 2023 at 08:32 IST at the Nuclear Power Plant of the Transfiguration. We implore the Commission to provide funding as soon as is practicable so that we may conduct emergency mitigation to prevent the further deterioration of the reactor core and thus protect the lives and safety of Istkaleners and Europeans.
The Lord be with you,
Supreme PontiffHH Erkas Tilisek
President of the GovernorateHH Sirisik Gingivitis
Secretary of the Office for EnergyHH Merte Maksile
Secretary of the Office for Nuclear Security -
Name of the state: United Duchies
Intended use for the subsidy: Development of Electric or hybrid Passenger Airliner
Requested form of subsidy: Grant(Preferred) or Loan
Amount of money requested (In Euros): 6 billion Euros
5 years
Proposed interest per annum (filled out only if the requested form of subsidy is a low-interest loan): Will listen to comission
Justification for the request: Recognising the carbon footprint of airliners and the issue of adressing aviation emissions. We seek to develop a European airliner with EU funds that is eletric and and can replace jet aircraft in the regional aircraft market of up to 150 passenger capacity planes. If we can move these aircraft to electric or hybrid biofuels-electric airliner. The aim would be to assist manufactaurers such as Airbus with the development of the technology by having a public funded programme to develop the technology to speed up its adoption in the future. This will be a vital step in sustainable economic green development to enable a quick transition to low carbon aviation. -
The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, legally and unfortunately recognized only as the Arian Apostolic Church, warns that it will resort to legal recourse to ensure a response to its legitimate application to the EDA if no acceptance or rejection is given by 15 June 2023.
The Lord be with you,
Supreme PontiffHH Erkas Tilisek
President of the GovernorateHH Sirisik Gingivitis
Secretary of the Office for EnergyHH Merte Maksile
Secretary of the Office for Nuclear Security