McGill Sgot v. Mennrimiak
THE EUROPEAN COURT OF JUSTICE has decided by majority vote to accept the petition of Petitioner (hereafter Claimant) Orrin McGill Sgot ( @BrumBrum ) filed against the Petitioned (henceforth Defendant) The Government of Mennrimiak ( @Mennrimiak ), and open a case of Original Jurisdiction of the Court as defined in IV§II.II of the Constitution of the European Union.
Justice SVENSSON will recuse themselves from this case as it represents a direct conflict of interest.
The Claimant presents that the Defendant violates Section III of the UDoHR: the prohibition of population transfer.
The Claimant submits a new article as evidence, publications are detailed in Claimant Exhibit 1.
The CLAIMANT seeks the removal of the law in question and restablishment of visas that were cancelled.
Therefore, this Court, in accordance with the Constitution of the European Union and the European Court of Justice Case Procedures Act 2013, recognises the Standing of the Claimant and hereby requires both parties to dutifully present or send representation to appear before this court.
The case McGill Sgot v. Mennrimiak is now OPEN.
The Claimant or representative thereof shall deliver their opening statement first, followed by that of the Defendant or representative thereof.Before delivering any statement to this court, please provide your name and relation to the respective party for the record.
The Solicitor representing Mr McGill Sgot, if presenting to this Court at present, may begin by delivering their opening statement and summary of allegations.
Benjamin STEYN
Chief Justice of the ECoJ -
Steinar Baardson:My clients case is simple that their human rights are being breached based on their ethnicity and race which is illegal under EU law. The first right being breached is "Section VII. Right to Equal Protection Under the Law:I. All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law." This is quite simple Strathaens are being effectively deported and banned from entry based solely on their nationality not on their actions. This is fundamentally against human rights under the UDOHR , the second right being breached is "Section XIII. Freedom of Movement:III. Population transfer, defined as the forcible movement, imposed by an authority, of a large group of people from one region to another, for reasons relating to innate characteristics of a group including: a group's culture, religion, sexual orientation, political beliefs or other protected statuses as outlined in the UDoHR, is recognized as a violation of the right of freedom of movement and is thus prohibited." . By essentially cancelling all the visas and revoking citizenship of Strathaens on the basis of nationality and their culture and religion in Breizhighism the state is forcing a population transfer based on these factors which is clearly showing to be illegal under EU law. It would be one thing if my client had committed an offense or broke a law or said something that could be considered hate speech but she has not she was deported due to her nationality religion and culture simply because they treated Strathaens as one monlithic bloc without any differences despite many Strathaens including my client opposing vocally their governments policy, indeed my client moved because of the PoT reign of power and not liking the direction Strathae was heading in , she has as part of her faith Reformed Breizhighism been an upstanding citizen , not judging people ,working to advance an agenda of religions getting on despite differences in belief and serving her community. Does this sound like a threat to the community and harmony of the community to you?
By targeting Breizhighists primarily the government has also broke "Section XVII. Freedom of Conscience: I. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.". It has become clear they are targeting primarily Breizhighists for removal despite most being perfectly tolerant ,accepting and upstanding citizens that contribute to the lives of their community. Therefore we believe the state is doing an illegal removal of a group based on culture ,religion and nationality essentially cleansing the nation of a whole nationality and ethnic group rather than treating my client and others as individuals and judging their residency by the merits of their individual contributions and actions. An act clearly illegal under EU law.
Thank you, Mr Baardson. The Court will now hear the opening statement of the Solicitor representing the government of Mennrimiak.
Benjamin Steyn
Chief Justice of the ECoJ -
The European Court of Justice will make one final urging to the Solicitor representing the government of Mennrimiak to deliver their opening statement. Otherwise, the Court will see fit to proceed.
Benjamin Steyn
Chief Justice -
Judge Judy Sheindlin:By a margin of 4-0 the court finds in favour of the complainant. The court believes that in this case there is significant overreach in banning a whole group based on nationality and religion and that such an act is against the EU constitution protections on equal treatment and rights and in removing an entire group based on this it breaches the laws on forced removal against Population transfer, defined as the forcible movement, imposed by an authority, of a large group of people from one region to another, for reasons relating to innate characteristics of a group including: a group's culture, religion, sexual orientation, political beliefs or other protected statuses as outlined in the UDoHR. The court hearby orders that the government of Mennrimiak revoke the discriminatory law and only pursue deportations based on actions not a persons religion or nationality and in cases where this law has led to costs and losses to the individuals the state fully pays the costs caused to those affected by the discriminatory law in either lost earnings, lost deposits or exit fees for housing accommodation contract costs or costs of transport that resulted from the illegal deportations. On top of that the court requires all visas cancelled under the discriminatory law be reissued and the people be allowed to return to Mennrimiak.