European Maritime Standards Act of 2020
I vote FOR all the amendments.
Donald D. Tusk
Councillor for Spain -
I vote FOR all amendments.
Charles Michel
Councillor for the Kingdom of Fremet -
I vote FOR Amendment III and AGAINST Amendments I, II, and IV.
Friedrich van Allen
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag -
I vote FOR all amendments.
Carita Falk
Archrepublic of Vayinaod -
The Empire of Inimicus votes FOR all amendments.
Hetty Tilki
Empire of Inimicus -
I vote FOR all amendments.
Wesley Greene
Councillor of the Duxburian Union -
I vote AGAINST all amendments.
Mrs. Paul-Gabrielle Muzhare
EU Councilor for the Republic of Nofoaga -
With 7 votes for and 1 vote against, Amendments I, II and IV have PASSED. With 6 votes for and 2 votes against, Amendment III has PASSED. The legislation has now been updated to reflect the passed amendments.
Final voting begins NOW and will last until 04:45 GMT on Spetember 21st, 2020.
While most of my concerns were addressed by Councillor Falk's amendments, some of then still remain - along with some wording issues - and therefore I shall have to unfortunately vote against this bill.
On behalf of the Most Blessed State of Inquista, I vote AGAINST this Act.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista -
As I see that there would be conflict of interest when it comes to straits, On behalf of the Kingdom of Reitzmag, I vote AGAINST this act.
Friedrich van Allen
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag -
The Empire of Inimicus resolutely votes AGAINST this Act.
Hetty Tilki
Empire of Inimicus -
On behalf of the Union of Duxburian Dominions, I vote AGAINST the act.
Wesley Greene
Councillor of the Duxburian Union -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Spain, I vote AGAINST this act.
Donald D. Tusk
Councillor for Spain -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Montenbourg, I vote AGAINST this act.
Emma Granger
Councillor for Montenbourg -
On behalf of the Realm of Great Ruthund, I vote AGAINST this act. We consider any altercations or restrictions on our maritime waters a violation of Ruthund's sovereign rights.
Helhuan Zihuruthstukur
EU Councillor, Ruthund -
On behalf of the Republic of Nofoaga, I vote AGAINST this act.
Mrs. Paul-Gabrielle Muzhare
EU Councilor for the Republic of Nofoaga -
With 8 votes against, this Act has been REJECTED.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista -
I am very unsatisfied by this, the passage of the amendments by Coun. Falk had forced me to vote AGAINST and I am very unsatisfied by this. My acts are made for purposes very much fair for every nation but my principles for my bills are ruined by amendments made by other councilors who then forces my colleagues to vote AGAINST the bill. I am very frustrated by such and I would like to complain on the acts from the EPA councilors.
Friedrich van Allen
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag -
Let me allow to say one thing Mr. Speaker... First and foremost, I am very pleased that Mr Van Allen is not, as usual, interrupting the vote by withdrawing his proposals when it appears that a majority is against. And it is a good thing that he is given the opportunity to express his displeasure. But what bothers me tremendously is the charge that after adding other amendments, other councilors here are forced to vote against, to his disadvantage. I am not happy with this. Councilors have the option to vote for or against at all times. That is how it is and that is how it works, Mr van Allen... Accusations like you are making here now are not going to work. Thank you.
Mrs. Paul-Gabrielle Muzhare
EU Councilor for the Republic of Nofoaga -
"Cllr. Van Allen as someone who has publicly stood up for you in this chamber before, I am incredibly disheartened by your claims and allegations. Being entirely realistic, the act as presented originally was never going to pass, the initial debate should be evidence of that, and if it did somehow pass it would have been ignored by the most powerful military in Europe.
I never forced you to vote against your own act, no one did that was a personal choice you made in the interests of your nation. Nor, was any other ELDR Councillor made to vote against this act, actually no other ELDR councillor submitted any vote during the amendment phase, nor during the final phase of voting.
The amendments I proposed received support not just from EPA Councilors, but numerous independent Councilors as well.
To be frank Cllr. Van Allen, no one in this council besides you is as obsessed with Eurogroups. There is not some vast conspiracy to ruin any ELDR proposal, there's a few which have passed for instance. Like the Space Exploration act, which might I remind you MY amendments and rewriting half of that act SAVED. You are the only person in this chamber who believes the EPA intentionally tries to derail your proposals, when the reality is that there is no popular support for many of them in their original forms.
Getting councilors from your own Eurogroup might help too, which is surprising that ELDR Councilors do not vote more often compared to EPA ones, since the EPA has no whipping operation going on whatsoever.
I have the right to propose amendments, and I will exercise them when I feel the final rendition of an act when presented will not be suitable for the union. I wanted your act to pass, but it simply was not going to. No one wanted a Border regulation agency, and there was little support whatsoever for granting nations guaranteed control of waters passed what you defined as 'territorial' waters.
I will not stand idly by and be declared by you as the reason for the failure of your act(s). There is simply not enough support for them, or they need work in its wording. More often than that it is the former. Go ahead and complain Cllr. just know I will respond and defend myself and I have no intention of not going 100% at it."
Carita Falk
Councillor for the Archrepublic of Vayinaod -
I can not differ but agree with the statements made by Councillor Falk and Councillor Muzhare. I'm also really dissapointed with your conspiracy theories Mr. van Allen, because I can guarantee on behalf of the European Progressive Alliance that there is no campaign to derrail or doom your proposals, and some of your passed ike the mentioned co-authored Space Exploration Act.
In this council, you can win or lose, but you need to recognise your defeat as you do with your victories. This is the forst time you didn't withdraw a proposal, which is something we must thank because we are not losing our time on voting and debating things are going to be withdrawn. Also, amending the proposals in the Council is something you've also tried to do in several meetings and no one blamed you for that, why should we blame Cllr. Falk now? Because she amended your proposal and made it fairer? Because it ruined your hidden purposes?
The debate said everything: The Duxburian Union would stand against it, same with myself and other councillors. Amendments were needed and still we all have voted against. Blaming the EPA for that insane obsession with the Eurogroups and the Conspiracy theories are not out of place, but stupid. And talking about Eurogroups, I may advice you to get your councillors moving instead of blaming the others. I haven't seen them voting in weeks, and about their proposals, the last one was withdrawn. I think is not the EPA fault they don't do a thing, nor is that the EPA Councillors, which by the way have freedom to vote as they wish to, vote against this proposal.
Mr. van Allen, I think that as a person who was elected to represent his nation in a "democratic" way, you also need to stop blaming the others for your own defeats. The European Union works like this, you may like it, you may not, but we work like this. As I said before, we sometimes get our proposals passed, we sometimes just don't. It's not about Eurogroups, it's not about Councillors, it's not about countries: it's about the bills' content. So please, stop making complaints when the result is not the one you wished and let's continue working for a better Europe, which I think it's the main purpose of every councillor here.
Donald D. Tusk
Councillor for Spain