15 Oct 2021, 03:58

Thank you very much Mr Lex.
Im gonna be loud and clear as im here to make a statement.
Im not here representing an ideology, not PEL left, not EPA right, not Europeist not Eurosceptic, Im not here to talk about the importance of women in power positions, im not here to talk about racism, I am here to listen and be listened by the Europeans from Mennrimiak all the way to the Duxburian Union.
I was born and raised in Mennrimiak a country where all citizens have the same opportinities and that helped me get to where i am today in a sense but im not here to emphasise the importance of equality im here to emphasise the importance of comunication with the people, In Mennrimiak and all around Europe the people is free but sometimes its not heard all we do is hear on the news about the latest wardrobe of the Inquistan Archibishop or the newest gadget used by Mr Juncker on his most recent rally or even about the scandals of the military occupation of istkalen, but you know what we never hear? The opinion of those being directly impacted by those happenings.
I could have entered this race as a PEL or EPA member and gotten even more chances of winning but it would have just been running for the interests of a party and not for those of the citizens of Europe, thats why im running as independent.
i dont promise a more united Europe, i dont promise a Europe for the Nations
I promise an European Union for the voice of its citizens to be heard.
Thank you for listening.

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