Amendment to the Nuclear Proliferation Act of 2009
The Kingdom of Reitzmag's Assembly for the European Council has decided through a vote with the presence of all members as follows:
AMENDMENT AYE NO ABSTAIN STATUS 1. Emperor of Inimicus by the Councilor for Spain 0 11 0 FAIL 2. Federation of Fremet by the Councilor for the United Duchies 3 6 1 FAIL 3. Korojaunu of the UNSR by the Councilor for Inquista 4 3 2 FAIL 4. Successor state of the United Dominions of Icholasen and the Emperor of Inimicus by the Speaker of the EU Council, the Councilor for Istkalen 7 3 1 PASS 5. Reword by the Councilor for Czech Slavia 5 6 0 FAIL Therefore, the Kingdom of Reitzmag votes FOR Amendment IV and AGAINST all other amendments.
Dame Yuridiana Yahontov GCC
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag -
On behalf of the Commonwealth of Leagio, I vote FOR Amendment V & I and I vote AGAINST all other amendments.
Lionel Morel
EU Councilor for Leagio -
On behalf of the United Principalities of Ineland, I vote FOR Amendment I and AGAINST all other amendments.
Charles Évere-Dancourt
HRM Prince of Linthout
Councillor for Ineland -
With seven votes for, five against, and one abstaining, amendment 1 has passed.
With one vote for, eleven against, and one abstaining, amendment 2 has failed.
With one vote for, eleven against, and one abstaining, amendment 3 has failed.
With four votes for and nine votes against, amendment 4 has failed.
With three votes for and ten votes against, amendment 5 has failed.
The proposal has been updated according to the passed amendment. VOTING begins now and will continue until 23:59 GMT on 11 March 2022.
On behalf of the Republic of Istkalen, I vote AGAINST this amendment.
Iras Tilkanas
Council Speaker and Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen -
On behalf of the Most Blessed State of Inquista, I vote AGAINST this amendment.
Bp. Karinn Lallana
Councillor for Inquista -
On behalf of the Union of Duxburian Dominions, I vote FOR the amendment.
Wesley Greene
Councillor of the Duxburian Union -
The Kingdom of Reitzmag's Assembly for the European Council has voted with all members present on a motion by the Deputy Councilor for New Moreland on this amendment:
Question: Withdraw the Amendment from consideration of the European Council?
Ayes - 9
Noes - 0
Abstentions - 2Therefore, the Kingdom of Reitzmag officially requests to withdraw this amendment from consideration of the European Council and requests the Speaker to close the procedures for this specific bill.
Dame Yuridiana Yahontov GCC
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag -
This amendment is hereby withdrawn from consideration.
Iras Tilkanas
Council Speaker and Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen -
With your leave, Madam Speaker, I want to speak out against the tactics Cllr Yahontov has once again demonstrated in this Chamber today. She makes a valid proposal which Councillors from across the chamber discussed in earnest, proposed decent amendments on, and voted democratically on whether to accept these. And now, when the outcome no longer suits Cllr Yahontov's political purpose, she blocks the wishes of a plurality of representatives here by withdrawing her proposal outright.
This is not only disgraceful, it is undemocratic and below the standards we can expect from any Councillor in this place. It is childish, it is unacceptable. Simply because her Amendment was changed by a majority-decision of councillors does not mean Cllr Yahontov should throw her toys out of her proverbial pram. Stop this madness.
Working with other decent councillors in this chamber I intend to re-file this Amendment to the Council, with the wording the Council accepted it should have, and I would call upon all councillors here to stand against the teenage tactics of Cllr Yahontov.
Nicholas Benfield
Deputy Speaker -
Madame Speaker, I'd like it be for the record that I had no input in the decision of the Association for the European Council to withdraw the matter. The Office of the Councilor of the Kingdom of Reitzmag to the European Union is not a voting member in the AEC and only presides over the meetings of such body. In addition, the motion within our decision making body was put forward by the Deputy Councilor for New Moreland. I hope that this would be clarified to the Councilor for Inimicus and the rest of this estimable body. Thank you.
Dame Yuridiana Yahontova GCC
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag -
I agree with the Rt. Hon. Deputy Speaker in his criticism of the decision conveyed to us by the Rt. Hon. Councilor for Reitzmag to withdraw the proposed legislation. It is, at least, disrespectful to the work and effort put up by the members of this chamber. Therefore, I will support Mr. Benfield's efforts to re-introduce the amendment proposal.
Charles Évere-Dancourt
HRM Prince of Linthout
Councillor for Ineland -