Public Toilet Access Act
I would agree with the right honourable Tusk. Whether small or big businesses and institutions should have the right to charge a nominal fee for a toilet even if its just 0.50 in Dux Libra or Euro or whatever currency the nation uses. My concern would be making all public toilets be free would encourage loitering , vandalism and other issues which yes we could afford to fix but it is cheaper just to have the nominal fee to protect the toilets so that only those seriously using them for toileting needs are using them. Most of our public toilets on street are charged for for this very reason.
James Mizrachi-Roscoe, Councillour for United Duchies
Most toilets in Brickston accessible to the public are government-owned and thus are free of cost to access. That being said, businesses have the right to independently establish their fees, payments or prices to use/purchase anything under the ownership of said business. Therefore, we are against this act from being passed under its current form.
Jeremy Huntingdon,
Representative for the European Councillor of Brickston -
Debate is now over. It is time to vote on the proposed amendment. There is ONE amendment up to vote, proposed by Councillor Susie Dakota:
Amendment I - Proposed by Cllr. Susie Dakota
Section VI: Exceptions
6.1 Private Facilities: This Act shall not apply to privately-owned restrooms within small commercial establishments or non-public spaces, where access to restrooms is limited to authorized personnel.
Voting on the amendment will commence NOW and will last until 09:40 GMT on August 26th, 2023.
I vote FOR the amendment.
Donald Tusk
Council Speaker and Councillor for Spain -
On behalf of the Mishar Republic, I vote FOR this amendment.
Sertia votes against this amendment.
Édutitalle Dína
EU councillor for the Kingdom of Sertia -
Brickston votes AGAINST the amendment.
Jeremy Huntingdon,
Representative for the European Councillor of Brickston -
On behalf of United Duchies I vote for this ammendment
James Mizrachi-Roscoe , Councillour for United Duchies -
Voting on the amendment has concluded. With 3 votes FOR and 2 votes AGAINST, Amendment I has PASSED. The proposal has been updated accordingly.
Final voting begins NOW and will last until 12:25 GMT on August 30th, 2023.
On behalf of the Kingdom of Spain, I vote AGAINST this act.
Donald Tusk
Council Speaker and Councillor for Spain -
On behalf of United Duchies I vote AGAINST this act
James Mizrachi -Roscoe , Councillour for United Duchies -
On behalf of the Republic of Brickston, I vote AGAINST the act.
Jeremy Huntingdon,
Representative for the European Councillor of Brickston -
On behalf of the Mishar Republic, I vote FOR this act.
Mrs. Susie Dakota, Councillor for the Mishar Republic
On behalf of the Republic of Istkalen, I vote AGAINST this act.
Iras Tilkanas
Council Speaker and Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Sertia, I vote for this act.
Édutitalle Dína
European councillor -
Voting has now concluded. With 2 votes FOR and 4 votes AGAINST, this bill has FAILED.
Donald Tusk
Council Speaker and Councillor for Spain -