Own a duchies Airport
Major Airports(over 5million) Owner Pax
Goudadam Xavier International airport Duchies Airports Group 49,876,706
Cair Para Edward International Airport United Airports Group 37,203,404
Goudadam Harrington Airport United Airports Group 30,389,214
Porterdam Frederick International Airport Banco De Oro Unibank 29,846,750
Hamborg Albert International Airport Microsoft Corp 25,675,645
Brummagem Chamberlain International Airport Midlands Airports Group 24,366,440
Cair Para Titmarsh Airport Artabanos Foundation 24,429,356
Baltia Quinten International Airport Duchies Airports Group 22,834,934
Porterdam Cook International Airport United Airports Group 19,602,790
Castcon Interanational Airport Tesla Inc 18,991,490
Baltia Ferncreek International Airport 12,998,066
Hamborg City Airport 12,307,335
Hague Nicolas International Airport 10,570,735
Albion T.S Lewis International Airport Duchies Airports Group 10,033,240
Arandale International Airport 9,316,580
Doornewater International Airport 8,599,920
If you want a company or organisation to have owned and airport or buy a duchies airport let me know with this form unless from UNSRA, Neo-Venetia or DK. Please note due to national security defense companies cannot bid and due to competition concerns airlines can't bid and you cannot have two airports that are in cities next door owned by same company and in the same duchy :
About Group:
Airports available in bold -
Company/Organisation: Artabanos Foundation
Country: Empire of Inimicus
Airport: Cair Para Titmarsh Airport
About Group: The Artabanos Foundation was organised by Emperor Artabanos (then Duke of Terra Praestoris) in 2008 to fund charitable projects around Inimicus. The Foundation has since extended its operations to other commercial areas and is in a constant search for new ventures. -
Company/Organisation: International Airlines Group
Country: Reitzmag/Spain
Airport: Porterdam Frederick International Airport
About Group: An alliance of Airline Companies such as British Airways and Iberia.Company/Organisation: Reitzmic Aerospace Systems plc
Country: Reitzmag
Airport: Hamborg Albert International Airport
About Group: The primary defense manufacturer in Reitzmag that makes cutting edge technology and research on future defense systems.Company/Organisation: Tesla Inc.
Country: Reitzmag
Airport: Castcon International Airport
About Group: Reitzmag and Europe's leading Electric Car Manufacturer owned by Former ESA Director and SpaceX Program Director Mr. Elon Musk. -
@Inimicus Approved
@Kingdom-of-Reitzmag Tesla Inc approved
IAG rejected on competitition concerns
Reitzmic Aerospace syastems on National Security Grounds -
Company/Organisation: Contigus Group
Country: Republic of Brickston
Airport: Baltia Ferncreek International Airport
About Group: The Contigus Group is a real estate investment group that buys large-scale properties such as apartments, commercial marketplaces, ports and airports. It also funds infrastructure projects and invests in projects. Small and medium-scale real estate is offered too (homes, commercial shops, etc). -
@Brickston_Rep Approved