A motion to temporarily create an international zone in the Strait of Adventuranza in order to prevent an outbreak of conflict, in consideration of the recent deployment of Inimican and Reitzmic naval forces, as well as the current dispute, in the region.
SECTION I: The Internationality of the Strait
I. Until the production of a final settlement of the ultimate sovereignty of the Strait of Adventuranza, agreed to by both the Kingdom of Spain and the Federal Republic of Yosai, the European Union declares the Strait of Adventuraza a zone over which no entity holds sovereignty over. Traffic and trade in this zone may be regulated only by treaty that all state actors conducting trade and traffic through the zone agree to while this motion is active.
II. The above excludes the harbors and ports of the Kingdom of Spain and the Federal Republic of Yosai, as well as associated islands in the Strait of Adventuraza.
III. A moratorium on the exploitation of maritime resources 12 nm from any coastlines as long as the territory remains without defined sovereignty, will exist.
IV. The Kingdom of Spain will be recognized as having exclusive rights for the exploitation of maritime resources conducted within 12 nm from its coastlines, but will not have sovereignty over this area.
V. The Federal Republic of Yosai will be recognized as having exclusive rights for the exploitation of maritime resources conducted within 12 nm from its coastlines, but will not have sovereignty over this area.
SECTION II: On a Final Settlement
I. Upon the creation of a final settlement on the ultimate sovereignty of the Strait of Adventuranza, agreed to by both the Kingdom of Spain and the Federal Republic of Yosai, this motion will be made null and void, and will be superceded by said final settlement.
While I understand little has happened, the arrival of Reitzmic troops in the Strait of Adventuraza has made me concerned over the possibility of a greater war over this issue. In order to prevent an outbreak of violence, I have thus presented this motion.
Iras Tilkanas
Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen