Ruthenish Neutrality Motion
I second this request. It has come to my attention not everyone in the chamber has made up their mind yet on this matter.
Helhuan Ziharuthstukur
EU Councilor, Ruthund -
Debate will be extended until 07:45 GMT on October 11th, 2020.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista -
I have taken great care examining the relevant documents and have come to the same conclusion as Councillors Falk and Michel - that a member-state recognizing the UNSR does not violate the Condemnation of the Coup in Icholasen and that recognition in general does not violate neutrality.
Since the Condemnation chooses to differentiate between "The European Union" and "EU Member-states", I have no choice but to follow the intent of the author in that Section 1, Clause 1 of the Condemnation is intended to apply to the organization as a whole and not to individual member-states.
This also means rejecting the Speaker's interpretation of Article 1, Section 1, Clause 1 of the European Constitution. Member-states are "the European Union" collectively, not individually. Ruthund is not the European Union and cannot recognize the UNSR on behalf of the entire organization, as only the Council can do that. The Council makes decisions for the European Union as an entity, national governments do not, and thus, cannot violate the Condemnation in that way.
Moving on to the Right of Neutrality, I see nothing in that Article that Ruthund has violated. The Article makes no mention of recognizing governments, which by itself shouldn't violate neutrality anyway - recognition does not create or even imply cooperation or alliance. Ruthund isn't working with the UNSR, just recognizing its sovereignty.
Therefore, the Union of Duxburian Dominions is inclined to support Ruthund's status as a neutral state.
Wesley Greene
Councillor of the Duxburian Union -
Illegal do you say Mr. Freund? Are you even losing you own mind? The ECoJ case on the Kingdom of Reitzmag has proven that the ECoJ has a wrong justice system. Those justices at the time of the case gave a verdict of guilty. That is contrary to your beliefs that my country did not violate the condemnation act when HM George I recognized the UNSR publicly. But now you're telling me that what we've done was illegal and what Ruthund, Inquista, and Gallorum has done aren't? You must be insane Mr. Freund and Mr. Michel.
I am an advocate of my country joining the EU but with such words I am forced to ask this institution. What is wrong with you? We give you millions of Euros for a budget and you're asking us for more using an ECoJ case with a wrong decision due to misinterpretation of the law. I am telling you all right now, withdraw your decision or we will leave the EU.
Friedrich van Allen
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag -
I am sorry to be so blunt, but why exactly are we discussing this here? This has absolutely nothing to do with the neutrality motion, truly nothing. Please stay on topic; ask the Court of Justice for an appeal if you are so inclined. The European Council has absolutely no jurisdiction over these matters. We cannot in any way "withdraw our decision," nor can we force the ECoJ to.
As for my beliefs - and those of the ECoJ - they are not in any way contradictory. One can recognize the UNSR as much as one wants to - but one cannot engage in military trade agreements with it, as Reitzmag did. Those of us who agree with this interpretation, a group which include the very author of the condemnation, are, as such, consistent, logical, and not in any way insane.
I must once again ask you to stop.
Eugen Freund
Councillor for the Federal Republic of Austria -
I echo the statements made by Councilor Freund. I have no opinion on this issue, however I find it somewhat self-serving that Councilor Van Allen is redirecting the conversation to his own country. If he truly wants a proper discussion on this matter, I suggest he picks another time and not this meeting.
Helhuan Ziharuthstukur
EU Councilor, Ruthund -
I kindly direct Councillor van Allen to the European Constitution:
I. The European Court of Justice is the supreme judicial authority of and in the European Union.
Supreme - the Court's interpretations of European law overrule whatever opinions the rest of us may have. The Council has no judicial power anyway and yes it's totally irrelevant to the topic at hand.
Wesley Greene
Councillor of the Duxburian Union -
Therefore Mr. Greene, the ECoJ has decided that the interpretation of the Condemnation act shall require all member-states to not recognize the UNSR or they may be taken to the ECoJ. Well then, it seems I have I think 3 countries to take to the ECoJ.
Friedrich van Allen
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag -
You are ranting, Councillor van Allen. Your country made a military trade agreement with the UNSR, and for that it was fined. Ruthund has not done so; it has only recognized the UNSR, and thus is free of crime.
Please pay closer attention to the rulings of the ECoJ, as well as to what we have been repeating endlessly to you for the past few days.
Eugen Freund
Councillor for the Federal Republic of Austria -
Voting on this motion begins NOW and end at 06:45 GMT on October 15th, 2020.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Spain, I ABSTAIN on this motion.
Donald D. Tusk
Councillor for Spain -
I am FOR this motion
On behalf of the Kingdom of Fremet, I vote FOR this motion.
Charles Michel
Councillor for the Kingdom of Fremet -
On behalf of the Republic of Nofoaga, I vote AGAINST this motion.
Mrs. Paul-Gabrielle Muzhare
EU Councilor for the Republic of Nofoaga -
On behalf of the Most Blessed State of Inquista, I vote AGAINST this neutrality motion.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista -
On behalf of the Federal Republic of Austria, I vote FOR this motion.
Eugen Freund
Councillor for the Federal Republic of Austria -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Montenbourg, I ABSTAIN on this motion.
Emma Granger
Councillor for Montenbourg -
On behalf of the United Kingdoms of Mennrimiak i vote FOR this motion.
Adam Karlssen
Councillor for Mennrimiak -
On behalf of the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia, I vote FOR this motion.
Václav Kohout
Councillor for Czech Slavia -
On behalf of the Archrepublic of Vayinaod, I, vote FOR this motion.
Carita Falk